The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 178 Little Mischief

The woman actually wanted to escape, but she was helpless because her clothes were tightly caught by the branches, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free. She could only lie on the ground like a lamb with a cub, and soon Tang Hao chased after him. past.

The woman in white covered her face tightly, as if she didn't want others to see it. Tang Hao grabbed her wrist and pulled it hard, and the woman's face appeared clearly in front of him.

Good guy, this woman who pretends to be a ghost is actually a top beauty, it's a little unexpected, in this place where birds don't shit 243, you can meet such a beautiful woman, which makes Tang Hao a little bit. happy.

It has been so long since he came to the fantasy world. Tang Hao has met two women in total. The first is Xiaoqing, his younger sister, and the other is the woman in front of him. Xiaoqing is naturally Xiaojiabiyu, pure and lovely, but this woman Fascinating looking.

The two women are of different types. Although both looks can make people give thumbs up, this woman in white is clearly superior, with a peach blossom in the corner of her eyes. It must be a man who can't move his legs when he sees it (cabf) .

Tang Hao took a deep breath, eased his tone, and said to the woman.

"This place is so gloomy, don't you feel scared in your heart if you pretend to be a ghost here? It's going to be another woman, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to come to such a place at night!

After all, how can a beautiful woman be rude when she talks to a beautiful woman, Tang Hao is a typical gentleman, and naturally he should be gentle when talking to a beautiful woman.

At this time, Tang Hai also saw the appearance of this woman, she couldn't help sighing and said.

"It's no wonder that others say that beauty is a disaster. She looks so good-looking, but she acts like a ghost here. Don't you want to hurt people?!"

The woman saw that she had been exposed, and she didn't want to continue to pretend, she sniffed and felt aggrieved.

"Since you all already know my true identity, then let me go, I didn't scare you, that's because I have no ability, I just want to play a prank, please let me go, I have to go back late. Now, my parents are going to blame me..."

A prank? Tang Hao frowned. He expressed that he didn't believe this woman's explanation. This woman was a coquettish type, and she didn't look like a prankster.

Generally, women who love mischief are eccentric with long cameras, and only the naughty little clever ghosts can play pranks, and how can a woman of his type play pranks?

Besides, which parent would let their daughter go out in the middle of the night, now it's past 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.

"If you don't tell the truth, I will never let you go. Your identity is very suspicious. In order to prevent you from hurting others, we must arrest you, but the premise is that if you tell the truth, I will I can consider letting you go!"

Tang Hao said this, the woman in white was about to cry, and her big watery eyes were full of tears. Tang Hao was most afraid of this move. He quickly turned his head away. Annoying, as long as you don't see this woman cry, everything else is easy to talk about.

"Two eldest brothers, I really did not expect that a small prank would bring such serious consequences!

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