The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 179 The Beauty of the Monster Race

The woman paused for a moment, almost speaking with a cry.

"As long as you are willing to let me go, I promise not to come out to be scary anymore, I just work too hard every day in the farm work, I don't want to be so boring, I didn't expect to stab such a big basket, the two elder brothers will forgive me Go! 35

The more she talks, the more reliable she is. What kind of farm work is she doing? Her hands are extremely moist and crystal clear.

Tang Hao is not so easy to fool, Tang Hao thought for a while, if he guessed correctly, there should be no one around here, and her so-called parents should be just an excuse.

This woman in white is so beautiful, from the prank at the beginning to the now full of lies, what secrets does she have to hide? Could it be that this secret is so secret?

The more the woman in white lied, the more Tang Hao wanted to pull out all the conspiracies behind it. Tang Hao smiled and looked back at Tang Hai and said.

"Tang Hai, I remember you had a rope on your body before you set off, take it out now, and tie this woman to me, I don't believe she doesn't tell the truth! 35

Tang Hai hesitated for a while, this is a woman, two men tied a woman in the middle of the night, what is that? But Tang Hao has already said so, and Tang Hai can only do it.

Seeing Tang Hai take out the rope, the woman panicked. She kept begging for mercy, but she kept lying in the process of begging for mercy, which made Tang Hao doubt her even more. The legendary monster~.

Tang Hai said before that the demon clan is very low-key. It was only discovered 50 years ago that this group exists. This woman has always refused to admit her true identity. This is exactly the same as the demon clan's style.

If the women of the demon clan were all so beautiful, it would make Tang Hao more interested in this mysterious demon clan. Soon the woman was tied up by Wu Hua Da. Although she looked a little embarrassed, her beauty remained the same.

Having caught this woman, Tang Hao was no longer going to go any further. He found a cave and lit a bonfire. Under the bonfire, the woman sat shivering in the corner. The terrified expression on her face made her The facial features are more beautiful.

··0 Flowers...  

Tang Hao dropped a pot of water in front of the woman, and the woman turned her head away, not intending to drink it. At this time, Tang Hao eased his tone and said.

"Although we have tied you up, we have no ill intentions. As long as you can tell the truth, I can let you go immediately if you call me in. Are you from the demon clan?"

When Tang Hao said these words, not only the woman in front of him, but even Tang Hai was stunned, Tang Hai couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Brother Tang Hao, what did you just say? You said that this woman is a demon clan, how is this possible? As far as I know, the people of the demon clan are very ugly! 35

Tang Hao snorted coldly.

"Tang Hai, Tang Hai, you said that the people of the demon clan are ugly, how did you know this, whether you saw it with your own eyes or someone told you, let me tell you, things you haven't seen with your own eyes. , but it cannot be generalized!”

Xiao Tanghai thought for a while, what Big Brother Tang Hao said also made sense. After all, he has never seen what the monster clan looks like, and how can he come to a conclusion if he has not seen it with his own eyes? People.

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