Xiaobai shivered and looked at Tang Hao, Tang Hao looked confident, but for Xiaobai, Tang Hao was just daydreaming, knowing that a monster of that size is not something that ordinary people can contend with, Xiaobai felt in his heart. Acknowledging that Tang Hao is indeed a very powerful person, but in front of such a monster, no matter how powerful people are, they can't resist.

You must know that the monster's volume is dozens of times larger than Tang Hao, maybe hundreds of times. Faced with such a huge difference, is Tang Hao really confident that he can win?

"Tang Hao, I know that you have always been very confident, and I also know that you have this confidence in capital, but it matters a lot. Now you are not fighting alone. Your life includes both of us. Now It's three lives, if you really want to compete with that monster, I advise you to think about it carefully, anyway, I won't stay here any longer!"

This is the first time Xiaobai has proposed to walk alone. Although she hasn't said where he is going, Tang Hao can't help but be surprised. This woman is in the middle of the night. In such a dangerous place, where can she go? ?

Before Tang Hao could speak, Tang Hai, who was beside him, immediately echoed.

"Brother Tang Wu, it's not that I want to betray you, I just think what Xiaobai said is true, now our lives are the most precious, only if we keep our lives can we see the queen's beauty, I decided Walk with Xiaobai, Xiaobai is most familiar with this place, and there must be a way to live with Xiaobai!

When he heard Tang Hai also say such words, Tang Hao couldn't help it. He raised his hand and slapped Tang Hai's face heavily, and Tang Hai flew almost three meters. From this distance, it can be seen that Tang Hao's slap took a lot of strength, Tang Hai was blindfolded, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Xiaobai on the side didn't react for a long time. After getting along for so long, it was the first time Xiaobai saw Tang Hao being rough. At first, he thought Tang Hao was strong, but he had a good temper, so Tang Hai dared to be unscrupulous. Just kidding with Tang Hao, but now it seems that Tang Hao's temper is good, but there are times when he explodes.

Before Tang Hai got up from the ground, Tang Hao looked at him fiercely and said word by word.

"You bastard, have you forgotten how you promised me at the beginning? I pulled you out of the prison, who was dying, and you promised to be a cow and a horse to serve me in the future, although I never let you You've been a cow and a horse, but at least you can't drop the chain at a critical moment, just because a monster appeared, you're going to leave me and leave?"

Tang Hai's entire body was covered in a circle for 290 minutes at this time. Because Tang Hao's strength was too great, he felt like he was about to be hit by a slap and concussion. He took a deep breath, pitiful. said.

"Brother Tang Hao, I really don't know why you are so angry, this is the first time you hit me, I really don't know why, is it just for what I said just now? It's just a trick, I thought you'd agree to go with us if you say that!

Tang Hai really thought so, after all, he couldn't leave Tang Hao alone, to be honest, he couldn't live without Tang Hao, he just wanted everyone to leave together.

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