The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 217 Nasal Soreness

Seeing that Tang Hao was unmoved, Tang Hai paused for a while and continued to speak piercingly.

"Brother Tang Hao, I haven't been with you for a day or two, don't you know who I am? I really don't plan to leave alone, I really just want you to go with us, you Why do you have such a heavy hand?"

Tang Hai began to cry aggrievedly while talking. It stands to reason that a big man shouldn't cry, but at this moment, his grievance has reached a certain peak. If he doesn't vent, he feels that he is afraid will go crazy.

Seeing Tang Hai crying so sadly, Xiao Bai on the side couldn't bear it anymore, Xiao Bai took a deep breath and calmed down his tone.

"Tang Hao, I also don't think there is anything wrong with Tang Hai. You are indeed going too far when you hit such a heavy load. Otherwise, let's not leave the three of us, just follow what you said, so that we will be together. I don't believe that three stooges are no match for one Zhuge Liang."!"

Xiaobai now understands what kind of person Tang Hao is. Tang Hao is a very confident and powerful person, so when encountering any difficulties, this guy will never give up easily and let him escape , is clearly more difficult than killing him.

To tell the truth, things have developed to this point. Rather than any infighting, it is better to work together to deal with that monster.

Tang Hai no longer has any hope at this moment. Since we want to face it together, we should face it together. Anyway, Tang Hao is not afraid of death. What is there to be afraid of when he is a nobody? Tang Hai stumbled from Climbing up on the ground, he took a deep breath and said word by word.

"Brother Tang Hao, maybe you think my behavior just now is a bit cowardly, but I have made a decision now, since you are not afraid of what I have to fear, your strength and financial resources are far above mine, like you No one is afraid anymore, if I'm afraid again, wouldn't it be too cowardly, since that's the case, let's face it together!"

After saying these words, Tang Hai walked over slowly, blood was still flowing from the corners of his mouth and nose, looking at Tang Hai's appearance, Tang Hao couldn't help but regret a little, to be honest, just now He was indeed a little too impulsive, so it didn't matter what he did. If he had to use a little more force, Tang Hai would be dead by now.

To be honest, even if Tang Hai really chooses to leave, it is Tang Hai's own business, why should he do such a heavy hand, if Xiao Zhu really dies, Tang Hao will definitely regret it.

Tang Hao gently patted Tang Hai's shoulder, he eased his tone, and said earnestly.

"" `You know so many people, why do I take you by my side? That's because I think you have a bright future, so I decided to focus on training (promised) You know you are timid, so I have been Exercise your courage, but when I heard what you said just now, I really couldn't help it, if you really choose to admit counseling, then you will not only betray yourself, but also live up to my expectations!"

For the first time in a long time, Tang Hao said these words to Tang Hai earnestly and earnestly. Tang Hai felt that his nose was a little sour. Brother Tang Hao was indeed doing it for his own good, but he kept letting him go again and again. He was disappointed.

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