Good guy, does this monster think that he can avoid Tang Hao's detection by being a little lighter? He is simply over his head, has he forgotten that he is so huge?

But Tang Hao is really calm enough. He clearly heard the footsteps of the monster, but he continued to walk forward without looking back. When the footsteps got closer, the blue veins on Tang Hao's arms appeared. All protruding, this guy is actually like "two nine zero", so don't blame him for being ruthless.

Soon, Tang Hao felt a hot air and a stench behind him. This was the monster's breath. It seemed that the monster was going to swallow him in one bite. In this case, he should endure the temporary nausea.

After all, the armor on this monster is very hard. Tang Hao must start from his mouth or inside to kill him smoothly. Although it is only my mouth that stinks, this is a helpless move. I want a quick solution. Just have to endure this disgust.

Tang Hao continued to walk forward, the stench became heavier and heavier, and soon the monster opened its mouth wide and swallowed Tang Hao into his mouth. When the monster showed a proud expression, Tang Hao Hao almost vomited in the monster's mouth.

Tang Hao immediately tore off his sleeves and covered his mouth and nose. He really didn't want to smell this unpleasant smell. In the monster's mouth, Tang Hao vigorously raised the sharp point. With a long stone, he clenched the sword-like stone with both hands, and stabbed the monster's tongue heavily.

This time, the monster went completely crazy. He kept hitting the ground with his head, and the monster probably couldn't guess what was going on in his mouth.

Tang Hao only felt that the world was spinning. He also knew that the monster was hitting his head hard. Since Tang Hao had already come, he would definitely not give up so easily.

Tang Hao covered his reputation. He followed this monster's embassy all the way down, and soon came to this monster's stomach. This monster's stomach was really uncomfortable. His stomach was full of It was an unknown green liquid that was thick and smelly, Tang Hao felt that he was really sick to a certain level.

In order to get rid of such an environment as soon as possible, Tang Hao raised the weapon in his hand without hesitation and stabbed the monster's stomach. At the same time, Tang Hao's strength was so great that he himself broke through. This monster's stomach..0

The monster fell heavily to the ground because of the huge pain in its body. It kept rolling on the ground, and the unknown stomach capacity in its stomach was leaking everywhere.

Tang Hao guessed that the monster's vitality must be very strong, so just piercing his stomach shouldn't cause him any harm. Anyway, he has done it, so let's go straight to his heart without doing it.

Tang Hao found his heart by following the blood vessels in the monster's body. My dear, this monster's heart is only 1.5 of the size of a peanut, which is really surprising. To know that such a large animal at least has a heart as big as a human being, but this guy's heart is only the size of a peanut, which is really confusing.

But this is also a good thing for Tang Hao, since his heart is only the size of peanuts, then crushing his heart directly is done.

Tang Hao flicked lightly with his hand first.

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