Tang Hao obviously found that when he gently flicked the peanut-sized heart with his hand, the monster made an earth-shattering wailing sound. It seems that his heart is his weakest place. Tang Hao deeply took a breath.

"I'm sorry, I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it!"9

After saying this, Tang Hao grabbed the peanut-sized heart, pinched it with his fingers, and the heart shattered in his hand. Overwhelmed with pain, Tang 20 Hao immediately broke through his skin and came to the outside world.

When he breathed the freshest air, Tang Hao finally felt at ease. This fresh air was long gone. Compared with the body of the suffocated monster, this place was simply heaven and earth.

Tang Hao's body was also stained with a lot of liquid. At this moment, he couldn't control so much. Looking back, he saw that the monster was dying on the ground. Although his chest was still heaving, he was dying soon.

Tang Hao silently stood aside, he silently put the weapon in his hand on the ground, he didn't want to see this scene more than anyone else, but there was no way, not everything in the world could make him wishful.

The monster lasted for about two minutes and then completely lost his breath. At this moment, he was lying on the ground as calmly as a mountain. Tang Hao walked past him and patted his eyelids lightly. Without any awareness, Tang Hao sighed and ran towards the place where Xiaobai Tanghai left just now.

When the three met again, Xiaobai was still crying.

But when the woman saw that Tang Hao had returned safely, she showed a tearful smile again.

"Brother Tang Hao, you're back, we heard a series of screams just now, our hearts are in our throats, fortunately you are all right, otherwise what should we do?! 35

Tang Hai was so anxious that he almost burst into tears. At this time, Tang Hao looked at his body, his body exuded a stench, Tang Hao said with a smile.

"Who said I'm fine, look at my look, for someone like me who is obsessed with cleanliness, life is better than death now, if you two still have a conscience, hurry up and find me two clothes to change!

Tang Hai looked around, but it was empty. Where could he find a change of clothes? Besides, they had already lost a lot of luggage they had taken away from the Terran during their rushing along the way.

Xiaobai wiped her tears, she was naturally useful as a woman at this time.

"How about this, I have three clothes on, I'll take one of mine and put it on for you temporarily. I know that you have a habit of cleanliness, so you can do it first!"

Hearing what Xiaobai said, Tang Hao instinctively rejected Xiaobai. How could Tang Hao, a dignified man, wear women's clothes? That would definitely make people laugh out loud.

"Forget your clothes, there should be places like rivers around, I'll just go and wash them, now it's about to light up, there shouldn't be any danger, the monsters during the day are not very lethal. , you can rest assured!"

Tang Hao continued to move towards the southeast as he spoke. That location was not only the center of the demon clan, but Tang Hao also felt that there should be a river there, and he had to clean it up immediately.

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