The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 270 - 40 degrees below zero

When he heard Xiaobai raise such a question, Tang Hao's heart sank. To be honest, he had already guessed that Xiaobai would make such a request, but he did not expect that Xiaobai would suddenly make such a request.

When I was in the Demon Race and Human Race, the leaders there also raised this question, and Tang Hao rejected them without hesitation. After all, these people are all men, and it is only natural for a man to refuse a man.” "But there is a beautiful woman in front of him, Tang Hao really can't help but refuse Xiaobai.

However, Tang Hao still maintained his sobriety at this moment, he coughed twice, and then said.

"Although I think I should agree to your request, I don't want to disappoint you. It is impossible for me to stay. Of course, I will always have you in my heart. I hope you will not lose sleep over these things. Is it worth it…”

To be honest, Xiaobai didn't have much hope at all, but when Tang Hao said such a rejection, Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little sad. She was about to say something when suddenly The two heard Tang Hai's weak voice.

"Brother Tang Wu, where are you?"

Tang Hao turned around and entered the hole without hesitation. At this moment, his behavior can be regarded as an escape. Although facing the most powerful enemy, Tang Hao has never retreated, but when facing Xiaobai, Tang Hao can only escape.

"What's wrong?"

At first, he thought there was something wrong with Tang Hai, but when he came in, Tang Hai heaved a sigh of relief. When he woke up and found that there was no one around him, he first felt that he had been abandoned. After all, he is now a person with limited mobility, and it is excusable to be abandoned.

"Brother Tang Hao, I thought you two left by yourself, and left me here alone. Fortunately, you didn't leave. It seems that I thought too much..."

At this time, Xiaobai also walked in. Xiaobai's heart was full of anger. Hearing Tang Hai guessing about them, Xiaobai was even more unhappy. Xiaobai snorted coldly and said angrily.

"You guy is really not at ease. We have worked so hard for you, dragged you here, and served you delicious food, but you think we will abandon you to you. In my mind, are Tang Hao and I such unkind people? We're not that bad, are we?

Tang Hai was stunned all of a sudden. He didn't know what bomb this woman had eaten, and why he was so angry when he rushed in. As a straight man of steel, Tang Hai definitely didn't know what happened outside just now. He said aggrievedly..0

"I know I'm going too far, I shouldn't guess like this, you are kind, I apologize to you, but I'm still very surprised that you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you running outside? The temperature outside is now It has reached minus 40 degrees, so you are not afraid of colds when you are outside like this?" 9

1.5 The two of them became embarrassed all of a sudden. After all, it's a matter of their children's private affairs. How could they be so embarrassed to say it?

Tang Hao coughed a little awkwardly, then said.

"You guy, take care of yourself first, as for our business, you don't have to worry about it, it's alright, it's still before dawn, hurry up and go to bed, but don't you recover when it's time to set off All right!"

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