Under such preconditions, the three of them went to bed separately this night, but Tang Hao couldn't sleep. When he thought of what Xiaobai had said to him before, he felt full of guilt. How do you treat this woman?

With such a thought, Tang Hao woke up early in the morning on the second day, and Xiaobai got some wild fruits and some soup for breakfast.

Needless to say, it’s good to have a woman by your side. You don’t have to worry about what you want to eat every morning. You have delicious food in front of you as soon as you open your eyes. I’m afraid Tang Hao doesn’t want to change it for any amount of money. , But it was only at that time, Tang Hao knew that such a good situation would not last long.

Tang Hao is also a relatively open-minded person. He knows that it is not a bad thing to only want to have once and not to care about how long it is, so naturally he will not remember this scene deeply in his mind.

Seeing that Tang Hao and Xiao Zhou had woken up, Xiao Bai smiled sweetly, shaking the food in her hand, and said with a smile.

"It seems that my prediction is not bad. By the time I get these foods back, you should all be awake, hurry up and eat something!"

When have two big men ever been treated like this, so both of them felt a little incredible, and Xiao Zhou was even more flattered. He didn't expect that Xiao Bai had even prepared his own share.

While eating breakfast, Tang Hao looked at Xiao Zhou and asked in a low voice.

"How is the injury on your leg? Is it better? Don't put too much pressure on yourself, anyway, we decided yesterday that we won't start today, so you still have a whole day to rest today, I see you This leg has all been swollen, and if there is no accident, I should be able to start normally tomorrow."

The injury on Xiao Zhou's leg has indeed improved a lot. Yesterday, it was swollen like a pig's foot. Today, most of it has disappeared. Anyway, this is good news. In the current situation, as long as everyone It's all good, that's the luck of the misfortune.

Xiao Zhou tried to move his foot, although the pain was still very obvious, but at least he himself felt much better than yesterday, Xiao Zhou took a deep breath and then said.

"Brother Tang Hao, don't worry, I am much better today than yesterday, I know that everyone cares about me very much, so I am also trying to rest, I am not trying to be lazy, I really want to keep up with everyone immediately footsteps.

Tang Hao found a problem. Since Xiao Zhou changed his mind, he has become very cautious. He often makes some explanations for his behavior. Even if others don't misunderstand him, he will keep explaining, so Be careful, it really makes everyone not used to the 320.

Xiaobai on the side smiled helplessly. Xiaobai is a careful girl, so Xiaobai also discovered this wonderful detail. It seems that there is really a prodigal son in the world. Xiaozhou is a typical example. .

"Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, if you were so sensible in the past, we would not have become a pair of enemies. Now you are so good, we are like a real family, progressing and retreating together, no one I'll blame you, understand?"

Xiao Zhou nodded gratefully, he really felt very embarrassed for his previous behavior.

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