0153 Three seniors give Genmao a memorial (3/10, please subscribe!)

When did Su Xin suffer this kind of grievance? “”, he practiced Fajutsu magic powers and so on, he copied it directly from the foundation of others’ assiduous practice.

There was one time when I saw Su Xin who was determined to comprehend the magical powers and magic, before in the territory of the demon clan, he was also sorting and merging his own talents and abilities, not as an ascetic monk.

It stands to reason that, being used to this once-and-for-all approach, Su Xin should have a hard time accepting the time spent practicing hard.

But now Su Xin, who was sitting in front of the Fengshen Stele, seemed calm and patient, without any impatience at all.

He has been sitting in front of the stone monument for a month, and his body has not moved a bit like an old monk, and his eyes are also staring at the Fengshen stone monument in front of him, day and night.

“Judging from the fact that this kid has used so many supernatural powers and combined with his age, this kid has a very high understanding. But if you want to fully understand the “Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Training Divine Art”, it is impossible to work in one year.” Shanyao At the place, the monkey picked up a pot of spirit wine and drank it happily, the one who spoke was Snake Girl.

It was only a year of effort, but in their eyes, it was like a fleeting moment.

After listening to Snake Girl’s words, the monkey pondered for a while, and then suddenly said: “I want to pass on my “Great Ape Heaven 287 God Duantian Stick Shadow to this kid.

The snake girl and the big bear were both startled, and then their expressions were somewhat silent.

“This kid is going to participate in the next emperor-level trial. I don’t know when it will be. You all know that it is Laozi’s turn. The chance of Laozi surviving is only 30%.” The monkey said something inexplicable, but his expression was Very free and easy, as if what should come will come.

“Let’s talk about it when he understands the Stone Monument.” The Snake Girl sighed, but as soon as she finished speaking, Mei Mu was startled and looked at Su Xin.

I saw that a hammer-shaped phantom suddenly appeared above Su Xin’s heavenly spirit cover and hit Su Xin’s Primordial Spirit violently away.

Impossible “! It takes only one month to understand the thousand-strengthening Divine Refinement Art? How is this possible?” The Snake Girl was completely shocked, she knew how obscure and incomprehensible this Thousand Diving Divine Divinity Artifact was.

But this kid can eat it all in just one month?

How could she know that if Su Xin really used her current talent to comprehend this dharma, it would indeed take a year or so, and maybe she would be stuck at some obscure point, and it would take longer.

But Su Xin has the Eye of All Laws, and now it is an advanced level. With this special talent and ability to assist Su Xin, Su Xin’s savvy seems to be irrelevant at all.

With the help of the Eye of All Laws, Su Xin was able to initially comprehend this thousand-strengthening magic in just one month.

It’s just that it is extremely painful to practice this method of training the soul. As its name is similar, it is the soul that tempers one’s own soul. During this process, you must insist on not letting your mind collapse and endure the endless soul. God’s Pain, let your Primordial Spirit be sublimated after exercise, improve Primordial Spirit’s power in essence, not superficially enhance Primordial Spirit’s power.

This method is used for the essence of the primordial spirit. If the essence is strong, then how can the power of the primordial spirit be weakened, and the great pain during the exercise also consumes Su Xin’s will, and also has the effect of training the will.

Therefore, there will be the effect of enhancing the power of willpower.

This series of benefits broke out, and Su Xin had to grit his teeth and continue to practice even if it was a lot of pain.

The three monkeys did not bother Su Xin immediately, but just watched each other and began to exercise their Yuanshen.

During this wait, their eyes gradually became unexpected, stunned, and unexpected. Su Xin’s first exercise of Yuanshen lasted for two months.

For the past two months, Su Xin has been prudently tempering the essence of Yuanshen.

It is as if Su Xin’s Yuanshen is likened to a layer of iron, which has reached a hundred layers, a thousand layers, a million layers, and a million layers under constant tempering. This is to essentially increase the strength of Su Xin’s Yuanshen.

In this way, the benefits of the income will be enormous.

Su Xin knows that the powerful way of Yuanshen that he has been looking for, he has now found it!

Yuanshen will reach a level of balance with his own strength and defense. According to Su Xin’s own standards, Su Xin will truly have no shortcomings!


After the first exercise, Su Xin fell into a deep sleep for about ten days, and when he opened his eyes again, he was full of radiance, and his soul was clear and clear, and there was no trace of impurities in it.

The improvement of the essence of Yuanshen makes Su Xin in the middle stage of Sendai suddenly come to the late stage of Sendai, but there is still a distance from the realm of saints.

“Good boy, you really gave us another big surprise.” The Snake Girl immediately came to Su Xin’s side with a look of emotion when she saw that Su Xin was awake.

“There are three seniors to protect the younger generation.” Su Xin got up and gave a junior salute.

“The three of me are also boring here, and they are not Dharma protectors.” The snake girl smiled.

“Boy, do you want to learn Laozi’s “The Great Ape God of Heaven” It’s not big.” The monkey is a straight character, and he said directly.

“If you want to learn, please senior teach me!” Su Xin replied loudly with no conscience.

Seeing this, the monkey also showed a smile.

For the next seven days, Su Xin followed the monkey to learn his stick skills. The monkey was a monster. Su Xin couldn’t tell, and felt that the other party’s genetic level might not lose to the emperor level.

But unfortunately, although he won the previous battle, he failed to cause any injuries to the three and was unable to collect blood.

This month, Monkey also stopped teaching the stick method. Su Xin learned how to master the stick method by himself. I don’t know how easy it is.

“It’s time for you to leave.” On this day, after seeing Su Xin practicing the stick technique, Monkey nodded, but said melancholy.

At the same time, Snake Girl and Big Bear also appeared behind Su Xin.

“Little guy, I have a fate with you. I will give you this soul-fixing bead.” The snake girl opened her sandalwood mouth and spit out a black bead.

“Incorporating it into the primordial spirit can strengthen the defense of the primordial spirit.” The snake girl explained.

Big Bear said nothing.

Su Xin pondered for a second, then took Dinghunzhu’s subordinates, and immediately said with a face of reluctance: “It is an honor for the junior to spend these few months with the three seniors, and now we are going to separate, can the three seniors follow me? Hair for juniors?”

“What do you want hair for?”

“Seeing things and thinking people!” Su Xin said seriously.

The three looked at each other, but a hair was naturally nothing, and immediately felt that this kid was a little weird in terms of personality.

“Laozi will give you a pinch of hair, don’t insult Laozi’s stick technique after you go out.” The monkey took the lead and plucked a pinch of steel hair and threw it to Su Xin.

The snake girl has hair, and the big bear has several hairs.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the emperor-level madness gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?”

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the emperor-level soul essence gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?”

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the emperor-level earth element gene was obtained, is it fusion now?

Su Xin smiles from ear to ear!

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