0154 Back to the human race, Shaodi Su Xin, no one knows [4/10, please subscribe! 】

“Heh, the fusion of the emperor-level maddening gene is successful, and the innate ability to awaken: maddening.”

“Ding, the fusion of the emperor-level soul cloud gene is successful, and the innate ability is awakened: attracting the soul.”

“Yes, the fusion of the emperor-level earth element genes has been successful, but the innate ability has not been awakened. The level of his own genes has been improved.

After coming out of the Fengshen Emperor Palace, Su Xin non-stop merged the three emperor-level genes in the human race palace in the ruins of Fengshen.

Su Xin originally thought that he could directly advance to the Saint Realm in one breath, but he did not expect to integrate the three emperor-level genes, and he was able to complete Sendai. The gene level is the emperor level. If Su Xin is a god-level gene when he fuses the three emperor-level genes, then he will definitely enter the realm of saints directly.

This is even better. It shows that Su Xin’s background has been continuously improved with the genetic level, and maybe he will really wait until he enters the realm of the Great Sage to be able to kill the Great Emperor cultivator.

In addition, the innate ability is also very powerful. The innate ability of madness is naturally similar to that of burning blood, and the two do not overlap, but can overlap. If it is said that Su Xin’s blood burning can explode several times of combat power, So now coupled with the madness, perhaps with his current background, he can explode dozens of times of combat power!

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for Su Xin.

Inspiring the soul, this is the soul-related innate ability, Su Xin thought that maybe it could be combined with the innate abilities of the ‘Soul Locking Seal’, “One Finger”, “Mirror Flower Water Moon” and other related innate abilities.

As for the unawakened innate ability of the gene from the big bear, Su Xin will not be disappointed. The ability to awaken talent is to look at the face, and Su Xin has integrated the genes of the three, and can completely transform into the body of the three.

If he transforms his true spirit into the bear’s body, he will naturally use his powerful defensive abilities, coupled with his various defensive talents, Su Xin’s defense will reach a level that makes him feel incredible.

The great sages such as Shi Yuan of the human race did not leave early, but waited here for Su Xin to be tested in the Emperor’s Palace, and also sent a message to the human race to send a few more great sage-level characters from the human race, just because they were worried about Su Xin On the way back to the human race, they will be attacked and killed by the hostile race.

As soon as the Tianjiao Conference is over, it naturally means that the temporarily designated rules will not take effect. Su Xin is the first Tianjiao of all tribes. On the surface, he is amazed and admired by all tribes. There may be a lot of alien powers that have been strangled in the cradle.

The human race is not stupid. Su Xin has become the first arrogant of all races. If he can really become the great emperor of this era, then the benefits of the human race will be enormous.

After Su Xin’s fusion of emperor-level genes is over, Zi Yuan and other great saints are ready to set off to return to the territory of the human race, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

Except for the two sisters of the Liu family and some geniuses from the Yaochi Holy Land, all the other Terran geniuses returned to the Human Race ahead of time, but Wang Tong didn’t go back, arguing that he wanted to return home with his senior brother Su.

The spirit boat flew into the air, flew away from the Emperor Fengshen Ruins, and headed towards the territory of the human race. As for the saints and the great saints who went to the Emperor Fengshen Palace for trials, the human race would not wait for them.

“Senior Brother Su, the list of the arrogance of all clans has come out, can you take a look at it?” On the spirit boat, Wang Tong smiled and handed Su Xin a scroll.

He glanced at it, and this list of 10,000 arrogances is from the top 10,000 of the million tens of thousands of arrogances. The first human race, Su Xin’, is three times larger than the one below. It is extremely eye-catching. Su Xin was very satisfied.

There is also a brief introduction of himself: Su Xin of the human race, who was a cultivator of the Celestial Phase Realm when he participated in the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference, was a blockbuster in the first round. Afterwards, in the end, with one enemy and three, showing the combat power far exceeding that of the monks of the same realm, he crushed the three young emperors, causing one death and two serious injuries, ranking first among all ethnic groups.

Well deserved!

“It’s alright.” After reading her introduction, Su Xin felt that it was very good, and then she didn’t look down.

“I heard that only half of the geniuses from all races came out alive from the Emperor Fengshen Palace like you.” At this time, the Saintess Xuan came over and said mysteriously in a low voice.

“There are so many more?” Su Xin was startled, feeling a little surprised.

His surprise left Saintess Tianxuan a little speechless, but he also apparently guessed that the trial of the Imperial Palace of Conferred Gods might be extremely dangerous.

“Now I know what you meant when you said that to me.” Saintess Tianxuan then changed the subject and said.

Wang Tong was very sensible and took the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao List and went to the side to study with the disciples of the Yaochi Holy Land.

Su Xin smiled, and then spoke to Saintess Tianxuan without saying a word.

The great saints of the human race escorted Su Xin back to the human race, and they were extremely careful along the way, for fear that there would be a sudden ambush by a powerful man of a hostile race. Fortunately, there were no surprises, and there were no twists and turns on the way back, so they arrived at Yaochi City safely.

Ask for flowers…0

“The Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference ended perfectly, my human race Su Xin won the first place, and I should be the young emperor! The young emperor Su Xin!”

“It’s a pity that my human Jian Chen, who is also the top genius of all races, died in the battle with the God Son of the Golden Clan, but the God Son of the Golden Clan has already been beheaded by the Young Emperor Su, which is also considered a revenge for this.

“Before the Tianjiao Conference began, there were ten young emperors, but in the end, the young emperor Su Xin crushed three young emperors with one enemy and three, and won the first throne without a doubt. It is just around the corner to prove the Dao and become an emperor!

Before Su Xin returned to the human race, all kinds of news had already come from the major cultivators of the human race. Today, Su Xin is completely unknown to everyone, even if you have never seen Su Xin. Appearance, but Shaodi Su Xin” can be deeply imprinted in their hearts.

In the Ziguang Pavilion of Yaochi City, Nangongya looked at her brother Nangong Hao angrily.

Nangong Hao’s talent is good in the human race, but in the ten thousand races, he has never even entered the top ten thousand.

“Sister, the above decided to contact Su Xin, after thinking about it, you are the best candidate. You have had contact with Su Xin before he rose, and Liu Yiling’s younger sister Liu Yiling, who is likely to become Su Xin’s Taoist companion. Xiaoxiao has a close relationship, and it is most suitable for you to come. You also know that my Ziguang Pavilion has always wanted to become the eleventh holy place of the human race, but due to the limited territory, other holy places also secretly obstructed, and there has been no way.

“He is the young emperor, and now he has a detached status in the human race. I don’t know how many young people of the human race admire him. How can I get in touch with him?” Nangong Yamei’s eyes showed a trace of obvious anger.

She didn’t want to use the relationship between herself and Liu Xiaoxiao because of her family’s relationship, and she wanted to catch up with Liu Xiaoxiao’s brother-in-law, the current young emperor Su Xin.

But with Su Xin’s current status, it is really difficult for her to contact her.

“Sister, you have been very smart since you were a child, and the business in the cabinet is stable and orderly. I heard that the young emperor Su Xin is very romantic and beautiful. If you can become his concubine…”

“Go out for me!” Nangong Ya stood up immediately and pointed at her brother, her mood fluctuated a little.

“Okay, I’ll go out first, you calm down.” Nangong Hao waved his hand quickly, and then walked out of the room with some helplessness.

There are not many people who have the idea of ​​”marriage” with Su Xin, such as the big human forces like Ziguang Pavilion.


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