The strange black creature suddenly crouched down and bit off his shadow like eating bread.

Under the light, his originally complete shadow was strangely missing a piece.

Wang Shuo was shocked. After the shadow was missing, he felt dizzy and stepped on nothing.

"My shadow... my shadow... how could this be..."

Wang Shuo reached out and grabbed it, muttering to himself in disbelief.

He moved to the side, and the remaining shadows moved with it, but the missing piece still could not be displayed.

"What the hell are you!?"

Wang Shuo looked horrified, and his feet moved backwards unconsciously until he leaned against the wall of the toilet.

A trace of black fear energy that he could not see escaped from him, blending into the darkness, and disappeared.

Evil spirit that eats shadows?

Wang Shuo swallowed his saliva and tried to force himself to calm down.

But the unknown fear still lingered in his heart, lingering.

Especially the strange black creature seemed to be teasing him deliberately, and kept showing him a strange smile.

Wang Shuo watched the strange black shadow creature grow a little bigger after eating his shadow.

Wang Shuo felt a little dry in his throat, and greater fear surrounded him.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to shout for help.

The strange black creature licked its teeth with its scarlet tongue as if it was going to taste something delicious, and under Wang Shuo's horrified eyes, it devoured his shadow completely.

Wang Shuo couldn't even make a cry for help. The moment his shadow disappeared, he closed his eyes and fell softly on the toilet, his life or death unknown.

At this time,

A strange human figure with the same body shape as an ordinary person, covered in black clothes, slowly walked out of the darkness, holding a dark green long knife in his hand.


The hand rose and the knife fell.

A big head rolled to the side like a ripe watermelon, spraying bright juice.

The man in black holding a dark green long knife casually threw a green dart, which pierced directly into Wang Shuo's forehead, and then disappeared with the shark creature on the ground that had become larger.

Everything was quiet, and no one noticed.

A moment later,

A chubby boy came to the toilet.

He whistled while unbuttoning his belt.

When he was about to drain the water, he suddenly felt something sticky under his feet.

The chubby boy frowned slightly and looked down.

Just one look made him instantly scared.

"Blood... blood..."

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the blood flow, and just saw a broken head, looking straight at him.

With a plop.

The chubby boy fell to the ground in shock, his body covered with scarlet blood, which looked shocking.

Then he rolled and crawled out of the toilet.

Then there was a heart-wrenching cry:



The shouting attracted the surrounding students to come and watch, and soon alarmed the nearby teachers.


"What, another student died, and in our Xingyue College!?"

In the principal's office, Wu Chuanqiong was shocked and confused.

The teacher who came to report nodded helplessly: "Yes, principal, he died in the boys' toilet..."

Wu Chuanqiong frowned tightly: "Boy? How did he die?"

"It was exactly the same as the previous case. The head was cut off, and there was a green dart on the forehead."

The teacher said slowly with a solemn expression.

Wu Chuanqiong frowned even more tightly now: "It's the same method as before... It seems that He has taken action again... Who is the dead student? What's his name?"

The teacher thought for a while and said: "The dead student is called Wang Shuo, not a freshman."

"Not a freshman?" Wu Chuanqiong rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "Go and start the corresponding investigation, I'll be there soon."

"Yes, principal."

The teacher nodded and turned away immediately.

After the teacher left, Wu Chuanqiong couldn't help but slammed the table, his eyes full of anger:

"You are getting more and more arrogant, you don't take me, the principal, seriously!"

"No matter who you are, I must catch you!"

Wu Chuanqiong stood up angrily and slammed the door and left.


"Have you heard that the head-cutting demon appeared again, this time inWe just started it in our college!"

"I heard about it, it's too scary... Even the school is not safe now..."

"I really envy you, you just heard about it, I went to see the scene and almost vomited my overnight meal..."

"That devil is too arrogant, he dared to start it in the school, isn't he afraid that the principal will catch him?"

"But now he has started it, and the principal hasn't caught him..."

"Don't say it, the principal is probably searching now, we must not act alone recently, especially in the men's bathroom, it's better not to go there."

"But what should I do if I have to pee..."

"The teacher just gave me a bottle, let's make do with it for now. ”


Every class was whispering quietly, and the students were terrified and frightened. They went in groups wherever they went, and never went to remote corners.

For fear of encountering the terrifying head-cutting demon, some people have even decided to ask for leave from school tomorrow and hide at home.

The whole campus was in complete panic.

The thing Wu Chuanqiong was most worried about happened uncontrollably.

He stood in the men's bathroom with a solemn expression, looking at the mess in front of him, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"Principal, the preliminary investigation results are out."

At this time, a male teacher came over and presented a document.

"This is Wang Shuo's whereabouts in recent days. I have listed everything in detail."

Wu Chuanqiong nodded and took the document: "Okay."

He flipped through it a few times and asked curiously: "Did he have a conflict with Ling Qingxue? "

The teacher nodded, then shook his head and said:

"It's not a conflict, it's just that Ling Qingxue's test crushed him at that time."

"We also investigated Ling Qingxue. When the incident happened, she had been reading in her seat and didn't go anywhere."

Wu Chuanqiong nodded casually. He just asked casually and didn't doubt it.

"Is there any other situation, such as whether anyone witnessed the crime scene?"

Wu Chuanqiong asked again.

The teacher shook his head, his face solemn:

"No, all those who witnessed the truth are dead."

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