Wu Chuanqiong's face was solemn and he had a headache.

This was definitely an extremely difficult incident, even the most difficult one he had encountered since he became the principal.

There were no witnesses, no clues, and they didn't even know whether the other party was a human, an evil spirit, or a soul beast.

I have to say, this was a very funny thing.

"Continue to investigate, and strengthen patrols and security on campus to prevent this from happening again."

"Report this matter to the Demon Suppression Department and investigate these cases together. Maybe there will be some new clues. You don't have to teach recently, just follow up on this matter."

Wu Chuanqiong ordered.

The male teacher nodded: "Yes, I understand, principal."

After a pause, he asked hesitantly: "But what should we do about the panic caused? Now many new students are clamoring not to come to class tomorrow..."

Wu Chuanqiong frowned:

"Tell them no, everyone must come to class, and whoever does not come will be disqualified from the competition in a month."

The male teacher hesitated and said with some concern: "But will this cause dissatisfaction among these new students...causing greater chaos..."

Wu Chuanqiong slapped the table, his expression a little angry:

"Dissatisfied? What dissatisfaction can there be? These freshmen are protected too well, so they are at a loss when facing such things, like cowards."

"If those soldiers guarding soul beasts and evil spirits are like them, and clamor not to come when they encounter a little danger, then this Daxia will be in chaos and there will be no hope!"

Wu Chuanqiong said angrily.

The male teacher shuddered, lowered his head and dared not look at the principal, and replied weakly: "Okay, principal, I understand."

Wu Chuanqiong hummed coldly: "You go down first, but the panic should be suppressed as much as possible, and don't let it continue to spread. This is not good for the reputation of our Xingyue Academy."


The male teacher nodded, turned around and left quickly.

Wu Chuanqiong sat on the chair, rubbed his eyebrows, and felt a worse headache.

"What the hell is it? It has been making trouble again and again. Can't it be quiet for a while..."

"And it chose this time specifically. Isn't this deliberately making things difficult for me?"

Wu Chuanqiong cursed secretly.

Originally, during this period of time, he only needed to ensure that the soul master class achieved excellent results in the next examination.

Then he, the principal, would be promoted to the Wuhun Hall to take up other positions based on this result.

Originally, this was a sure thing, because soul masters were stronger than warriors in the early stage.

But unexpectedly, Ling Qingxue came out and broke the curse directly. Wu Chuanqiong already had a premonition that Ling Qingxue would shine in the next exam.

This was nothing. After all, the martial arts class had achieved results, and he, as the principal, had also made contributions. His face was still very glorious, and he could still be promoted to other positions in the Wuhun Hall steadily.

So he did not force Ling Qingxue to join the Wuhun class too much.

But unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened again.

Xingyue Academy has been stable for a long time, but students have been killed frequently in the past week. This can be said to be a very serious incident.

He, as the principal, bears most of the responsibility and is seriously derelict. If he does not handle it well, he will forget about promotion.

Wu Chuanqiong originally wanted to suppress this matter, at least for this period of time.

Unexpectedly, not only people in their school were killed, but also outside!

And one of them was from Tianjing City!

Although he did not like those guys who came to occupy the quota, he could not die here!

This death didn't matter, it directly alarmed the Demon Suppression Division.

Now, we know what we should know and what we shouldn't know.

"Hey, what a mess..."

Wu Chuanqiong shook his head and said with emotion.

He drank a sip of tea at his desk, then pushed the door and left the office.

Wu Chuanqiong came to the place where Wang Shuo died, the boys' toilet.

Now the entire toilet has been completely blocked, and no students dare to approach except for a few members of the Demon Suppression Division.

"Principal Mu, you are here."

As soon as Wu Chuanqiong walked over, a man with long hair tied into a small braid came over, with a slightly respectful tone.

Wu Chuanqiong nodded: "Captain Liu, you are in charge of this case."

Liu Lin smiled: "What Captain Liu, you can just call me Xiao Liu. You were my teacher back then. I dare not call you Captain Liu in front of you, and in terms of rank, you don't know how much higher you are than me.Junior."

He and Wu Chuanqiong both belong to the Spirit Hall, but Wu Chuanqiong is in charge of the entire Xingyue Academy, and his seniority and level are much higher than his.

Wu Chuanqiong, whose hair is already a little gray, laughed: "Okay, we are so familiar with each other, let's stop being polite. Have you made any new discoveries?"

Liu Lin's expression restrained for a moment, and he nodded solemnly: "Indeed, there are some new discoveries."

Wu Chuanqiong was excited: "Oh? Tell me quickly, is it a new clue? Can you determine who is guarding it?"

Wang Lin looked at Wu Chuanqiong so anxiously, and no longer hesitated and said immediately: "Come over and show me and you will know. "

After saying that, he walked towards the toilet.

Wu Chuanqiong followed closely behind.

Wang Shuo's body was still here, without any movement.

The sticky blood flowed all over the floor, emitting a fishy smell, which blended with the smell of the toilet and the smell of disinfectant, forming a very unpleasant but indescribable smell, which was disgusting.

It was just that a long time had passed, and the blood on the ground had dried up a little.

Wang Shuo's terrified head was staring at the ceiling in the blood, as if he had experienced something that frightened him before his death.

Wu Chuanqiong frowned. With his knowledge, he felt that this scene was too cruel and bloody, and he dared not look directly at it. If it were someone else, he would probably vomit on the spot.

Liu Lin walked carefully to Wang Shuo's body, then picked up one of his arms that had begun to stiffen, put it under the light, looked up at Wu Chuanqiong, and asked:

"Principal Wu, do you see any problem? "

Wu Chuanqiong blinked his eyes, a little confused: "Is there anything strange about this? What do you want me to see?"

Isn't this just an ordinary arm, there are no scars on it, and there are no clues.

Liu Lin didn't say anything, just pointed under the arm.

Wu Chuanqiong looked at it.

The eye sockets expanded, and the pupils shrank like needles in an instant.

He finally found the clue.........

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