The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 156: Doom ensuing

As the group of people deepened, cursing lines began to appear on the others.

Yu Tu was not spared either. But it is a little later than others, and the area of ​​lines is much smaller. The worst is to look down upon the Quartet, the lines spread directly from the wrist to the face.

When reaching the middle of the inner city, the group found a temple building and walked in.

After entering the temple, Owen did not study the contents of the temple for the first time, but looked at the lines on his wrist.

Jana also felt her own lines, and said calmly: "It can't be wrong, this is a magic spell. However, she can't detect a trace of power, which is a bit strange."

Owen shook his head and said, "I know a little bit. In warlocks, there is a special kind of magic. Set coordinates on the target. After that, the coordinates will play a role in positioning and curse all kinds of long distances. After release, the curse will directly find the coordinates to curse the enemy from a long distance. However, this kind of coordinate planting is generally done through contact. Therefore, I am not sure that this is the kind of coordinate magic."

Disdainful Quartet shook his hands and asked, "So, what is the harm in our hands? Will it directly harm us?"

"Probably not. This mark does not contain a trace of magic, so we don't even have a way to remove it. However, according to Mr. Castlerant, it should attract a strange attack."

"Really?" With his chin supported in all directions, his body subconsciously leaned against the pillar behind him.

When leaning up, a large number of cracks immediately appeared on the pillar, which spread to the top. A piece of the zenith fell directly. If it were not for the quick response of the Quartet, he would definitely be under pressure.

Owen frowned and checked, twisting the rubble scattered on the pillars, and said: "It seems that the texture has changed because of too long time. However, in this kind of environment, this kind of similarity should not occur. The result of weathering. It may be caused by other things."

Disdainful Quartet patted the dust on his body, and said briskly: "Maybe, because of this unfortunate curse, it can make people unlucky."

"It's also possible. Hurry up and take a look at things here. We have limited time and try to record as much as possible. Be careful."

Walking into the core of the temple, a few people only saw a damaged stone statue, leaving only the parts of their feet, which was not of much reference value. The surrounding murals and sculptures have also been severely damaged and have no reference value at all.

Jana frowned and said, "It looks like it was vandalized."

Owen nodded and said, "It is obvious that there are traces of damage. It looks like a big man did it. The divine blessing on the idol has also disappeared. It seems that it should not have happened after becoming a relic."

Jana thought for a while, and said: "Look around for a while, if you are lucky, you can find something useful."

The five dispersed, looking for something useful. Soon, Tina exclaimed, cheerfully holding a head portrait and said excitedly: "I found a head, it's complete."

Several people looked at Tina, and they were horrified to find a large number of cracks on the wall behind Tina.

Owen exclaimed: "Tina, get out of there!"

After Tina got the prompt, she also noticed the movement behind her, and left her place in a panic. But at this time, the entire wall began to smash down, and Tina definitely couldn't leave before the wall fell completely.

Disdain Sifang and Yu Tu rushed up, ready to save people. But Owen was faster than them.

Owen appeared next to Tina almost instantly, stopped her waist and used a short distance teleportation to escape from the wall.

But this is only the beginning. When this wall fell, several pillars were broken, and the entire temple began to falter.

"Here is going to collapse, hurry up."

The group managed to escape before the temple collapsed.

Disdainful Quartet patted the dust on his body and said: "It's really interesting. There are no traces of time left by the surrounding buildings. Only this one has been corroded. But we even walked in. Arranged traps?"

Owen put down the frightened Tina, and frowned at the lines on his wrist.

After Jana saw it, she asked, "Did you notice it?"

"Well, just now, there are signs of magic power running. It seems that the collapse of this temple should be caused by this curse. But what is the principle?"

Jana said solemnly, "Do you think this attack pattern is familiar? Who."

Owen's eyes widened and said, "It's not possible, if it's that one, it's not just a small mess like a collapse."

"It's just a pattern of attacks. All kinds of accidental attacks are used to attack the target. That terrible curse."

Yu Tu asked: "Teacher, who are you talking about?"

"The ninth king-Kabavin Azwi. The oldest warlock. It can be said that the profession of warlock is created by it."

Disdainful Quartet blew a whistle and said, "Which weird Lich is it. But is it really that strong?"

Gana solemnly said: "Although Kabab is only ranked ninth among the ten kings, in terms of the degree of horror, only the first and third kings can compare with him. He is also the only one who can directly initiate curses without using media. The warlock. As a lich, its survival time is also unknown."

Yu Tu said: "In other words, this ruin is probably related to the Ninth King, right?"

"It's not easy to say, but it should not be separated. Now, do you still want to go deeper? When it comes to the ten kings, even we can't ensure our own safety. If we encounter danger, we may not be able to save you."

Disdainful Quartet smiled and said, "Anyway, I am not afraid of death. Of course, I chose to continue. I finally came here and I was scared back. It was very shameless."

Yu Tu also said to continue to follow up.

And Tina began to hesitate. After all, she is not like Yu Tu and Sifang, who can die and resurrect. It can be said that among those present, she is the most dangerous.

"Tina, you should go back. You can use teleportation to walk out of this ruin directly after you leave here. This place is too dangerous for you. I was not thoughtful before, sorry."

Tina hugged the head of the idol in her arms and said stubbornly: "Teacher, you can't protect me forever."

"Have you decided yet?"

Tina nodded and handed Owen the portrait in her arms.

"Teacher, you should take a look at this avatar first."

Owen sighed and took the portrait. Yu Tu and others also came over.

After seeing the idol, the brows of several people frowned.

Jana said bluntly: "This is not a statue of a god. No statue of a **** can express such detailed facial features."

Contemptuously said: "I seem to have seen this statue somewhere, I can't remember it anymore."

Yu Tu didn't say anything. He knew the person who carved this statue. A month ago, the queen of Saslow who was seen in the ruins.

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