The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 157: basement one

Yu Tu has seen the queen of Saslow twice. However, I have only seen it before and don't know much about it. In addition, it is difficult to explain, so Yu Tu did not choose to tell others.

For this stone statue, two top scholars, Owen and Jana, still made speculations.

"Being able to be enshrined in a temple shows that this person has the same height as a **** in the minds of people at that time. It is very likely that he was a priest like a high priest."

Jana nodded and said, "Indeed, there were not many people who worshipped one's own high priest in the ancient country. However, I haven't heard of the fact that the sacrifice is held by women."

Owen tweeted the glasses and said: "The specific situation, we still need to know more about the ruins. At the very least, we need to know which kingdom the ruins belong to."

Disdain Sifang tilted his head and asked, "Didn't it mean that a lot of information has been found outside? Can't you know where this ruin belongs?"

Yu Tu also said: "Teacher, I remember you said before that a lot of information about the Kingdom of Saslow was found here. Isn't this a relic of Saslow?"

Owen sighed and said: "Indeed, the architectural style and documentary records here are very consistent with the characteristics of the Saslow Kingdom. But there are two points that prove that this is not Saslow, and there is even a contradiction. Happening."


"Before coming, Mr. Aslant said that this is a city occupied by Saslow. However, all the cities that have been occupied by Saslow were basically destroyed before Saslow disappeared. The ruins are only 800 years old. They only appeared after Saslow disappeared."

Yu Tu asked: "So, where should we go to find clues?"

Tina said uncertainly: "It should be the center of the city, the core things are there."

"Indeed, Tina was right." Jana said seriously: "For a city ruin, the most important information is generally stored in the core area. A little further ahead, we will even reach the core area of ​​the central area. Yes. We better act quickly."

Disdainful Quartet shook his hand and asked, "So, what about this thing on our body? Can't you always be worried?"

Owen said apologetically: "I'm sorry, this curse, we really can't lift it now. We can only be careful."

"Well, it's okay to die anyway."

The group of people moved toward the depths again. On the way, Jana suffered another attack. A broken defensive magic weapon suddenly burst, and Jana was less than one meter away. If it hadn't opened the magic shield in time, the operation might have ended early.

However, this time, several people increased their vigilance again. After all, such an accidental attack could not be prevented in advance.

After slowing down the speed of travel, a group of people safely reached the core of the first floor of the ruins.

It's like crossing an invisible line, the core area and the outside are completely two atmospheres. As soon as he entered the core area, Yu Tu felt a sense of depression. Just like the first time I saw Huangtian, there was something peeping at everything in the shadow.

In addition to disregarding the Quartet, others also noticed the hidden malice. Owen and Jana are okay, but Tina is different. Tina's body trembled slightly after she had never been exposed to such malice.

Yu Tu patted Tina, and Tina immediately jumped up like a frightened rabbit.

"Ah, why are you scaring me?"

Yu Tu calmly said: "If you feel unbearable, go to the teacher, don't be aggressive."

"Well, I know." Tina patted her face, cheered herself up, and followed the team.

Walked a further distance, and turned a corner. Several people were stunned.

Originally, in front of them should be a towering castle, which is the most central building of the city. But now, in front of them is a square pit with neat white stone stairs.

Go to the edge, you can clearly see the bottom. The depth of the pothole is definitely more than fifty meters, and the area that can be seen underneath is an altar built with white stone. I don't know why, Yu Tu always feels that she has seen similar buildings.

Disdainful Quartet asked: "I remember, when I saw it before, this should be a castle? What's the situation?"

Owen stretched out his hand, felt it, and said, "It's amazing. If my perception is not deceived, there is indeed a castle here."

Jana immediately understood, and said in surprise: "Space replacement?"

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the three students, Jana explained: “Space replacement, simply put, is to fix two parallel spatial regions together. For example, where we are. In addition to this pit, there is also There is a castle. It’s just in a different space. You will see different results because of different observation angles, and you will enter different worlds because of different routes."

Disdain Sifang frowned and asked: "In other words, are we actually in another space now?"

"Is such that."

Yu Tu asked: "So, if the two spaces merge together, what will we do?"

"Fortunately, it fell in the open space and nothing happened. Bad luck and became part of the building in another space. However, you can rest assured. This degree of space replacement is not so easy to break. What you worry about Things will not happen."

Tina looked down and asked, "Then teacher. Are we going down next?"

"Of course, since I found it, there is no reason to escape. I'll go down first, Miss Jana, I will trouble you later."

"Do not worry."

After getting a reply, Owen walked down the steps. Disdain Sifang shrugged and went on. Yu Tu followed closely behind. Tina took a look, and hurriedly followed. Jana was the last to prevent an attack from behind.

Halfway down, the curse broke out again.

The two stone steps at Owen's feet suddenly shattered, and immediately after that, the entire step began to fall apart, just like the stone pillars of the temple before.

Owen's face changed slightly, and he flashed to Tina's side for the first time, and after holding Tina, the flashes continued to fall to the ground.

Yu Tu directly used Takong to "run" from midair. Contempt for the Quartet is using the wind to slow down the speed of his fall and land safely. Jana also used the flicker to come to the ground.

Looking up at the stone steps that had fallen apart, Owen calmly said: "Sure enough, the curse we received should be the type that is triggered by the environment. As long as there is a deadly environment around, it will be triggered. Be careful. Fairly acceptable."

"Don't think about the way to go back first?"

"It's okay. It's just a distance of fifty meters. The key now is this altar."

Turning to look at the altar behind him, Owen's eyes leaked a kind of enthusiasm.

"That's right, this is the altar used for Saslow's sacrifice, which is more complete than the one previously discovered."

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