The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 843: Mysterious sender

After reading the first letter, Yu Tu immediately clicked on the second one. Following the chronological order, after reading the twelve letters, Yu Tu's brain was in confusion.

The content of the letter is difficult for him to accept.

"I don't know when you will be able to see this information. I don't know how long it will take you to adjust to your original body. But I believe you won't let me wait too long. It's time to let you know part of the truth. About Your truth. The content is behind, you can interpret it. Whether you believe it or not, what you see next is the truth."

The next eleven letters were all typed using special characters. Formed the ancient **** language.

It is the language Yu Tu learns in the game. Just as the content of the first letter said, the latter content should be interpretable only by him, and there is no need to worry about the letter being stolen.

But it is precisely this way that can better explain the authenticity of the content. This is what Yu Tu cannot bear. If the content of the letter is true. So, his life so far has been a stage play.

What makes Yu Tu even more frightened is that he cannot refute some of the content.

For example, the description of his childhood in the letter.

"It was a dream. You have never experienced it."

For Yu Tu, the memory of the past is indeed very vague. Originally, he just thought that because the past was too dark to bear, he subconsciously chose to forget. But after reading the letter, I unconsciously moved in that direction.

"Are all my memories false? Since when did they begin! Those are my real experiences? No, why should I doubt my memories. Just because of these weird sentences? Just a joke. Really. Yes, the frequency of the ancient gods in the game is not low, and there are many ways to learn. Someone must be joking.

Although comforting herself so much, Yu Tu knew very well that his excuses were simply not tenable.

Indeed, there are many ways to learn ancient gods in the game. But it is not easy to describe basic vocabulary in a proficient translation. At the beginning, he relied on the memory of Pandamuwen, Owen's notebooks and Aiwen, a companion who inherited the knowledge of ancient gods, and gradually mastered the language under multiple conditions.

But it is only limited to translation and simple application of words and sentences. It is not impossible to write a complete letter, but it will definitely take more than a month.

Who would take the time to lie to him this little-known player. I really want to say something special. Does it count as playing yourself in the game world?

Thinking about it this way, Yu Tu immediately thought of a point she had overlooked.

Able to write these letters, and know his, indeed. The creator of this game! It is also the existence that unites the destiny and opens the two world channels.

But thinking about it this way, it seems that the content of the letter is more real.

Since the world has become magical, nothing is impossible.

Yu Tu's heart became more and more flustered, opened the website and began to search for the content of the game.

The content found is basically game activities, well-known player information and the like. There are also two game events in preparation. But the game company information Yu Tu wants is not at all.

After opening the forum and looking at it, Yu Tu realized that all official posts are released by an id. Not the name of a game company, but an artificial intelligence-Revelation.

The game and the game warehouse system are all handled by this artificial intelligence. This is the collaborator of the destiny that Yu Tu wants to find.

People have found out. However, Yu Tu didn't know how to contact Revelation.

Although the existence of Revelation is not a secret, but there is something famous. There are only two. One is the global warning event when it was first born. The other is this game.

How it was born and what it is doing may only be known to those in the United Nations.

Rubbing her forehead, Yu Tu picked up the communication panel and contacted Zhou Tai.

"Master, what's your order?"

"I want a detailed information about Revelation. Also, my detailed information."

Zhou Tai was stunned for a while, and only replied after a while.

"If Revelation is talking about artificial intelligence, there may be no way to get too much. In this regard, the country does not allow anyone to reach out. And your detailed information, you need to ask the above to get it. Can you ask what you think What are you going to do?"

"It's just that I forgot something. Collect as much information as possible. Can you get my file?"

"It's hard to say, it may take time."

"As soon as possible."

"I'll do it right away. Any more orders?"

"Go ahead. Once you get the information, just send it to my mailbox."

After closing the newsletter, Yu Tu opened the email again, reading the contents one by one.

At the same time, on the other side of the world, Yu Sanwen, who had just returned home, received news from his men.

He looked at the content of the message and raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

Love Windsor, who was sitting on the sofa and flipping through the messages, glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong, my dear. Is there anything unfinished?"

Yu Sanwen smiled, sat next to her and said, "It's nothing. My **** wants his files there."

"That kind of thing? What does he want to do? Isn't he still not satisfied with his current life?"

"I don't know, it's not a big deal. Just give it to him."

"I really don't understand, why are you so good to him?"

"It's always my fault. No matter what I think of him, these are what I should do. In a few years, after his hostility is completely flattened, I will arrange for him to study in the company."

Love Windsor's eyes became dangerous.

"I don't agree with this. The company belongs to Harry."

"I didn't say to give him the company. But Harry is a person after all. I hope Yu Tu can be Harry's helper. At least, to stabilize the situation in Asia."

"How can you guarantee that he won't have thoughts that he shouldn't have? Human hearts are always the most unpredictable. Your little tricks, but I still remember them."

"What do you think? What can he do with Harry? When can his suspicious character change."

Love Windsor suppressed her aggressive expression, and gently kneaded her hands on Yu Sanwen's forehead.

"Sorry. You know, I always worry that you will abandon us."

"I'm not an irresponsible man. Well, no?"

"what happened?"

Yu Sanwen wrinkled and did not look at the reply from his subordinates, his expression became a bit solemn.

"The staff of tissue culture should have complete files."

"Yeah. However, the content of the network information archives is not much. Moreover, the worthless archives will be sold. However, I remember that there should be detailed paper documents. It is very troublesome to extract."

"I need to go there in person. It's really troublesome."

Look at the information on the panel. Love Windsor said: "I'll go. I'm still a little curious about your son. It can be considered a walk."

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