The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 844: Ready to attack

After three days of rest in the real world, Yu Tu returned to Esopama.

In three days. He just got some irrelevant news about Revelation. And there is no movement in his past files.

He can't help it. Contacted Zhou Tai. He also knew that he might need the help of his father if he wanted to mobilize the files, and it was not surprising that it would delay.

It is estimated that the archives will take a long time to arrive, and Yu Tu also feels that he has enough rest. Moreover, some of the things stated in the letter can also be verified in that world. At the same time, there are big moves on the Holy Land that need to be prepared in advance.

After waking up in the room of the Holy Land, Yu Tu immediately took the medicine he had prepared and drank it. This medicine is to supplement nutrition and relieve physical problems caused by long periods of inactivity. This is what Yu Tu had prepared before the break.

After the potion was fully effective, Yu Tu took control of the body again. Not long after going out, Yu Tu ran into Yu Shuang who had nothing to do.

"Yo, I'm back. You didn't look for me these past few days, what are you doing at home?"

"Adjust my mood. When encountering this kind of thing, I feel that I might go crazy at any time."

Yu Shuang smiled and said, "If it were me, I might still be happy. Compared to over there, there is more freedom here."

"There are more dangers. Just so, let's go with me."

"Where to go?"

"Go to Yumu. Then go to arrange the affairs of Wangcheng. After preparing for so long, it's time to start."

"Oh, by the way, sister Qin asked me. It seems to ask you to go to a conference room."

"It should be about the undead. Don't worry, go and arrange the affairs of the king city first."

Following Yu Tu, Yu Shuang rushed to the prison city and found Yu Mu, which had been restored.

Compared with the last exaggerated external equipment. This time, Yu Mu, just like the first time we met, she never thought that he would be a doll.

Technically, Yu Mu did not surpass Saslow's doll skills. But he achieved a soul creation that Saslow could not achieve.

Strictly speaking, Yumu is the ultimate goal of Saslow's development. When there was only a prison city, there was no way to analyze Yu Mu because of the function of the prison city.

But now with the addition of the Third King City, Yu Mu's technology has been completely analyzed a month ago. What is being produced in the Fourth Royal City are mass-produced dolls created by brand new technology.

Of course, it is just a production line. Moreover, it is very difficult to achieve Yumu's level. All the dolls with souls produced are used in mass production before the commander.

As long as they can continue to survive on the battlefield, their consciousness and intelligence can gradually improve, and eventually, they will become Yu Mu, a existence with a complete soul. At that time, it was also the time when they truly obtained the status of Saslow residents.

With the two of them, Yu Tu went directly to the Third Royal City and gave orders to the bishop. Now, the third and fourth royal city are both in charge of the bishop. The combination of the three royal cities can be regarded as reaching the most basic conditions.

Reproduce the Undead Legion of Saslow.

Not those mass-produced models made by the White Knights, but the real, historical Saslow Undead Legion. The soul of the legion in the prison city, the fourth royal city made the body. The third king city completes magic engraving.

Yu Tu is very clear about how powerful Saslow’s undead army is. After a thousand years of slumber, it is time to let them move around and find their original feelings.

And their first opponent. It's a dead soul.

That is the main purpose of Yu Tu's return this time.

After arranging everything, Yu Tu hurried to the meeting room in the Holy Land.

This time they discussed the attack on the birthplace of the dead.

Those who participated in the meeting included all the high-levels left behind in the Holy Land. Except for Yu Tu, none of them are below the fifth order. There were hundreds of people in the entire venue.

This is not all, but a certain position, at least one hundred subordinates. One can imagine how terrifying the holy land is.

However, as soon as Yu Tu thought of the undead spirits above a million Tier 4 in the Abyss City, the flame in his heart was instantly extinguished.

No matter how powerful the Holy Land is, it is only a force, not a world. Not to mention, the Holy Land did not seem to be too hostile to the abyss.

Throwing away the thoughts in her mind, Yu Tu found her place. Although he is not strong enough. But Saslow’s army is a force that cannot be ignored for the Holy Land. This is why he was able to participate in this meeting.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive.

As the host of this meeting, Qin stood up and clapped his hands to signal the start of the meeting. The meeting place where there had been some stringed sounds instantly quieted down.

Qin turned his head to indicate that someone immediately completed the construction of the magic map and presented it in the center of the conference room.

Qin raised his hand and slid at random, and the map was locked in one position.

"This is the birthplace of the undead in the depths of the swamp. We can already confirm that this is the base of the dead kingdom in the dark swamp. A conservative estimate is that there are six demigods, and the number detected above the fifth level exceeds twenty. Three. The necromancers above the rank are close to one million. The lower necromancers cannot be estimated.

The scene was slightly chaotic, but it soon became quiet again. Waiting for Qin's next words.

Qin dragged the map again to reach the location of the Holy Land. Strings of data appeared on the map. Qin also followed the data display to explain the situation.

These data are the army data sent by the Holy Land this time.

There are a total of 18 legions and 32 special units. The total number of troops is 550,000. In six directions, simultaneously launch an attack on the birthplace of the undead.

During the explanation, Qin made all the arrangements of the troops clearly. Including troop arrangements after emergencies. It can basically ensure that all emergencies are dealt with.

The requirement for this operation is to break through the enemy's direction as quickly as possible and completely destroy the enemy's stronghold. At the same time, the high-level monsters in the stronghold are also eliminated as much as possible. The six demigods must be resolved.

After all, according to the news they got before. The kingdom of death has a special mass production demigod method. Although the strength is inferior to the regular demigod, it is also a stronger existence than Tier 6. Destroying the enemy's viable power is the first choice.

The entire meeting lasted three hours. The specific action time was scheduled in the early hours of tomorrow. March late at night, attack at dawn.

After the meeting ended, Yu Tu immediately returned to the royal city and began preparations. The Saslow army under him is one of the main forces this time.

A total of three thousand Saslow Undead Legion, and three thousand Saslow New Puppet Legion. Saslow produced 25,000 dolls and 300 vampires.

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