The Game Warrior

Chapter 263: Jianghu No. 1 Artisan

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, the 263rd chapter of Yangzhou, the first master of the rivers and lakes only appeared today, Sunday, and Monday, Monday ... Try to rush out another chapter at 12pm.

Du Guhong and Huang Rong are very curious about what the fat man is relying on, and dare to say so. It is certainly not bragging to say this with his character.

The two came to the recruitment scene with the fat man.

Far from the killing camp, the two had already seen a banner admiring the wind beside the recruiting point of the school arsenal. The banner was the stingy and explosive employment terms originally set by the fat man, but now there are more extras in addition to the originally agreed conditions. A line

In addition, those who perform well after the mission will receive a hand-crafted weapon by the master master.

Because of the addition of such a line, the few recruiting points that were originally filled with curiosity are now looking forward to asking people around them about the quality of the weapons made by the so-called master masters. how is it?

This is indeed an inspiring reward. Please know that the price of the craftsman is very expensive. The best weapons in Jianghu are currently made from anywhere, because the basic quality of the attributes is good and even the powerful craftsmen can be based on the characteristics of the player. Create equipment that suits your personal style-whether it is quality size or weapon appearance.

In contrast, the base of the weapons dropped by monsters is not good enough. The texture is randomly ups and downs. The chance of getting a high-quality and suitable for your equipment is smaller than the chance of getting the right attributes. .

As for the texture of the weapons forged by the player, it is really good enough. As long as you are willing to work hard to meet the conditions, you will be able to swing to the extreme. The problem is that there is no player who can see the mystery of forging. The attributes attached to the weapon are all whiteboards.

Therefore, the work of artisans is undoubtedly the current choice of players.

It's just that because good craftsmen are expensive to process, and because they are all handmade, it takes a long time and the market is completely in short supply, so the price goes up all the way. Ordinary people can't afford equipment.

In this case, the fat man Ken gave such a reward to be absolutely generous. He said that he was not able to lose money and shouted at all. The price of such a weapon is far more than the weapon he has paid. Not so easy to get.

Seeing this kind of scene, Du Guhong wondered who the master the fat man invited?

Because he knows that buying and selling fats at a loss is definitely not going to do anything.

Before he wondered, he heard a player on the side responding to the questions of the people around him: "Rely on the real Tm Zhou!"

The man poked the banner with one hand and waved it outwards to signal why everyone should go and say: "Don't expect to see the salary to know how stingy that person is! The rare mLgBd player made equipment this year!"

Player? Are the so-called master craftsmen players?

The crowd clashed.

Du Guhong was also surprised for a while, but he was not surprised because this person was clearly a subordinate of Fatty Song. He also came to expose the fat old man because someone soon came out and explained to him bitterly: "Do n’t scold you and squeeze to the front to show there. Know a few weapons ... "

This person is naturally also a subordinate of the fat fat man. The so-called one way to relax the culture and martial arts, one to praise and one to deprecate the gossip, and the dialogue between the two nurseries singing one and one immediately raised the player ’s curiosity to the apex go with.

Such small means naturally concealed Du Guhong's eyes because he was suddenly inexplicable after hearing the news ...

He felt that strange players crowded in front of him suddenly heard a huge cry: "It is all attribute weapons! Some players can make attribute weapons!"

The sound is rolling ...

coax! The rewards for the ubiquitous boiling task are not important. For the first time, I heard that some players can create the shock of the attribute equipment and grabbed the attention of all players in an instant.

The habit of the Chinese people seeing fresh things swarming is terrible, and the crowds that have not been crowded before just two or three seconds have become an impenetrable bustling crowd. A large amount of fresh blood is floating in the sky.

Some people squeezed the meat while taking drugs while others knew that it was difficult to squeeze in. They simply stopped at the spot and looked dull at the sight.

This recruiting spot became the focus of thousands of square meters in the killing camp, and players came from all directions.

Du Guhong was also shocked: Attribute weapon? In this game, is there really a player breaking through the shackles?

Seeing his look like this, the fat man smiled mysteriously: "Don't you dare to come to Liangshan in twos or threes?"

If things are true, fat people are really proud. This is not only an imaginable problem that can easily recruit players. It is simply the most inconsequential benefit caused by this sensation. ~ ~ The press conference held specifically for the powerful man who can build an attribute weapon in his field was one by one in the killing Japanese competition most watched by players all over the world.

It can be expected that after that night, the name of the mighty person will spread throughout the night to become the hottest figure among rivers and lakes. The title of the first master of rivers and lakes will surely fall on his head.

However, the purpose of choosing this time and place to publish this news is that the fat man is not only the above two, but the two results are not even important. The most important thing is that with this gold signboard, the fat man ’s lack of popularity on the ground in Yangzhou is almost solved. .

Of course, fame can be exchanged for money, but how to change it is the biggest problem. The fat man undoubtedly chose the most efficient exchange method.

What he has strength and lack of capital is popularity is prestige. Through the shocking news conference, he has firmly tied the first craftsman of Jianghu to his chariot so that when he arrives tomorrow morning, he will no longer come to Dali. After passing Jianglong, everyone will regard him as a strong competitor in the Japanese competition. This is the result he wants!

One stone, three birds, one arrow, three carvings, Du Guhong consciously can do this step if he is in a fat position.

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