The Game Warrior

Chapter 264: The most headache is Wang Jianwang

The sixth fireworks fired in March, chapter 264 of Yangzhou is the most headache. The crowding of Wang Jianwang is expected.

Since the fat man has done all the considerations for this kind of grand event, it is impossible to be unprepared to face the fierce crowd. He took Duguhong and the two people to turn a corner and went directly from the other road to the backstage to be fully prepared.

Du Guhong finally knew why the fat man, who was always known for being stingy, rented such a large yard uncharacteristically and hired several high-level seniors; entering the backstage, the fat man stopped at a door and stopped and walked with the people in the door and bowed. Flexing his arms and turning back to his true colors: "Introduce our two famous Dali masters ..."

In this way, he withdrew the figure that almost occupied the whole doorway, and then it was convenient to reveal a small, beautiful and smiling smile.

There are not many female players who play forging in rivers and lakes, and few of them will forge long and beautiful people, and there will be fewer. In addition to meeting the above two conditions, there may be only one Snow in the whole game.

"It's you? You ..." Du Guhong was really stunned. He wanted to ask Snow why she came here and then she swallowed it back when she felt uncomfortable.

Before coming here, he didn't doubt that the so-called famous player is Snow, but as soon as the players are now able to create attribute equipment, his doubts vanish.

Because Du Guhong knows that although Snow is serious, persevering, and smart, he knows that she has only been in the game for a few months after all, and has never been in contact with the game before. The puzzle for players for many years.

Of course, living together with Snow under the eaves of the day and night makes him think that his understanding of Snow has risen to a level of cognition is also an important reason for his surprise.

At least Du Guhong thought so before meeting Snow, but obviously he didn't know enough about women.

"... Sweet language!" Du Guhong was only in an instant when Song Youde finished the introduction.

Slovenian is Snow's name in the game.

Snow Qiao smiled brightly, but the smile suddenly became a little far-fetched when she saw Huang Rong. She didn't tell Du Guhong about her, Du Guhong also had something to hide from her ... at least she didn't take the initiative to inform her.

Of course, Snow still knows the incarnation of the sky. After all, when two people get along and play the same game, it is impossible to hide everything from each other.

In the past few days, the news of the killing contest in the forum was very arrogant. Although the limelight could not cover the performance of other players. The endless traces and lace news were overwhelming. His relationship with Huang Rong was covered up in this environment. Connaught did not see it.

I don't know why she was so panicked when she saw Snow's expression of Du Guhong.

But when he secretly glanced at Huang Rong again, the degree of panic became several times ...

This feeling was the first time in his eighteen years of life that he was overwhelmed by a flexible mind and seemed to lose momentum for a while.

"What a lovely little sister!" Huang Rong, of course, didn't know the greasiness between the two people, nor did he know what Du Guhong thought in his heart. The first thought after seeing Snow was to step forward and embrace her intimately. shoulder.

To know that the minor in the game is to keep the appearance of his real age. Snow entered the game not long before Huang Rong was naturally thinking that she was still a little girl and still a very Lolita very kawaii. It is quite normal for the little girl Huang Rong to make such a response.

After this, the slightly stiff expression on Snow's face disappeared strangely. She smiled and nodded in response to Huang Rong: "Praise praise ..."

That reserved and polite look matched with her tender appearance was really awkward.

"Well to introduce this to you ..." After introducing Snow Song Youde, he extended his hand to Du Guhong.

"Don't you use Tianma's silver gun to release the sky? You're so famous!" Snow and Du Guhong both shook hands in a pretentious manner. Du Guhong's ear sounded: "It turns out ... what you like is this type ... "

In fact, seriously speaking, Huang Rong and Snow are very close in appearance and temperament, but they are all elegant and elegant, but Huang Rong's eyebrows are slightly thick and strong and wild. Some Snow is cute and relatively quiet.

But don't forget that Huang Rong is still Murong Huang's tall and plump body. It is indeed understandable that Snow is not the same style as Snow.

Du Guhong only smiled aside, Huang Rong but pursed his belly: "Little sister, your expression is so strange ... how old are you, so young and old will really grow old ..."

Snow glanced at Huang Rong with a glance: "It's still a month and eighteen ..." A sentence lowered the atmosphere between her and Huang Rong to a freezing point.

Huang Rong was stunned. Snow had already held Du Guhong's arms in one hand, and the other hand magically pulled out a signed version: "You are my idol, please give me a name!" She said in her mouth. Generally speaking, looking at Huang Rong provocatively.

"..." Du Guhong had nothing but wood.

Huang Rong finally reacted and his eyes sparked against Snow's front!

Wang Jian Wang dead chess!

"..." How can I get anything but Muran Duguhong?

One side is a tenant and a friend in reality, and the girlfriend in the game is Ren Ren Du Guhong. The wisdom of the sky is really not sure how to persuade ~ ~ This situation is really beyond his expectations. Snow's appearance and the attitude she now adopts. When she saw the narrow eyes hanging on her face, Du Guhong thought that she understood that this was Snow's revenge from the standpoint of a friend. Can you imagine that the two men met so far apart?

It ’s not a day or two to conceal this thing. If it ’s really explained, it can never be explained in three words ...

The other side facing Huang Rong Du Guhong really didn't know how to speak.

What do you say? You and Snow know each other? She is a friend and classmate and tenant in her own reality? She still lives under the same roof?

Although Du Guhong's emotional intelligence is not high, he also knows that there is only a dead end.

So he could do nothing but Mu Ran.

Fortunately, at this time, Song Youde's voice came to greet the three people to go to the front desk for recruitment to solve Du Guhong's immediate urgency.

The fat man is so good at observing the skill of the world.

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