The Game Warrior

Chapter 288: If a scholar

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 288. A scholar on the wall. The third painting on the wall is a quiet **** of a young girl lying on the branch of a peach tree.

The ancient people's brush method is not work-oriented, and the appearance of the girl is not the same, so the girl's face can't be seen clearly, but it feels like it is beautiful and hard to paint.

This girl should be Guo Xiang.

Just like her father and her elder brother, Guo Xiang did n’t have Emei and realized that loneliness and old age. Today ’s Emei School is also a woman in charge of the portal, and it is also a nirvana.

Jiuyang Gong did not rely on Tianjian and there was no Master Guo Xiang.

I don't know why. Guo Xiang finally took over her grandfather's class and took charge of Taohua Island. From then on, Taohua Island gradually became a martial art martial art who could be tied with Shaolin Wudang.

Think about its resources. Huang Laoxie learned everything from finger magic, blue sea tide-songs, Qimen Dunjia. Guo Jing Huang Rong's Jiuyin Zhenjing part, with the level of relying on the sword, plus Guo Xiang's nine learned from the distance. Yang Shen Gong ...

It can be said that Peach Blossom Island is almost a master of the archery carving martial arts, and Guo Xiang's ability to have such a position is also expected.

It is said that Guo Xiang's martial arts were very high and even passed her father. His grandfather's level is the best. A sea of ​​blue sea tide students once attacked Guo Guoluo to fight against Jin Guo to help the battle, and the tens of thousands of troops were almost mythical.

In this painting, the way she drew a flute is what she meant, but what makes Du Guhong feel strange is that the portrait of the female portrait is smiling and the slightest coldness and loneliness are far from the impression of Guo Xiang in his impression.

If Guo Xiang's paintings made Du Guhong slightly puzzled, the last fourth painting, Du Guhong, had no idea who he was painting.

It was a long-studied scholar with a hand-held feather fan head and a kerchief on his back. The portrait behind him was a **** killing battlefield. The scholar ’s inscrutable smile matched with the fireworks on the battlefield was an unspeakable harmony. But under the peach blossoming tree ...

What's even more weird is that the tree next to the scholar looks exactly the same as Guo Xiang's cross-legged blowjob, and the background of the battlefield in the distance behind him is exactly the same as the background of Guo's broken prisoner in the second picture ...

Is this a lazy designer? Or is there another subtlety in the painting? Du Guhong can't think of it.

However, it is obvious that the characters in the first three paintings are all related to the Guo family. It is almost the originator who established the Guo family's prestige today. It can be said that it is the first-class figure of the Guo family's ancestors. Should this last youth want to come?

Guo Pingrong, who has never seen him in his life, calls the hero in vain. Guo Pingrong has such a title. The history of the Guo family is no secret to the players in the game ...

However, Ren Duguhong searched his mind and found no trace of the youth.

At this time, the housekeeper who brought tea and water to the house came to take the tea and glance at the old housekeeper's gray body, Du Guhong's heart, and he casually asked him who he was in the fourth painting.

The old housekeeper looked at the portrait with an open mouth and chuckled: "The young man really asked the right person. The whole house is gone except that I know who this man is, even if this family knows not much. Alright. Actually ... the answer is on the portrait. "

"Is there an answer in the painting?" Du Guhong first doubted that after looking at the painting more carefully, he finally found that the four paintings were actually the same painter's. The fourth painting was particularly eye-catching except that the first three pairs were the same. At the time of Lizong five years **** months **** days **** ".

Self-painting? The scholar is called Song Ziqiao? He doesn't have the surname Guo? Then why ... will he hang in this hall and be with several ancestors of the Guo family? This is Du Guhong's first reaction.

After watching it, Du Guhong suddenly noticed a certain phenomenon, and the whole person was stunned ...

After a moment of contemplation, he was uneasy and asked the old housekeeper again. How could this Song Ziqiao be qualified to hang here?

The old housekeeper smiled: "This man doesn't show the mountains and shows no water, but the entire Guo family relies on it a lot

He did not want to leave any traces of his work. It is said that the portrait was left by his wife's strong request. "

"Maybe the young heroes don't know that our servant is a man who has fought all his life, but he has always been invincible. In fact, he is quite dull ... The tactics of the art of war are not good enough to make him charge, and it may be that the good command of the army is not enough This is far from the point where he inherited it from his father. "

"So in fact, how to supply the military needs, how to supply the military needs, how to centralize and how to deal with the back and forth of the battle that Lord Poru later commanded are all the errands of the striker who took charge of the prisoner behind the scenes. Based on this, you say he is qualified Hang here? "

This is the case! Du Guhong realized in his heart that this is probably the reason why the self-drawn vision is exactly the same as that of Guo Poru ...

The old housekeeper continued: "Not only that, you look at the third picture of Miss Guo Er who is smart but playful and active. She likes to run around the world. Do n’t look at her order to renovate Taohua Island. This man ’s silent conduct will never reach today ’s level ... "

Miss Guo Er? Playful and active? Du Guhong wondered if this was too far away from Guo Xiang in his impression?

But if it is possible to give up Guo Xiang's bitter love for Yang Guo, then it seems that it is possible for someone to ...

At this time, Du Guhong was actually thinking about other things.Because the portraits now gradually connect a series of clues in the past and outline a certain outline, so I have little thought about the old housekeeper's words ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Otherwise, a significant fact will not wait until the old housekeeper shook his head away and whispered the last sentence before he suddenly woke up-

The old housekeeper muttered: "No wonder someone always says that there is always a man behind a successful woman who is silently supporting ..."

!!! orz ...

This Song Ziqiao turned out to be Guo Xiang's husband-in-law.

Du Gu Hong immediately obeyed silently, but more in his heart was fortunate. If it wasn't for the old housekeeper nagging the ins and outs so clearly that he really didn't have so many clues to confirm what was speculated in his heart ...

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