The Game Warrior

Chapter 289: Adults speak, children don't interrupt

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 289, the adult speaks, the children do n’t intervene, and if the truth is understood, the meaningless sketches in the portrait are filled with some inexplicable inscriptions, and a big secret is revealed vaguely. The clues are gone.

In front of the portrait, the soldier who pondered deliberately and led Du Guhong into the door went into the house again and told Du Guhong that the handsome Guo had sent the last guest to his turn.

In desperation, Du Guhong had to use the camera wizard to take all four pictures and reserve them for future inquiry ... According to his observation, the big secret was related to the four paintings.

In fact, Du Guhong's visit to Guo Pingrong is not a big deal on the battlefield, except that the equipment rewarded for the court is to mix real prestige and honor with real benefits, such as the thing called Du Chihong, which Du Guhong received at the moment. hand type

The name is called a chivalrous book. In fact, it is a piece of paper ... something like a work permit proves that you are a person in the rivers and lakes but made a great contribution to the court. So the court awards you a piece of paper and comes with some gifts. Permissions in return.

For example-

You can directly supply in military camps all over the country; enjoy discounts on military equipment in blacksmith shops to repair equipment; you can apply for a horse with a higher attribute to hurry up in emergencies; or you can directly take a military car; as long as you do n’t commit anything, you can freely enter and exit the city gate at night ... …

The chivalrous book is also graded. The higher the level, the higher the authority. The more discounts, but only the current level 2 is the limit. Only Yanyunzhai and the prairie wolves, the presidents of the major guilds, which are dominated by the melee battlefield, have reached it. .

It took only a month for Du Guhong to participate in the Battle to Kill Japanese Contest, and he got a first-class chivalrous book with a record of killing more than 20,000 enemies. This fear is also no one before.

Well, it does n’t seem right to say that ... because when Du Guhong led the chivalrous book and squinted out, he saw the water rose sitting in the waiting room ... It seems that people are faster than themselves and shorter than themselves ...

Since I am not a water rose opponent right now, when the opponent hasn't felt it, Du Guhong lightly walked out of the gate of Guo House.

The Guo family ’s manor is actually not a good place to be far away from the city. Although it is quiet and inconvenient, there are not many people around to do tasks. of.

Despite this, Du Guhong came out of the door of the Guo family and came to meet one of the two players. One of the two players was Du Guhong who knew him well enough. hand type

"Huang Rong, are you finally online?" Du Guhong greeted with pleasure for a while. The fellow next to Huang Rong automatically ignored!

Was it finally online? Huang Rong wondered for a while that she didn't know that Snow had secretly left her a word of solitude for her. Now she doesn't even know what happened when she ran away from home ... It's just that she didn't know that the written message left Snowing free. !

However, I wonder whether Huang Rong still put the passerby arm in his arms in accordance with the original plan. The extremely sweet one leaned on the other person's shoulder and smiled: "Huh? Are you here? What a coincidence!"

Let's talk in vain! There is no shop in front of the village and no shop behind. If there is something to do with it or who is tracking it, who will just walk here?

At this time, Du Guhong's gaze finally noticed that there was another hesitantly saying: "He is ..." Huang Rong's performance was too strange. He hadn't reacted for a while. What happened? He had no choice but to look at Huang Rong. Performance.

Huang Rong leaned on a smirking passerby with a shy smile: "This is my new boyfriend's name ..."

When she came to her mouth, she began to call for the temporary actor to forget to ask the name!

Fortunately, the passer-by had some anxious whispering words and he smiled and handed it to Du Guhong: "In the passerby ..."

Before he finished the sentence, he gave back to Du Guhong's stomach and shot a shadowless moment, stabbing him in the chest and vertebrae at the same time: "Adult speaking, don't interrupt the child!"

"You ..." The extra actor was stabbed in the acupuncture point, and the scene of dullness, Huang Rong, obviously couldn't continue.

Du Guhong Shi Shiran closed the gun: "Even if I am angry and want to find someone to act in, I don't have to find this idiot?" In fact, the passerby is good at acting, but it is still not enough to cheat Du Guhong. what!

Du Guhong stretched his arms to grab Huang Rong: "I just don't quite understand where I am making you angry?"

Huang Rong was so angry that he shot Du Guhong wolfman: "Where does it make me angry? You don't have to worry about me when I leave for so long? Even if you don't worry, at least you should look for me symbolically? Go to the ghost battlefield every day. Train those waste wood ... Is there me in your heart ?! "

Huang Rong's departure is actually very purposeful. Except for one reason that he can't talk to Du Guhong, the other purpose is to hope that his departure will make Du Guhong feel sad and give up the ranking miss in the killing Japanese war zone. Opposition opportunity.

She worked hard to come up with this method, and because of the unexplainable reason, she was full of pessimism about the future of the two, thinking that she would never have a chance to look back when she left, so she had a sad parting that night ...

It is expected that the life of Du Guhong after she left is as unaffected as ever, and his confrontation with Water Rose is almost inevitable. How can she not look back?

"Um ... this ..." After listening to Huang Rong question Du Guhong's doubts and scratching his head, "Do you have an urgent matter to deal with me offline and you don't have the contact information in your real world to worry about and useful? Symbolic looking for where you want me to find ? "

"Who said I was offline?"

"Well ... isn't your Tosno comment? Say something urgent ..."

"..." Snow? She lied? No wonder ... I just saw that Du Guhong would be the same attitude ~ ~ Huang Rong was working hard to do bad things for a while. At least that seems to Huang Rong.

By this time Du Guhong finally understood: "I'm sorry I really don't know ... I thought we were the first time that night ... You were off line because of embarrassment ..."

"Shut up!" Huang Rong interrupted Du Guhong with shame and anger. He was trying to say something and opened his mouth, but never closed again ...

She never imagined that Water Rose would appear at this time and place. She only paid attention to the whereabouts of Du Guhong but forgot that she still had people she couldn't see ...

What's worse is that this time she didn't change her face ...

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