The Game Warrior

Chapter 307: 1 mountain is 307 higher than 1 mountain

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 307, a mountain is higher than a mountain. Chapter 207, a mountain is higher than a mountain. From the appearance of Xinxiang Pingsilang to the subordinates ’cooperation request, Du Guhong and Water Rose have actually gone through. The number of engagements is close, but the situation is almost invincible-

As long as Shui Qiang does not need to use the big trick of "going to ask the heart not to return", Du Guhong has no chance of a compression ratio of about 3 and his 2.2. The gap is somewhat larger. real

There is no idea.

And the water rose is also the same as the micro-step of Du Guhong ’s Ling Bo. The first-class magic in the 14-day book is really not blown, even if the water rose has seen that Du Guhong will be around every time he steps on. At this point, she can only cover three of them.

What's more, Du Guhong's calculation is so deep that even if Water Rose is capable of covering seven, he can choose the only way to live ...

Although the invincible battle between the two is still amazing, the mysterious and unpredictable power of the water rose is impressive, especially the sword of the water rose's sword tip, which is long and fluctuating. People's Congress opens their eyes.

If there weren't this Jianmang water rose, it wouldn't cover as many as three spots.

That's a sign that the water rose has stepped into the innate realm and is as important as the skill deepens. It will gradually increase the texture and damage value of your weapon and increase its weight without affecting your synchronization rate ... to the end It is the realm of flies that can hurt people when picking leaves.

This kind of thing Duguhong appeared when the compression ratio exceeded 2, but compared with the water rose, it can be described by an old saying-how can the firefly light compete with Haoyue for a few millimeters in length, can it also be called Jianmang? It was disgraceful to take it out.

The two of them fought fiercely, and the voice of their subordinates came at the stage of a little bit of war.

Du Guhong had better watch the six-way ears and listen to the eight directions of water roses, but he still realized for the first time after hearing the roar of Xinxiang Pingshiro that the other party had approached.

She responded quickly and instantly shuriken with light: "Xiaoyao Wenxin ~~~" The direction of the gesture is naturally Xinxiang Pingshiro.

Her battle with Du Guhong is not who wins who loses but the spoils of this final-Feng Hou Ling.

This situation is what Du Guhong is most afraid of. Compared with him, it is obvious that the water rose has a higher attack power and the grasp of killing Xinxiang Ping Shilang is greater. Especially there is the trick Xiaoyao asked the heart to go back and if the water rose killed Xinxiang Ping Silang. The victory or defeat seems obvious.

Although the attack power of the Tangjia Bawang gun of Du Guhong is not low, it is not possible to meet an opponent who is capable of parrying and blocking at a certain level in the case of hitting the other party. Unless ... he uses the cold spirit sword .

But that is the standard equipment of Tiandi Guhong. If he takes it out, everyone knows that he is the same person as Tiandi Guhong.

And if you know that these special services a group only need to investigate a little, you may be able to find evidence from the past game records or from Lin Ling, Snow and the three people that they are not in the African Congo.

So he can't take this risk, and even he can't even use the dragon's eighteen palms to avoid being suspected by others.

So when his current water rose goal turned to prepare for the big move, he did not rush to the back of the water rose the first time-

If he ca n’t keep up, it ’s estimated that Shui Qiang ’s one puncture will kill Xinxiang Ping Shilang. If he catches up with Shui Qiang, he will use Dapeng to start the same day. Because of the positional relationship, Xinxiang Ping Shiro will definitely be involved in it. .

So he has only one way to save Xinxiang Ping Shiro one by one.

Ling Bo's micro-steps followed by two flashes of Du Guhong's unpredictable appearance on the big car to save people, but the way was not so polite: "Tang Jia Bawang Gun: Sweep the Thousand Armies!"

The thunderbolt stun gun is like a storm, and the four curtains are blown instantly. The four pillars are blown away instantly. The four pillars have been swept away by a shot. Xinxiang Pingshiro and the two ninjas hiding behind the pillars Su was swept out.

Sweeping the Thousand Army Although the attack power is not so low, it is estimated that the sweeping will also allow the three people to give blood of two thousand each.

This is already the biggest damage that Du Guhong can cause.After all, he appeared in the enemy group and appeared on the face of the car, and he was shouted by someone. If it was not to sweep the thousand troops, this trick of even smashing with the car even could not cause Xinxiang. Hei Shiro lost blood.

This pirate leader should have been congenital, although it is not yet a congenitally deep bonus of ordinary internal force attachment. That is also not to be underestimated. At least Du Guhong has no ability to kill him with the synchronization rate of the Tang Jia Bawang gun, and Shui Qiangwei has this. Gap.

Xinxiang Pingshiro just flew the water rose sword to a sword light, and then split the tiger skin chair that can lay two or three people on the big sedan from the center. If Xinxiang Pingshiro does not leave, this is the end.

"Flying Dragon ascends to heaven!" Du Guhong followed the direction of Xinxiang Ping Shiro's tossing, and shot faster than lightning.

It's a pity that although Xinxiang Pingshiro was dizzy and stunned, he survived the fatal crisis by slashing the gun barrel and was stabbed in the shoulder to see that he was swallowing a medicine and should be full of blood again.

Du Guhong's first shot made the wind thorn want to fix him but unfortunately was cut off by the water rose.

"私 を 助 け く は さ ぃ!" Supported these two rounds of attack: Xinxiang Pingshiro finally got the opportunity to shout loudly, but what he said was not so beautiful. It was basically calling for help and his majesty when he first came out.

After hearing his orders, the Japanese pirates finally responded: "は か!" "鳥 默!" "Animal Health!"

Scolding, a circle of people rushed to Dugu Hongshui Rose in all directions ~ ~ Especially the seven guards guarded by two ninjas came behind them almost instantly.

Du Guhong took off three feet tall and fell on the ground after falling: "Old sky!"

Chirping chirping ... Sifang Fangyuan completely cleared Xinxiang Pingsilang was scratched and continued to stumble out.

The whole body of the water rose rotates and dances in the air, and every time the landing long sword goes to the ground, it will fly up again.

Wow wow wow wow wow wow ... where she was born in a crowd of **** and rainy winds and was born a new way to chase Xinxiang directly

Hira Shiro left.

If it weren't for Du Guhong who blocked the Japanese leader, he would have to continue to be a pinball player.

"Is this the master of heaven? Kick the ball!" The sixty of the two gangs opened their mouths and opened their eyes wide and unbelievable.

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