The Game Warrior

Chapter 308: Long winds and waves will sometimes

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 308, Changfeng, the waves and waves, sometimes Du Guhong and Shui Qiang. The current form is that both of them try their best to destroy the chance of killing Xinxiang Ping Silang and at the same time they dare to kill themselves ...

On the skill, the water rose is indeed higher and the actual combat with the ability makes her practical experience is not lacking. But in the face of the rapidly changing situation in front of her, when it comes to the comprehensive processing ability, she is far inferior to Du Guhong. .

In short, he ca n’t hold his own. Xinxiang Pingshiro is the ball kicked by two people. Those pirates around are dishes.

There is no point in arguing between the two people who are purely for slaughter.

Du Guhong thought that the final victory would be after Xinxiang Pingsilang had run out of medicine, and when he couldn't replenish his blood, he would see who had the better ability to seize the opportunity.

In fact, he is quite a bit sure because in addition to normal attack and blood loss, Xinxiang Pingsilang also hit him. He poisoned him and dropped blood every six seconds. Hundreds of times wait until the drug limit is near. The chance of victory is definitely his.

With these two masters in the seat, almost all the Japanese pirates' attention was attracted to the more than fifty players in Xinxiang Ping Shilang who had greatly reduced the pressure and began to harvest the face of their enemies with their backs.

However, it didn't take long for the harvest to take place when the pirates caught between the two were cleared and the two themselves fought.

The knockout game is so cruel that it can make the opponent lose one point, that is, he can watch the two days and see that the two days will not produce a result at a time.At this time, it is also successful to kill the soldiers!

Being dug by Du Guhong for three months, he has been hard-working, and the one who is a younger brother of Du Guhong simply forgets the significance of the number of people.

Facts have proved that Du Guhong's practice is effective.

The extremely concentrated wave-like impact pattern is full of repeated attacks without repeated attacks. Two pokes under the feet poke out the powerful and powerful wolf masculine and the remote long-range and insidious storage means ...

As soon as I contacted the Ssangyong gang, the five people had acted on them. Two of them were the result of the combined action of the monk ’s mad wand and the mountain monster hidden weapon. That one was sent by Huangshan School

The three people's storm-like attacks were life and death ...

This lethality is a few points stronger than the Xinxiang Pingshiro personal guard.

The number of people on either side of the five people is almost the same.

Because I do n’t know in advance that Du Guhong also has compressed water rose, who is extremely confident in his own strength, so what should he do?

How she never thought about just relying on the maze of her own strength code to point all the way.

Not to mention the problem that some agencies she hides behind ca n’t hide behind. This kind of walking method is good for people who just leave behind

A few of them are also the only way for the Ssangyong Gang to fail to get out of the maze.

Forty people were left behind, five or six were killed by Xinxiang Pingshiro guards, three were just killed by Duguhong, and now there are about twenty-six or seven people.

With the second wave of attacks by the Duguhong team, this number quickly decreased to about 20 people. On both sides, the figures have been equal.

No suspense!

The kind of attack ability and co-defense ability of a team ravaged by such a perverted day by Du Guhong are not comparable to the serious team of Shuanglong Gang.

The young girl in the solitary Hongshui Rose Ssangyong Gang who saw the endless struggle of the distant woods shook his head and sighed out of the protection circle.

"Long wind and waves will come!" It seems that the 13-year-old girl pulled out a long sword from her waist to dive diagonally from the height of three or four feet to the mandarin duck formation by taking advantage of her height. Going down is like a bomber attacking all the way to follow the non-return movement. It is somewhat slower in coverage but wider in area.

This is what Xiaoyao asks about the seemingly harmless little girl in Xinjian who is also a master in the special a group.

As for a code of white-faced scholars who seemed to have no power of chickens, they were now lying like leopards and limbs, and before the three swords of Huangshan had not seen what was going on, they immediately approached them.

There was no charge and no warning. In a flash, Xinghua Yanyu sword was thrust out of his neck, spreading his teeth and dancing claws.

The most authentic Mongolian wrestling!

Although in the martial arts book, it has always been an inferior martial art, but in order to balance it in the rivers and lakes, this is a door that can be practiced from entry to peculiar skills. If there is internal force to assist in one-on-one close combat It is said that only trained Taijiquan can contend with it.

This is whether the Secret Service a group is engaged in civilian work or seems harmless. As long as it joins this organization, as long as it has trained its combat power for the third time, it ca n’t be underestimated, even if the power ca n’t be used to fight. .

"It's heaven again! Escort! Escort!" It is natural for the little girl Jianguang to take the monk under the head cage and then retreat to a strong defense. The best is to know what tricks can block what needs to cooperate with teammates.

Almost at the same time he retreated, two long cards had been raised towards his head and ran towards him.

There was a gap in the long card. In the gap, the crescent shovel of the monk's duck egg was greeted by the little girl, and he was mercilessly smashed in the face. Two long guns with a straight pestle on the back of the long card seemed to be waiting for the little girl. The long-range artillery that has automatically hit the edge of the long gun has been overwhelmingly ~ ~ This is the defensive state of the Yuanyang Formation. How can it be maintained in the confrontation with Du Guhong without such a grade.

"Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! ..." A dense voice rang from the long card, and the two supporting buddies in the bottom shadow of the card suddenly saw dozens of starlights shooting from the many gaps just now. I couldn't help but secretly thank myself that thanks to the strongest defensive attitude, this little Nizi's attack power is definitely the same grade as Du Guhong.

I understand where this group of people dare to neglect the little girl passing over the monk with a cold air, with his own hand clenched the crescent shovel and followed closely behind him. The vine player raised the shield spear and threw the broken gun and pulled out a new wolf. The squads and long-range scales cross the cat's waist from below, and the formation in the blink of an eye is turned upside down.

At this time, on the other side, Tengyun was driving the fog and was thrown out by the password. The Xinghua Yanyu sword was already held by the two divisions of Qiupu Changqiujian and Huangshan Sijuejian, and his arms were offset by most of the fall damage. Du Guhong's compulsory course when confrontation.

Even if the password wants to chase over and then fall again, it is impossible for the next group of people to have blocked the password with their bodies.

Saving people and saving death in the end is only the first step to cut off the other party's pursuit route ... This is also a required course.

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