The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Shotgun, flamethrower

The eleventh special field platoon Chapter 43 shotgun and spitfire "Hi! Hi! Mr. Poseidon, please don't worry if you have something to discuss ..."

Just as Poseidon was spitting blood out of the attitude of the field team and felt that the wave of thought in his mind was crumbling, Kan Buping hurried to it.

He was not as full of grievances as Du Guhong as other people were. He could even say that he knew that he would certainly not let this group of people encourage Poseidon to overthrow the boat.

At this time, Du Guhong had appeared in the place where the mechanical puppet was less than one meter ...

He was fortunate in his heart that his luck was so good-the mechanical puppet was holding the two guns now, although the power of these two guns was large but slow.

You know, no matter how strong your body is, you ca n’t directly fight the bullet. If the puppet is not a torch gun and a shotgun, but the dense array, with a million shots per minute, no one can escape the stormy metal. Mad Lan.

"Click!" The puppet showed Duguhong's shotgun for the first time and the right arm moved steadily and quickly to Duguhong.

"Thick soil hoop!" This is a technique that can enhance the ability of the enemy to lock and hold the enemy. Du Guhong's extremely fast probe held the shotgun barrel and stretched his foot on the side wall to straighten the muzzle towards the interior of the Black Pearl.

With the strength of Du Guhong and the mechanical puppets, they could not directly compete, but the mechanical puppets finally did not have the flexibility of anyone. They did not know how to stretch their legs to borrow from the wall, plus the ground friction, and it was really small. ...

"Boom!" There was a blast of steel balls, iron sands, and the inner wall of the Black Pearl. It was also an alloy gel, and the sand in the shotgun was hit by the enemy. This hardness hit the walls and rebounded.

However, Du Guhong calculated the distance and angle early and used the power of the shotgun sand to hit the wall and then bounced back to the ordinary people. It may not be able to cause damage to the ordinary people. Not to mention his strengthened physique at the moment.

And the significance of reversal is not here. The main thing is that the shotgun iron sand also hit a fire button in the distance. The corridor in the corridor suddenly began to rain ...

The body of the mechanical puppet seems to be twisted with a shotgun muzzle, and the flamethrower in the other hand is also turned at an angle and is close to Du Guhong.

The mechanical puppet naturally chooses the most labor-saving way for the torch to start with Du Guhong.

"Xuan Bing strikes!" The muzzle of the flamethrower is so hot that it is impossible to shoot directly with thick soil hoop Du Guhong, and he does not require precise angle control. The iron-sand area of ​​the shotgun, which is still rebounding, runs towards the rainstorm area.

Lingbo Weibu has just emerged from the water curtain and swept through a heat wave ...

The turbulent fire flow from the mouth of the tunnel overflowed from the flamethrower and sprayed straight onto the alloy wall. It seemed that the molten molten metal was scattered into the tunnel and out of the tunnel, even with the mechanical puppet holding the gun in front of the wall.

The fiery red hot melt boiling flame fills the entire tunnel within a range of more than 20 meters in a breath. It is like the old monarch furnace dumping the purgatory. The sea of ​​fire does not have to be in the light. The distant radiation of the fire and heat makes people produce the tunnel. The illusion that the alloy walls have melted.

The tongue of the fire rolled into the heavy rain area just a little stagnation ...

Because after a stagnation, the downpour rain turned into water vapor and transpired into the invisible flame to continue to move forward.

However, there was a slight stagnation time enough for Du Guhong to start again and completely get out of the rainstorm area-the water sprayed for the heat radiation nozzle has not landed and has boiled. If you continue to stay, even if the flame ca n’t burn him Will be burned alive.

After leaving the rainstorm area, Du Guhong was very careful to hide behind the corner of Yongdao and took out a small mirror from the storage space to use light reflection to spy on the situation of the mechanical puppet.

Although the power of the flamethrower is great for the mechanical puppet, it is not necessarily fatal and the flame blocks Du Guhong's sight. If the mechanical puppet takes any action during this time, he will not see it at all, so he must be careful.

As expected, the mechanical puppet at the entrance of the Ningbo Road turned around and walked inward in the direction of Du Guhong's hiding.

If the only change is that the original cloak on it has been completely transformed into fly ash, the fearful equipment and the thick and fierce mechanical skeleton of his body are exposed, but it is not the cold light but the fire. The black smoked and roasted.

The sniper rifle, flamethrower, revolver gun, electromagnetic impact gun, shotgun, spoiler, grenade launcher, etc. seen through the electronic eye ... these heavy firepower are missing on the surface of its body.

Even the transmission device and electromagnetic joints that the machine should have had no reflection on it. It seemed more like the inexplicable existence of the skeleton summoned by the legendary Necromancer. The inexplicable way of acting was completely inconsistent with scientific logic.

It's just that it's stronger than the skeleton. Its weapons are not at the same level as the traditional skeleton. Even the brain that controls it is not an intelligent program. It's more like a soul that knows to obey the command and has the fighting instinct ...

For example, Du Guhong is now playing lightly with a light bulb whose eyes are already red as blood seems to indicate the anger in his heart ...

Striding toward Du Guhong while walking it, straightened his two arms of the spitfire shotgun, so he slowly entered his chest along his arms.

Its chest surface is a box but it seems that Doraemon's pockets are not just weapons. All the ammunition chains that supply weapons seem to be directly connected from there ...

After the flamethrower shotgun disappeared, an electromagnetic shock gun reappeared on the left side of the puppet's chest. On the right, a tube of "Phenomenon" revolver machine gun electromagnetic shock gun can penetrate most obstacles and penetrate and shoot. It can almost be guaranteed that as long as Du Guhong appears in its field of vision, it will be shot into a horse bee dwelling.

This is not a joke to see Du Guhong running away while seeing the two shots.

His original plan was to see how the body of the mechanical puppet constituted the bullet and how it was supplemented. Based on his understanding of the mechanical body, as long as it caused some malfunction or blocked the way to get ammunition, the mechanical puppet did not Self-defeating.

He did not expect that the mechanical puppet would be a magic-like structure. The principle of ordinary machinery was useless. The box for supplying ammunition was sandwiched between the puppet sternum ... even if it was carried on his back, he could think of a way to separate it. Only this kind of arrangement is at a loss.

Since you can't carry it hard, there is only one way left ... but then it comes ...

With a sigh at the bottom of my heart, Du Guhong ran and yelled at the watch: "The caterpillar cracked the protection system of this ship to give the right to ... Then show the map of the cabin between the mechanical puppet and me."

The caterpillar is the name of the Kanani system host that Kan Buping rebuilt on the White Pearl. Du Guhong also has some rights to use it.

Under the impact of the Callney system, the quantum system was almost compromised, not to mention the ordinary pirate ship such as Black Pearl, so a second later, the map on Du Guhong's watch appeared and the synthesized sound came from the cabin: "Operation The rights change is complete. "

At this time, Du Guhong had to start to rejoice again-fortunately, the mechanical puppet was not controlled by the brain, but only a virtual soul.

To know that Zhinao knows the statistical data to calculate the amount of advance, the electromagnetic shock gun in the puppet's hands, although it requires a magnetic field shock and a very slow firing rate, is a true energy weapon with standard light.

This weapon is lethal for the ability before it reaches level A with a lethal induction.

And now he can still evade the energy beam by the way of the zigzag of the degree of speed. ~ Of course, even if it is hit, there will be no serious consequences ... using an electronic map Du Guhong has always controlled the thickness of barriers between himself and the mechanical puppet muzzle, including alloy walls and other debris, with an operation comparable to the light brain.

When the energy beam penetrates his side, this layer is basically the end of the strong crossbow. I am afraid that it is only slightly stronger than the microwave oven. This is to maintain the temptation to the puppet. If the energy gun see-through device runs too far, it is impossible to track Du Guhong, worrying that the mechanical puppet will simply give up. Go back to White Pearl by yourself.

One person, one puppet, one escape, one pursuit, although the progress of the two people inside the alloy ship is still fast.

Du Guhong used the electronic map on his watch to measure the ship's cabin structure and directly transited Lingbo while the mechanical puppet did not know what kind of weapon he changed. He simply broke the alloy bulkhead layer by layer to pursue.

A minute later, Du Guhong finally fled to the bottom power room of the Black Pearl, standing beside the huge motives, lifting Dayan Jue and waiting quietly.

Although the time with the mechanical puppet is short, he has reached the limit. If it is not a will that supports him, he may have passed the overdraft and fell asleep ...

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