The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 44: Walk slowly, don't send

The eleventh special field platoon. Chapter 44. Go slow. In the twenty-second century, due to the emergence of wireless transmission technology, high-efficiency and energy-saving electricity has completely replaced the original natural energy coal, oil and natural gas no matter what occasion.

Take the white pearls of the field teams and the black pearl of the pirate ship as examples. The motives in the cabin are the electromagnetic motors with the highest conversion rate. As for the power, they are directly located by satellites in space and then transmitted remotely.

This is an effective supplement to the wireless power supply network on the Big 6. Although the size of the energy receiving device is relatively large, it is only relatively small compared to the size of the float.

Du Guhong came here for nothing else, because there must be a strong magnetic field around the strong electric field. There will be a layer of electromagnetic shielding around the electromagnetic motive routine to isolate the influence of the magnetic force on the surrounding equipment. Naturally, it can also cope with the puppet peep and electromagnetic shock. .

However, his escape did not last long, and he just breathed out. The temperature of the motive room suddenly changed suddenly. The freezing wind seemed to turn into a big freezer ... It turned out that the frost bombs gradually looked white and frosted on the walls. Du Guhong's frozen wall suddenly appeared.

The next thick wall of the room suddenly made a loud echo echoing through the room and shocked Du Gu, who was caught off guard, and the sound was even more than ten times dozens of times of the propeller group below.

The walls naturally disintegrated and the alloy fragments that had turned into white were scattered all over the place, and the temperature of the room dropped again as the morning mist rolled up.

Fortunately, the frozen puppets of mechanical puppets are shot from a distance and close contact with the sudden temperature change. Its own body can't bear it, so Du Guhong hasn't got rid of vertigo during this time. The mechanical puppets have not attacked. The sound of heavy footsteps kept getting closer to the hole.

Tolerance stings Du Guhong stretched his fingers at his ears for a few times to force down the hearing discomfort with internal power. He threw the net rope in his hand when the footsteps were about to reach the hole-torn directly from the white pearl hatch Moye's ability to thread down.

As the mechanical puppet leaned out of the hole, Du Guhong also flew out from behind the shield at the same time and ran while pulling the net under the mechanical puppet.

The phalanx of muzzle bursts and more than 10,000 bullets poured out every second. As Du Guhong moved for a few seconds, the side of the motive room was hit with holes ... Temperature control system, communication system, sea water purification system It was completely paralyzed almost instantly.

The bullets that hit the wall reflected all the blind spots of the half cabin from different angles, even if Du Guhong has always been able to find shelter to block it, it can't escape the scattering at all.

Fortunately, in order to meet the shooting requirements of the Phalanx machine gun, the bullet power is not very large. The rebound effect is even worse. The lone body can be about ten times the ordinary people, and then through the anti-blast explosion of the thick earth heart method, although more than a dozen stray bullets are only embedded in the body. The surface of clothes with a certain bulletproof ability.

A blow of this magnitude with his current muscle endurance will not even affect his mobility.

The only thing that hurt him all over his body was the two bullets in his left hand that stretched out to protect his head.

Fortunately, the shooting of the mechanical puppet lasted for two or three seconds, and then stepped into the scope of the power net. Du Guhong was violently dumped on his back, and countless bullets were wasted to the top wall and the ceiling, including an energy shock. The completed electromagnetic pulse.

This is also the result of Du Guhong's meticulous calculation combined with the mechanical puppet movement ability.

The new rebound bomb rain began to pour from the ceiling to protect his head. Du Guhong jumped out of the hiding place again. The right hand pulled the invisible wire mesh to drive the mechanical puppet to start running in the other direction. It took about a second for the mechanical puppet to understand that the situation was constantly moving towards Duguhong under the rapid muzzle of the roaring dense array. However, at this time, Du Guhong dragged him to the center of the motive, and immediately shouted: "Magnetic shielding is eliminated! The propeller group is separated! The maximum power of the motive is idling!"

The control system of Black Pearl accepted Du Guhong's command in an instant. The sound of the motive suddenly increased with a soft sound. Corresponding to the increase of the sound, the mechanical puppet in the net cover suddenly flew into the air and was wrapped in a strong magnetic force. "Flying to the motive shell, there was a loud noise.

Flying with it, there were scattered shells and even alloy fragments in the distant holes, which scrambled to match the intensive showers of the talents.

Almost in a matter of seconds, tens of thousands of shells wrapped the entire outer surface of the motive except for a contour. From the appearance, the mechanical puppet was nowhere to be seen.

The energy of a motive that can provide the power of a tanker is not yet resisted by mechanical puppets.

Even if it can still struggle, wriggle or even slightly lift the arm to turn the muzzle in the cartridge case, the solitary wing, whether it is a dense array or an impact gun, has long lost its ability to work normally under the action of a strong magnetic force, which was originally a shield Reason for existence.

There was no time to celebrate this thrilling and hard-won victory, Lingbo Weibu fully launched a few flashes, and then Du Guhong appeared on the deck of the Black Pearl, and then urged light skills to rush to the White Pearl training room.

Poseidon's flood threat has already begun. While avoiding the mechanical puppet chase, the caterpillar has been transmitting the opposite situation to Du Guhong. Knowing that Da Yan Ju is working hard, how to solve the threat here is also Du Guhong's main consideration. One of the problems.

And even if there is no transmission at this time, the change on the White Pearl should be guessed.

Although Poseidon instinctively chose to stay away from the black pearl to prevent the ship from being affected, the tide of up to thirty or forty meters was there to rise up like a hill It's time to be aware. The confrontation in the training room continues Poseidon's nosebleed. I have to dye the front of the clothes. I don't know how long it can last, but the two sides have not reached any consensus. The point of contention is that some stupidity is how to exchange hostages.

For the people on the side of Poseidon, they both want to bring their companions back, but they cannot ignore their own safety. At this time, the maze between the two waves becomes an insurmountable obstacle ... The maze ability is special and can only exist at the same time. If such a maze wants to allow the field team to return the hostage to the maze, it must be removed. If the safety of the three Poseidon is removed, there is no guarantee at all. There is a very high evaluation of the strength of the field team. The abilities are enough ... When noisy, clamoring, and clamoring, Dugu Hongfeng rushed to the ground and said to the false face, "There is something you need to do," and then began negotiations with the pirate group.

The next situation seemed to the field players to be watching a magic show ... they saw Du Guhong acting in French, which is more French than French After the sentence was finished, the other party became confused and excited.It seemed to ask Du Guhong what to do.After the third sentence, Poseidon simply closed the sea maze and was also silently removed. Du Guhong also directed them to release the three captured.

What exactly does Du Guhong say in the field? No one in the field team knows that these words are French but they are more like a secret word or a translation system for a watch with a secret code. I ca n’t understand it ~ ~ In conclusion, the two sides shake hands and talk to each other. When cherished, calm and a group of friends seemed to have intersected friends for a long time ... After a few minutes, the pirates left the White Pearl with satisfaction, saw them leave the deck, and Duke Hong was teetering and said "Maximum power, all forward". Yan Ju had already reached the limit.

Under the bright blue sky and blue sky, the White Pearl is like a beluga whale away by wind and waves.

The sea behind him echoed with anger and anger from the pirates: "Fucked by him again! Let's wait and see on the White Pearl!"

No wonder the pirates would imagine that the smoked and scorched black channel walls like the bottom of the pot were splattered with wet water and the bullet shells scattered all over the floor and the blockage of the broken walls were raped one by one. In the same cabin, the shortcut channel until the motivation cabin has been idling for so long. It has started to spark sparks. The motive is fully controlled by caterpillars. It has basically lost all the functions of the control system ... Even if they go to rob others, it seems that they did not get others. So miserable!

But there is no way to cover up all these abnormalities by the false appearance. When they are close enough to be able to reveal the truth, the white pearl has already gone far.

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