The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 15 - 15 - First time fighting as a team

Chapter 15 - First time fighting as a team

Good morning, good noon, good evening and goodnight everyone. (My hats off to ya all for reading it. really)

*If you have come here for moving pictures and flying cars you have come to wrong place

Here is my typical story a gamer in Naruto world.

Now back to the story

"What!?" everyone made a surprise statement as if it was the most ridiculous thing that they have ever heard. In the world of ninja, there are far more weird, dangerous and crazy things that one cannot think of but it was normal for them to react like that because in fact, they were not really a ninja right now...….duh.

"Everyone is shocked and looking me at disbelief but Naruto you...why are you even looking at me like that?" questioned Raito

"Eh? Umm....going with the crowd?" replied Naruto

"Well then everyone, I am telling you the truth, I will be taking you all to a place where monsters reside," explained Raito

Ino, Hinata, and Choji looked a little pale when they heard monsters whereas Shikamaru looked confused, utterly confused.

"So who wants to go?" asked Raito.

"Although the place is a bit creepy and those monsters look gross, it's a good place for training," Naruto added.

"Tch, you will know when you get there." Raito snorted. Then making everyone hold hands and making a circle. Raito murmured in a low voice. "ID Create Wasteland – Zombie."

"So how long are we gonna hold hands?" asked Ino

Everyone let go of their hands except Hinata. She was all red and stiff.

"Guys I think, we have a problem, Hinata I think she is not feeling well," said Naruto which was ignored by most of the people.

"Well Raito, let's get going to that imaginary place of yours, where those monster are present?" asked Ino

"We are already here Ino," answered Raito

"We are still at the garden," replied Ino

"Ino shhh." Shikamaru hushed Ino then quickly went outside. Popping his head randomly he looked everywhere but found nothing.

"Shika, what are you looking for?" asked Choji

"Come here and look at this," asked Shikamaru

"What is it? Ah-" as soon as Ino asked the question Naruto placed his hands on her mouth

"Monsters are walking around, you don't want to call them here by screaming," stated Naruto

"M-monsters?" stuttered Choji

"These monsters are zombies. The blanks living after death. They are made up of black gasses. When you kill them they release black gasses. But when you kill more than a specific amount of hundred or more, a bigger monster comes." explained Raito

"What happens when you kill that big monster," asked Shikamaru

"We get out of this place," Raito replied simply.

"These monster cannot see you until you make a noise. After you make a noise it seems that it can sense you," added Raito.

Then Shikamaru threw a stone at a spot. And after some time few zombies gathered at the spot.

"They are really blind and relies on the senses," added Shikamaru after which he went into deep thought.

"Naruto can easily kill these monsters in about a few hours. The only problem is the searching which takes a longer time," said Raito as he handed all, each a kunai.

"What for?" asked Ino

"Of course to kill them." answered Raito

Hearing his words Ino and Hinata became stunned

"Just think of them as moving practice dummy." said Raito

Then Raito threw the kunai at a steel post making a loud noise which gathered a lot of the zombies.

Shikamaru at that time finally opened his eyes and ran towards the nearest zombie with Choji. Choji although he was scared, after getting Shikamaru's conformation, he also ran with Shikamaru. Naruto also took off dragging Hinata with him.

"Well Ino, it looks like it is only us." said Raito

"Let's go."

"Let's start with that lone zombie." said Raito as he turned towards the zombie.

"Killing them is easy, you just have to attack them a lot randomly or attack their heart right there. I will demonstrate it to you."

Waiting for a bit, Raito took his kunai out and using stealth, reached the zombies back and swiftly plunged his kunai into the zombie's heart area. Not letting the zombie react Raito pulled out the kunai and repeatedly plunged it into the zombie's body.

After several deep stabs zombie suddenly turned into black gases and disappeared from the sight.

"It just disappeared." said Ino.

"You try." said Raito as he handed Ino his kunai.

With kunai at both hands, Ino looked dazed until Raito stepped forward and hold her shoulders.

"You can do it Ino, remember the bunny you had to kill that day. Just like that, you can do it to this thing too. These are not real things so there is no guilt to it. Gather your energy to your legs and hold that position strong. Slightly loosen that grip, make it easy for swing. Take a deep breath. Hold it in. Yes, hold it. Then...….Release it!!"

Ino jumped towards the zombie and plunged the kunai deep into the c.h.e.s.t region. But the zombie reacted faster and swung his arm backside with force striking Ino hard, making her slide back.

"That would hurt bad." added Raito.

Enduring the pain Ino stood up and told Raito, "Don't help". With that, she charged forward grabbed a few stones and threw a few towards zombie's side. And while the zombie was distracted with the stone, Ino would kick the zombie's back and it happened again and again.

"Yawn. Naruto would do it faster, you know." said Raito.

"Shut it." focused Ino broke from her trance again getting an attack from the zombie, "Damn it."

Being able to block the strike Ino didn't get much damage from the hit. Instead got a chance to get the kunai back.

Again using stones, distracting the zombie, Ino made a huge cut with it and the zombie disappeared in smoke.

"I did it, I finally did it." yelled Ino both here hand in the air.

After a few more turns Ino was getting better and the improvement was clearly seen. Shikamaru and Choji also killed a couple of zombies easily with their power combined. Then they later on the tried killing zombie individually.

The most difficult part was Hinata, she was weakly holding the kunai given to her. Naruto did a lot of talking and showing her a few examples and convincing her which took a lot of time, she was finally able to do it. Seeing the zombies turning into gases made Hinata more convinced and after that her dangerous side came into play, using gentle fist style she quickly destroyed the zombies.

Raito was just looking at them from a rooftop. Sometimes it was wow and sometimes it was envy.

"Wow Shikamaru, I didn't think that I would see the day you ever wanna do some hard work willingly." Teased Raito

"These zombies are pretty stupid and well I don't want to be like Ino." replied Shikamaru in a weak voice. "But still moving so much is exhausting."

"Uh Shika, you just dug yourself a big hole." said Raito backing off a bit.

Turning around Shikamaru saw Ino clad in the fire.

"SHI!!KA!!MA!!RU!!" roared Ino gnashing her teeth then threw the kunai over, nearly making Shikamaru a porcupine.

"Ino here also killed a few couples of those zombies, all alone." stated Raito

Hearing that Ino made a small victory pose.

"So Ino, Shikamaru, why didn't you use any of the clan techniques." asked Raito

"Stupid." pointed Ino.

"Our clan techniques or what we have learned till now take quite a long time to execute and also is bad when going against a huge number of enemies and it's not worth when dealing with these stupid zombies." replied Shikamaru

"I can use "Shadow Binding jutsu" shadow and stretch it, linking it with someone else's paralyzing their movements. Of course, it depends on various other things like the difference in the strength and also the amount of shadow I can gather." explained Shikamaru

"My family jutsu is much more complicated, it is related with the brain, and my first learning jutsu is "Mind transfer jutsu". I can switch my consciousness into someone else body and control it and as I am using someone else's body I can use their chakra as well." explained Ino

"I can use "Expansion jutsu" from my clan. Right now I can only partially expand myself. But it's enough for now." said Choji while munching his ch.i.p.s.

"This jutsu…...I don't even know what this is but it helps me come to this place, one is blank with only non-living things and another is this place with those monster in it. This place has no other living inside it, also no food, no electricity or any writings and all." Raito also explained what he knew of the skill.

"OIIII, everyone sorry we are late. Hehe." roared Naruto

"Sorry." Hinata quickly bowed.

"So how was the result?" asked Raito

"It was awesome. First Hinata was not willing to attack those zombies but after showing her defeating those zombie, she started attacking those monster and after a few minutes she destroyed a whole lot of them." Naruto replied excitedly whereas Hinata was all blood red.

"So Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, and Hinata roughly destroyed nearly 100 of those zombies, but the bigger one has still not come so we are lacking a bit more." stated Raito

"Oi Raito we have Hinata here with her Byakugan she can easily find those zombies easily." explained Naruto.

After that being said all pair of eyes landed towards Hinata. Hesitating a bit Hinata activated her Byakugan and started searching. Quite a while passed finding them and defeating them. But it was much, much faster than combing the whole city.

The sky suddenly darkened and gases started leaking from the ground and got converged making a taller zombie at the end.

"Guys the big one is here." shouted Raito

"Ino, Choji let's try formation-1." ordered Shikamaru

Nodding both ran beside Shikamaru and got into a specific position

"Shadow binding jutsu." holding a rat hand seal Shikamaru's shadow latched to the zombie restricting it from movement but the difference in body size and strength was making it difficult in holding zombie into position.

"Mind transfer jutsu." making a special square type of hand seal Ino fell to the ground and was caught by Choji.

"This big guy is really strong but so slow and feels heavy." Ino was in full control of the 'S1 Zombie' and started making a different movement.

"Ino get ready." ordered Shikamaru

"Partial expansion jutsu." Choji arm extended and now it looked amazingly huge, a swing back and it destroyed a few things here and there, clenching his hand Choji sent a punch to the zombie's face making the zombie tumble back destroying 3 or 4 houses with it.

"I got out." shouted Ino

But it only halved the zombie's HP. The zombie roared in anger and started throwing things near him.

"Take cover." with that Raito dashed taking Ino with him. Others also dashed away.

Zombie S1 Lvl 20

HP 3000/5000

Looking at the big zombie, Raito was amazed. Ino and Shikamaru dealt no damage but Choji's one attack did a 2,000 damage easily.

"Choji is really strong." stated Raito

Hinata also nodded at the statement.

"Naruto lets bring them." said Raito then he and Naruto took off. A few minutes later both of them came while holding a lot of weapons. While most of them were projectiles, some were swords and scythes.

"Hinata can you defeat that monster?" asked Naruto

Hinata nodded then looked towards the zombie. Slight trace of fear could be seen in her eyes.

At that time Raito and Naruto put their hand on Hinata's shoulder. Watching back Hinata saw a smiling Naruto and Raito who nodded his head.

Naruto started running and landed on a roof, making a group of clones then they also hid themselves on the surrounding area.

Hinata started running towards the zombie and when the zombie was finally starting to notice

Hinata's movement he was hit by a small volley of the shuriken from the opposite side.


The zombie roared in agony, wildly moving his hands, striking all the things in the surroundings.

At that time Raito also moved forward and came towards the zombie and used the skill 'throw' dealing greater damage to the zombie angering the zombie even more and successfully diverting its attention towards himself.

As the zombie came forward Raito took out 'Dragon's cry' and started defending. Using 'Chakra Sense' and 'Dragon's cry' made defending much easier only chipping a bit of health.

Hinata arrived near the zombie and started attacking the leg and hip region. Being different from human the zombie lacked the chakra pathways and proper coordination system. So she was using different methods like destroying the muscles and tendons.

Feeling the sharp pain, the zombie moved roughly and fell onto the ground. After that, it was no longer able to move freely but it still struggled violently. The struggle hit the Hyuga princess dealing high damage.

While the zombie was struggling wildly, Hinata was on the ground bruises on her hands and feet. At the same time blood was leaking out from her mouth.

Hinata Lvl 8


Raito quickly used 'heal' on Hinata restoring her to full health. Then he plopped down, "Take care of the rest will ya." yelled Raito after which he took out some chocolate bar and started eating it. It looks weird enough to say that everyone on the field was looking at Raito. It even looked like the zombie was watching him too.

Hinata looked stunned then quickly nodded. Without any other word, she took off towards the zombie.

Naruto was holding off the zombie using lots of shuriken and kunai but the weapons were coming to end.

"Shika, should we help out." asked Choji

"Just wait a bit longer." replied Shikamaru who was biting his lips.

Hinata reached the zombie and using her natural flexibility and speed started attacking the zombie, again and again, each strike giving a large amount of damage.

Zombie S1 Lv 20

HP 1200/5000


HP 1100/5000


HP 1000/5000





After some time the zombie's HP dropped as low as 500. But then something unique happened, it started turning red and got bigger and bigger.

"Shit, everyone run!!!" shouted Raito as he ran away from the area. Others followed as well.

After running a block suddenly there was a loud explosion and the force created great wind which pushed the young ninjas, some rolled away and some were got planted on the walls.

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