The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 16 - 16 - Damn it Anko-nee!

Chapter 16 - Damn it Anko-nee!

Hey you guys know I don't own Naruto, right?

Then I am done.

I am not doing it for money or for any kind of publicity whatsoever, I am doing it because I just want to write. I am writing this story because after I read the various different story I get an image in the head of a much overpowered character fighting and destroying the villans. Haha

Well, thanks for reading my stupidity.


"Those brats." Anko growled under her breath, following her were a group of ANBU.

"This thing got really huge really fast." said the purple-haired cat mask-wearing ANBU.

"Well when the major clan heads are involved, things move as such." replied Anko.

"And I was on my way for a dango break." added Anko increasing the severity of the matter.

"He better have a good explanation when I get him." said cat ANBU. Then added, "Where do we go look?"

"Of course, his house." replied Anko simply

"This whole thing is because the old man is not telling those clan heads everything." said Anko

"Don't worry everything will be fine. Raito is a smart kid." replied cat ANBU

"Hmph! He may fool those old bones, but he cannot fool me." smiled devilishly Anko

"You can boast all you want but let me remind you, last time he didn't want you to know something, after you got to the house, you were lost." replied cat ANBU

"That was one time!" roared Anko in guilt.

"Oh." voicing out her thoughts in a single sound cat ANBU remained quiet for the rest of the way.

"One time, one time…..." mumbled Anko

Anko and five ANBU reached the house of one academy student called Yoshizawa Raito. Four ANBU members surrounded the house and tried looking for him from the windows.

"Step back." the cat ANBU ordered and the 4 ANBU returned back.

"Anko, open the door."


"Damn it Anko-nee, we just started." shouted Raito

"Huh? What…What bullshit are you guys doing?" asked Anko

"Trying meditation." replied Ino

"Inoichi's girl right, we came here to inform you guys that your parents are worried sick about you." replied Anko


Shikamaru and Choji looked at each other in confusion. Then Shikamaru's looked at Raito for an answer.

"Well it seems I am responsible for answering." sighed Raito

"PRINCESS!!" came a crying voice.

The incoming shadow entered the house and quickly engulfed the dumbfounded Ino.

"Princess I thought something bad happened to you. I was so worried." said the worried shadow still tightly hugging Ino

"Daddy? What's happening? I did tell mom where I was going. Didn't she tell you?" asked Ino

"Inoichi it is really bad to just dash off to see your daughter." said a heavy voice.

"Couldn't, we have come a bit later? It's damn troublesome." said another lazy voice

The worried parent who went to hug Ino is "Inoichi Yamanaka". He has long ash-blond hair reaching his back, which he wore spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, blue-green eyes and strong facial features wearing a flak jacket over a black outfit, complete with hand-guards and forehead protector.

The second heavy voice entering the room is "Choza Akimichi". He is a tall, plump man with spiky red hair and purple markings on his cheeks wearing a samurai-like outfit which entails a black suit completed with armor that has the kanji for "food" (食, shoku) on it. He also wears a rope belt, hand-guards, and instead of a forehead protector — a hachimaki tied around his head.

The last lazy voice who looked like he would just sleep anywhere is "Shikaku Nara". The man has two scars on the right side of his face having dark hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, dark eyes, as well as a goatee with ears, pierced. He is wearing a meshed shirt underneath his flak jacket, a deerskin coat over that and handguards.

"Told ya, they are just fine," said Shikaku who silently swept his gaze around the room.

"Let's go the kids are just fine, Inoichi." giving slight nods to the kids in the room Choza went outside.

Inoichi gave his daughter a long hard stare and looked at the other occupants in the room and his gaze landed on one Raito Yoshizawa.

"Ehem." Inoichi coughed in embarrassment, "Raito, you have your last evaluation after the Genin test so make sure to come." the switching to Naruto, "Naruto it seems you are trying to meditate it was a good choice for a hyperactive kid like you, so do your best." Inoichi gave some suggestion to the boys then also left the house.

Then Inoichi did a very strange thing he walked inside and outside the house several times and with an expression 'I see, I see' he returned.

"Then we will be leaving too." said the cat ANBU holding Anko's hand

"Wait." shouted Raito then he walked towards the kitchen then brought a big container giving it to Anko.

"For all the trouble." said Raito with a huge smile.

"Worthwhile." replied Anko then left the house.

Everyone plopped down sighing heavily.

"What the hell just happened!?" shouted Ino

"It seems that…...they couldn't find us?" said Shikamaru looking towards Raito.

"This house is protected against eyes, ears and any senses." Raito gave a brief explanation and didn't explain any further.

"Ugh...….well let's continue practicing." Ino broke the awkward silence then began her instructions once again.

Everyone sat cross-legged even the hyperactive Naruto, actually now that someone has praised him and also told him that it was good for him. Naruto now felt more than just dedicated for the improvement.

Raito just smiled seeing all this.

Couple hours back


Killed 100 out of 100 zombies

-Gained 100 Exp

-Gained 4,000 Ryo

-Gained 36 Healing Gem

-Gained 20 Bone pieces of zombie


Killed 1 out of 1 S1 zombie

-Gained 100 Exp

-Gained 100 Ryo

"Everyone fine?" asked Raito, there were bits of pain on the whole body but it was tolerable, leveled up few physical resistance.

Choji and Naruto who were stuck on the wall g.r.o.a.n.e.d a bit. Shikamaru was struck at the lamppost while holding his arm in pain. Hinata and Ino were better than the rest only slight bruises were present but Ino had a bigger wound which was bleeding. After a few grunts and nods, everyone got together.

"Take us damn home, Raito." Ino feebly shouted, right now she and Hinata were supporting each other.

"Sure why not? Then why not everyone hold one another?" Raito smiled awkwardly, after a couple of minutes Raito was pretty much feeling no pain whatsoever but he was still bleeding and the wounds were still there, tracing the wounds he again felt pain. Looked like the Gamer's body was really godly.

Everyone grouped together and Raito insisted that they go home to go back. On the way back Raito recovered his chakra and continued healing everyone again and again. By the time they reached home, everyone had recovered to their peak. No pain, no scratch marks, no bruises, and no bleeding, everything was gone. Everyone felt awe in healing techniques so Raito suggested that one of the members in the team should have medical knowledge, after which he directly looked at Ino. Raito praised Ino about her knowledge potential then complained about the fact that she was not using the gift properly and all. Ino blushed with sweet and bitter feelings on her heart then nodded giving a thumbs up for learning healing jutsu.

Before teleporting everyone back everyone, Raito requested everyone to not tell anyone about his powers, for which everyone nodded.

"ID Escape." With that everyone was again back to the Konoha they all knew. Shikamaru was the first one to look out of the window. Seeing the people walking around, he sighed and smiled.


Title Obtained 'The whisperer'

[The whisperer]

-Obtained after using the skills without shouting out loud.


-Increased damage dealt when whispering skill by 10%.

Raito smiled slightly and closed the boxes. Then to gather the crowd's attention, Raito coughed lightly then getting no reaction he again coughed a bit louder.

"Everyone is relaxing a bit." said Naruto as he saw that Raito was trying to gather their attention but was failing big time.

Raito smiled then shouted, "OI!!!" Everyone focused on Raito with strange glances.

"So anything?" asked Raito

"We could have transferred from that place anywhere, right?" asked Shikamaru

Raito nodded in response.

"Then why the hell would you make us walk all the back here?" shouted Ino

Raito remained silent for the response.

"Raito!!!!" Ino huffed.

A thoughtful look passed Shikamaru's eye but remained silent. And Naruto and Choji had had nothing thinking about it.

Hinata had a complicated train of thought right now. Suddenly she got a group of friends and she was also invited to chat and eat and relax. But it wasn't the end, then she got to holds hands with her Naruto-kun. That was when she got all stiff and got embarrassed. Unknowingly she was transported to an unknown place, looking through Byakugan she couldn't find anyone else living, but the whole of the village there were the ugly monster walking all around for a moment she was stunned, scared and she started panicking, but then she heard the explanation from her new friend Raito about this world calling it a different space than our own. For a moment she was afraid of the monster than she saw her Naruto-kun, how he started fighting those creatures then the creatures disappeared in smoke. The creatures were not cute at all and tried to hurt her Naruto-kun, that's when she decided that she would start attacking them but the main problem was that these creatures didn't have chakra pathways like regular civilians or ninja, being confused at first she used the regular Hyuga's Taijutsu but found out that the regular Taijutsu was ineffective against them and it took a lot of time to destroy them. At the very back of her mind, there was a solution to all her problems right now. The most dangerous form of Hyuga battle form, 'Violent fist' it could destroy organs, bones, and muscle. This battle form is only taught to the Hyuga family main branch, the leader of the family. She had buried it deep inside her mind because of the dangerous nature of the battle form. And also because of the scolding, she received when her father learned that she had learned the battle techniques. But at that red moon place, there was no one so she could now freely use those moves. For a moment she was happy getting friends and doing things that normal child of her age would do. Always peeking at the children playing at the park with their parents happy and all.

But now that she was going back, she felt sad.

Cheering herself back, she again listened to her friends.

Raito looked at everyone and took everything in then asked with a heavy voice, "We did good right?"

Shikamaru was frowning and Ino was annoyed and looked away. Naruto made an awkward smile and Hinata drooped her head down.

"Well no need to make those faces." said Raito looking at the faces of the team

"We can get stronger, right now we have time. Graduation day is not far but that is no problem except Naruto here I guarantee that everyone will pass."

"Oi, Raito what the hell you mean?" shouted Naruto

"Exactly what I said, everyone here except you, can easily pass test bat Naruto you have a tendency to fail these exams. (So we have to make sure that no loopholes occur letting you fail the exam)." Said Raito in an easy-going manner.

"Huh? I think that something is missing but it's fine. Raito come give me those books, I will create some shadow clone and have them read it." said Naruto

Everyone else except Raito gave Naruto a pitying look but didn't say anything further.

Raito nodded and brought a box full of books for Naruto to read.

"I brought some more, so you could revise the thing we read in the past, you and your clones can easily finish this right Naruto? And after you guys finish this why don't we go to Ichiraku's.? And …..." Raito added some truth and lies and used carrot and stick methods to help Naruto.

Naruto mumbled but soon created shadow clones to help him do the work.

'Easy.' smiled Raito

"Naruto and Hinata are getting better and better, and I wanna get better too." voiced Ino

Everyone looked at her, under the gazes she added, "I know I am lacking a lot and ... and if I don't do anything about it them, I will feel bad and I don't wanna feel bad." then she glared at Raito signaling everyone that it was his fault.

"Uh...So what do you think we should do?" asked Raito

Hinata on her own thoughts quickly added, "We...we...should learn from each other." but embarrassed about the sudden outburst.

"That…..." Ino found it hard to refuse the suggestion.

Seeing the hesitation Hinata clarified her thoughts, "I am not saying about clan techniques and secrets but the basics….the basics which we lack, the other may know."

"That is good enough for now." intervened Raito

"We can also be training partners. Only through combat, you can improve." stated Raito

"We already know what teams we are going to be but still we don't know who our teacher will be." said Shikamaru looking at Raito for an answer.

"You guys will have Asuma Sarutobi and our group will have Hatake Kakashi."

"Woah!! Both are great names." said an excited Ino

"As if, one is a smoker and another is a pervert." replied Raito clearly a look of mock hate in his face

"Cut it out you two." interjected Choji

"The fight and all made me hungry. So let's go and eat now." with that Choji tried dragging Raito to the kitchen.

"Don't worry we will come up with some training that will be helpful to us." said Shikamaru

While everyone else was gone to make plans Choji and Raito went inside the kitchen to cook some food.

"Oi Choji, think something to make."

Cooking Lvl 27 Exp 40%

Choji made a serious face then started making some sandwich.

"I want some chicken in my sandwich." said Raito

"We also have some pickled vegetables, so let's try adding some of that too."

"And why not add some ch.i.p.s in it too."

Getting bugged by Raito, Chōji was annoyed. Putting on an angry face, Chōj took a small back from his pocket, "Take this." Chōji handed Raito a small bag.

"Hey what's this? Smells really nice." asked Raito sniffing the small bag in his hand.

"Our family special tea leaves."

"Observe," whispered Raito

[Akimichi style royal herb tea leaves.

Famous and rare tea leaves made by the Akimichi clan from Land of fire. Known all around by the elemental nations for its unique flavor and its effect.

-Help quickly enter a meditative state.

-Increased healing by 20%.

-Helps in calming the mind.

-Increase brain function by 20%.

-Helps in recovering any and all scar wounds.

-Helps as a pain killer.

-The leaves can also be used by burning, helps in relaxation.

-Permanently increase STR, INT, WIS by 1.]

"Choji isn't this really pricey and difficult to get?" asked Raito

"Not really, we have a lot of this, and I am also the next clan head. So, my father gives me a lot of these." replied Choji.

Looking at the back of Choji, Raito felt his heart heavy and his eyes stinging. This kind of man was really lovable.

Sometime later everyone was sitting on sofas and chairs eating their lunch.

"Raito pour me some tea." ordered Ino.

"Oh it seems I didn't add water to the leaves" replied Raito.

"Tea is for later." added Choji

"First thing first we have to make sure that everyone will pass the upcoming exams." said Shikamaru and making an obvious glance looked at Naruto.

"Oioi, I can pass that stupid of an exam and I know it." said Naruto in anger.

"You said that last time." said Choji while eating his sandwich.

"For written test, the clones are doing their best learning the stuff, ya know?" replied Naruto

"What about Genjutsu?" asked Hinata.

"Everyone gave a puzzled look at Hinata, then after a cough, Raito spoke, "Yea, cheche, if not for Hinata I would have really forgotten about Genjutsu. But the only problem is that we don't have anyone who knows any kind of Genjutsu."

"That's not true at all, I know few D rank Genjutsu." replied Ino excitedly.

"Really now?" asked Raito

"I have few too." added Shikamaru.

"So Shika, Ino. Do you guys know how to cast it?" asked Raito

"Never tried but I remember the theory." said Shikamaru

"I can use one but don't know about others. Never used it." said Ino

"Choji, Hinata. Can the two of you use any Genjutsu." asked Raito seeing they were not speaking at all.

"No, my clan members don't normally use Genjutsu. So I didn't have any chance in using it." replied Hinata her voice dropping at the end.

"Then isn't it great Hinata, now you can use some." said an excited Naruto

"I am not really good at it." confessed Choji

Raito nodded and turned around to Shikamaru and Ino, "Why don't you teach it to us then?"

Shikamaru nodded then explained, "The technique is called 'False surrounding' this is a C rank technique, it doesn't affect the person mind but affects the surrounding giving the wrong impression of the surrounding to the others. Hand seals are..." Shikamaru explained the jutsu and gave a wide variety of examples.

"Next is me," said Ino excitedly and explained, "This technique is called 'Hell Viewing' basically it lets you see you worst nightmare turn reality. The hand seals are few but you should know that it easily one of the best technique to use. This technique...."

"Hinata-san try it, Naruto is just there to try it on." smiled Raito evilly.

"Naruto try to dispel it. And you guys (looking at the trio group) why not do shuriken and Taijutsu, our team has an easier time on Taijutsu." said Raito

"I will try to absorb what you guys just said." with that Raito went on his own.

Ino shouted in anger, "Why you little!?"

"But what he said is true." said Choji

Shikamaru sighed then looked at Raito and the group then shaking his head he led the group for some action.

[Hell Viewing (active) Lvl 1 Exp 0% CP cost 250]

This Genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality.

-Causes Status: Fear

-Causes Status: Confusion

-Lowers Defense

[False Surroundings technique (active) Lvl 1 Exp 0% CP cost 200]

A simple Genjutsu used to hide an object by altering the appearance of the image. If the target comes in contact with the hidden object the Genjutsu is broken.

-Causes Status: Confuse

Raito smiled at the new Jutsus he can try, but the main worry was the targets, well he can't go out and try out his jutsu at any civilian or ninja.

Checking out his skill list and crossing out the most of the skill set only one came to his eyes.

"Instant dungeon."

"Instant dungeon probably is my best choice. Although gives me very less Exp points now but I could still probably train my skills." thought Raito then he went to the backyard for raising the level of his skills.

He saw that Naruto and Hinata were doing their own things at one side then the three of the Ino-Shika-Cho, smiling happily he went to the trio group where he declared, "You guys wanna fight? Pure Taijutsu from you guys and I can use anything. How about it?"

Using chakra sense, the fight was more or less equal, if the trio group used their clan Jutsus then no one can beat them that was the conclusion Raito came to.

It was already 5 when everyone finished their practice. Everyone was on the back yard sitting in a circle, relaxing.

"Today was awesome, really awesome." Naruto heavy childish voice brought a smile to everyone face.

"I am really happy to be here." Hinata said slowly

"I got to eat tasty food." said Choji

"We should do this often." stated Raito

"Before anyone say anymore, I need to say it's getting late and we couldn't learn more techniques and all but I think it is necessary to learn this and is a must." said Ino with a small smile adorning her face.

"And what would that be?" asked Raito

"Meditation." Ino said while pointing her finger to her temple.

"Well good luck on that." said Raito in a mocking way.

"And why do you say that?" asked Ino her eyebrows raising.

"You have taken the most hardcore challenge in all of Konoha, because Ino, here is Naruto who has a very difficult time to even stay at one place and you are telling him to meditate which even the old third Hokage was not able to do." replied Raito pointing at Naruto

"Hey! It's not my fault that I couldn't stand at one place doing absolutely nothing at all when I could do a lot more walking and doing other so much more." Naruto retorted angrily

"Na. . .Na. . . . Naruto-kun, why not give it a try once more?" said Hinata her face going obviously red.

"Even I can do it." added Choji

"Me too." Raito added

Under pressure, Naruto finally accepted, with an ugly smile."

"Hey Ino tell me what happens when we meditate?" asked Raito

"The meditation helps you focus your mind and body into a deep meditative state. You will heal faster, recover your chakra faster and it also helps you to reflect on your actions better." explained Ino.

"Says the one who was going after the broody- Gya." screamed Naruto dodging the shuriken thrown is way.

"Both of you shut it now." Raito shouted his chakra flaring up.

"Oi Ino how does meditation helps in healing?" asked Raito

"I asked the same question, for big wounds it is impossible but for small wounds, the circulating chakra itself repairs the damages and sometimes making that area stronger than the previous." explained Ino

Hinata asked, "Why don't we try meditating? Our – I also think meditating is nice."

"Now would be the right time for the tea." with that Raito and Choji brought the tea. As the tea was being prepared the air had the fresh newly wet smell of the earth.

Naruto was somewhat able to drink the tea, no style, no bullshit elegance just drinking. Boys were drinking the tea as plainly as water but the girls, however, were different. Sitting in proper position and elegantly sipping the tea, if they were wearing kimono then wouldn't it be a perfect feast for eyes.

Bringing some candlesticks, they lit up the candles, everyone choosing different spots, all of them disappearing from each other's view.

Ino started with a brief introduction and instruction on meditation and everyone started following it. Not even a minute passed by squeaking and groaning sounds were heard.

Raito ignored the sounds and again tried to focus on himself, unlike the previous two skills, the meditation was not coming as easily as it should have. It was because of Naruto's weird sound or it was due to his mind always being occupied by the thoughts.


"Hinata, you also know about this meditation right? So why don't you try and help Naruto?" asked Raito giving a very meaningful smile to Hinata.

"Naruto-kun relax." Hinata went beside Naruto and started instructing him on the basics, the smooth continuous voice of Hinata and her small warm hand on his back was making him blush and all. But the good thing was, his mind was slowly calming down and he was able to relax, breathing slow and steady. Naruto and Hinata joined by palm their breathing corresponding to one another. Small tendrils of orange were leaking out of Naruto but no one noticed it.


Performing the skill allowed to learn the skill "Meditation".

[Meditation Lvl 1 (active) Exp 0%]

Practice done since ancient period which helps to focus the mind on particular objects, thoughts or activity to achieve a mentally clear or emotionally stable state.

- HP regeneration increased by 20 per minute.

- CP regeneration increased by 20 per minute.

- 'Fast thinking' skill activated.

- Gain 'Status: Confuse' when skill is broken forcefully.


"Damn it Anko-nee!" roared Raito

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