The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 42 - Evil Evil

"Now where, old man Tazuna?" Kiba with Akamaru stood at the gate of the port town as Kurenai, the Jōnin instructor, worked with the doc.u.ments.

"What a rude kid?" Tazuna looked at Kiba disapproving then sighed. "From this town, we have to walk for two hours then we are going to take a boat."

"A boat? No one said about crossing sea!?" Kiba shouted a little louder making the surrounding men look at him.

"Idiot." Sasuke walked by Kiba, ignoring them.

"Another rude child." Tazuna took a swig then looked back at the two who seemed more capable members of the team.

"Kurenai-sensei, where should I mark?" Shino asked still in a serious tone.

"No need I have already written a report and left it in the hideout." Kurenai looked at Sasuke, Kiba and Tazuna then at Shino.

Walking in front of a building, she said, "Remember this building."

"Let out your bugs and make sure that when reinforcement comes, they take them to this building."

"Hai." (Hai basically means yes. In the recent chapters, I was using 'yes' but before that, I was using 'Hai'. 'Hai' sounds way more Naruto-tic so I am sticking with it.)

"Team, let's go."

"Tsunami, Inari… just wait for grandpa." Tazuna walked with the group leaving for the wave country.

After three hours, Team Eight and Tazuna left, Team Seven arrived in the 'Port Town'.

"Woah! So … different." Naruto took a huge breath.

"Sensei." Hinata was anxious the whole time as they reached the small town.

"Don't worry, Hinata." Kakashi patted Pakkun who was sitting on his shoulder.

"She must have left details at the hideout."

Team seven quickly reached the hideout where an old woman was cleaning the grounds. They walked into an alley as ninjas and when they walked out, they looked as ordinary as they could be.

"I hope for a bountiful harvest." Kakashi bowed slightly towards the old lady as did the three Genin.

"What does it says?" Hinata pulled Kakashi and looked at the paper.

"Wave country."

"Aye, small pitiable country." The grandma walked in and gave everyone a cup.

"Where is it, grandma?"

"Hm? Where, you say?"

"Yeah, someone we know, might be in danger and we have got to save them." Naruto was serious as he was affected by Hinata in the past hours.

Kakashi didn't say much as he went through the papers.

The grandma was calm looking at the ninja. She even smiled warmly looking at them, like your own grandmother would.

"If you are going to the wave country, how are you going to cross the sea?" She asked as she sipped her tea.

"Yes, sea and I don't think that every one of you can water walk." She replied looking at Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei can carry me." Naruto replied to grandma's question.

"Then what about your teammates, even if they 'can' walk on water… but I don't think that they can reach the other shore."


Raito immediately pulled Naruto back. Everyone was sitting on their knees so Raito walked on his knees, coming near the grandma. "Then what should we do grandma?" Raito asked in a plea.

"What a good child."

"You kid, are a seal master, right?" the grandma let them into a small shed.

"A few months back, Jiraiya came with a broken-down boat, a small one and asked me to help him repair this thing." She walked inside the shed and stood in front of a small boat covered by a cloth. (For those who are wondering how the heck grandma has ability to do that, I want to say that couldn't see employ some people. As for Jiraiya who is always moving, she is better choice.)

Pulling the cloth down, a small boat fit for no more than seven people came into view.

"I have found the tracks." Pakkun ran inside and informed everyone.

"We will be waiting." Kakashi walked out with Hinata and Naruto.

As everyone left the shed, Raito eyed the grandma and asked, "Grandma why do you think I can use such high level Fuinjutsu."

"… It's not that I believe in you but… I believe in youth." She brought out her right hand out then it came off.

"Wah!" Raito felt the shiver going the spine.

'What the heck's that?' Raito quickly used 'Observe'.

[Prosthetic Hand]

Raito looked at the hand below then at the empty sleeve. He kneed down and picked the prosthetic.

His gaze turned serious as he looked at the hand and his voice quivered. "I – What happened?"

"… That boy killed everyone in the walls, leaving me with one armless."

"Everyone?" Raito imagined a red haired boy walking in with big puppets with a maniacal smile.

"A boy, a youth did that… He alone went against all of us." Her voice was calm as if she was telling a normal thing.

"That's why youth are never to be underestimated."

"W-What ha-happened to the villagers then?"

The grandma looked with a deep glare for a while then she looked down, "Everyone disappeared."

Raito felt chills going down his spine as two notification came into his view.

[Quest Created]

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Reward: Puppet Refining Technique

"Grandma. Is that youth called Sasori of the Red Sand?" Raito asked hiding his dark smile, covered by his hand.

"Sasori… that's his name."

Raito caught the small boat, covering it with chakra. 'Store'

The boat disappeared and as Raito walked out, he said, "Sasori of Red Sand, killed and kidnapped people… I think he is ready. Grandma, thank you."

Raito walked out then regrouped with the group using 'Chakra Sense'.

As he regrouped, Raito had already calmed down, his face full of tranquility

"Raito?" Naruto walked by Raito's side and called him.

"Huh? What?" Raito looked back at Naruto.

"Nothing, you looked weird, weirdo." Naruto sped up.

"Weirdo? Me?" in anger Raito too sped up.

On the other side of the shore, Kurenai, Sasuke, Shiba, and Kiba stood in formation with Tazuna in the middle.

The fog covered them even suppressing Shino's bugs. "My bugs will take time to clear this fog." Shino said in his small voice.

"… He is everywhere." Kiba sniffed and reported.

Sasuke stood with two kunai, each on his hand his eyes darting around.

Kurenai stood with a rat hand seal and her face was as still as clear water.

"So many ways to kill. A cut to the jugular, a slit at throat a stab to heart or spleen, puncturing lungs. Beheading head, torso, leg. Hehehe." Zabuza's voice reverberated, his intent to kill on full display. The wave of the killing intent was too heavy as the Genins and Tazuna felt heavy, their mind boggled with scenes of murders.

"Kai." A wave of chakra hit everyone as they regained consciousness. But still, the Genins couldn't help but look at their shivering hands.

'That was killing intent.' Sasuke gritted his teeth and kneeled up looking at the vague figure in front of him.

"Yuhi Kurenai." Zabuza walked out of the fog. He was a tall and noticeably muscular man with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and small eyebrows, wearing bandages like a mask over the bottom half of his face. Under his mask, he had a relatively narrow jawline and jagged-teeth and a forehead protector sideways on his head.

"Zabuza." Kurenai's face tightened as Zabuza walked forward. She stood still with rat hand seal and her chakra ready to activate.

"You are a new Jōnin from the Konoha, right?" Zabuza showed his sharp jagged teeth, a big broadsword on his back.

"Give me the bridge builder and I will let you go." Zabuza pushed out his hand.

"Never." Kiba finally broke out, glaring and shouting at Zabuza.

But Zabuza never looked at Kiba. He was still looking at Kurenai, waiting for an answer.

"You are no match for me, Yuhi." His frown was getting deeper and his other hand reached to his broadsword.

"This man is important to this small country." Kurenai didn't move or release her seal.

"I don't care. Give him to me or… die." Raising his broad sword, his killing intent was released once again, this time more dangerous than the last one.

"He-He will kill me. He will kill me." Sasuke trembled as he dropped his arms, his jaw moving up and down.

Kurenai took a few steps back as sweat trickled down her face. Clenching her teeth, she was able to say, "You should know that Konoha will not let you go."

"Hmph." Zabuza swung his sword, ready to behead Kurenai. "Die."


Buzz. Swarm of insects appeared between Zabuza and Kurenai, blocking Zabuza's view.

These insects didn't attack Zabuza but blocked his vision. Getting annoyed, Zabuza went through a couple of hand seals then took a deep breath.

"Water Release: Raging Waves"

As Zabuza blew hard, the water smashed the insects, trapping all of them in it.

"Konoha's Clans?" Zabuza grew a little cautioned as he made a half ram seal. The fog started to become thicker and he disappeared in it.

Shino stood by Kurenai who had a little concerned face. He had blood coming from his hands, which he stopped by putting pressure on it.

"He is coming. I will be engaging." Kurenai leaned forwards as she took out some weapons.

Using her extraordinary chakra control, she successfully found Zabuza and a small smile appeared inside her as she saw Zabuza not moving but looking at her then at where they were hiding.

Forming hand seals, she activated her chakra. "Fire Star". The small flowers around lit in flames and started rotating then circled around Kurenai before they went on a direction.

Zabuza waved his sword as the water on the ground was raised blocking the fire flowers.

Appearing on the tree Zabuza waved his sword going for the kill, aiming at Tazuna.


Shino who was down the tree looked up in shock then jumped.

"Hah!" Sasuke hardened his hand then guarded with his new weapon. Windmill shuriken.

Kurenai looked up then threw kunai aiming at Zabuza.

Windmill shuriken in front and kunai from the back, Zabuza was in a pinch.

Without even looking back, the broad sword descended and struck the windmill shuriken. The power was so immense that Sasuke's knee bent a little but he held it in.


At that time, Akamaru jumped and bit on Zabuza.

"Tunneling Fan-" Kiba had prepared himself when Kurenai's kunai reached Zabuza and landed on the back of his neck.

But instead of seeing blood, Zabuza burst into the water, making everyone take a step back, especially Kurenai. The real Zabuza took a chance and used the back of his blade hitting Kurenai, throwing her to side with great force.

"Stay right there and I will take care of this old man." Zabuza looked at the tree where Tazuna was standing supported by Sasuke, who was holding him by his shoulder.

"First bug boy." Zabuza ran towards the tree Shino was standing in front of with his kunai.

"Hm?" Before Zabuza could reach Shino, Kurenai appeared out of nowhere thrusting him with a kunai.

Zabuza easily dodged the kunai by leaning forward and turning. "You have done it." Zabuza rotated on his toes and swung his broad sword cleaving Kurenai in half.

Zabuza frowned as he didn't see any blood. Just a moment of looking back, made Zabuza click his tongue as Kurenai's figure disappeared into the mist.

"Genjutsu." Then he looked at where Tazuna was supposed to be. Tazuna was replaced by Kurenai now. The more he looked around the more of Kurenai's figure appeared.

"Kai!" Zabuza immediately broke spending much of his chakra in it.

"Passing Fang." Kiba who was rotating at a high speed looked like it could drill through anything.

But to Zabuza, Kiba looked like he was coming to his death. Gripping his broad sword, Zabuza hit the side of the high speed rotating Kiba, making him crack a tree.

"Great Fireball technique." A large fireball enough to swallow Zabuza appeared in front of him.

With a few hand seals, Zabuza threw his broadsword to Kurenai's direction then disappeared in front of the fireball which landed on the ground. 'Hiding in the water'.

Jumping from Kurenai's side Zabuza plunged his kunai to Kurenai's stomach but weirdly there was no bleeding. Kurenai turned into a tree which gripped Zabuza.

"Another Genjutsu?" Zabuza frowned and easily dispelled it. 'Something is not right.'

When he looked around, Zabuza saw Kurenai in her battle stance and the Genins with Tazuna at the back. 'Definitely.'

Zabuza ignored Kurenai dashing forward then started making hand seals. "I know that you are still inside the fog."

Kurenai continuously stabbed Zabuza but he couldn't feel anything. The long chain of hand seals finally stopped as he looked toward a direction.

'Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique'

The water on the ground, the fog and even the moisture from the air moved under Zabuza's control and forming in great amount, it rotated at high speed. The small whirlpool got bigger then under his command it launched in a direction.

Kiba was carried by Shino and Tazuna was carried by Sasuke. They were running in the opposite direction, running away from Zabuza.

"I don't have much left." Kurenai looked at the Genins in front of her then looked back to see the massive amount of water in vortex coming for them.

The vortex of water as though it could see them chased the group.

Kurenai bit her lip then continued making hand seals. After a total of fifty one hand seals, she turned back and slammed her hand at the earth beneath.

'Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall'

A wall of massive thickness erupted between Kurenai and the water vortex/waterfall.

The sound of water grinding against rock looked dangerous as several cracks began to appear.

Kurenai gritted her teeth and pushed in more chakra.

Back at Zabuza's side, he was also holding a rat hand seal, clear signs of exhaustion appearing on his face.

At his side a person wearing kimono and a mask resembling Kiri hunter-nin. "Their reinforcements have come. We should leave Zabuza-sama."

"Shut up." Zabuza roared as he pushed the last of his chakra to his jutsu.

Kurenai who had heaved a sigh of relief was again forced to expend the last of her chakra to maintain the technique.

Chirp, chirp, chirp.

"Kakashi." Kurenai used the last of her chakra to make a spear projecting to the center of the water. The spear quickly reached the Zabuza making him dodge, making his hold on his technique weaken.

"Zabuza-sama." The masked figure moved to guard but was stopped by Zabuza.

"Chidori." A line of blue lightning passed by Shino, Kiba, Tazuna, Sasuke and finally Kurenai. From the wall of earth to the vortex of water. The lightning tore through the water, quickly reaching Zabuza.

"Argh!" Zabuza released his hand seal then picked up his Kubikiribōchō, slashing towards the incoming lightning.

The blue lightning touched the Kubikiribōchō.

"Copy ninja Kakashi." Zabuza gritted his teeth as he used more power.


"You die, Zabuza." Kakashi's lightning broke through Kubikiribōchō breaking the blade into two.

Zabuza used the force to back off as the lightning passed by him, which was supposed to destroy his head which went to just cut a bit of his face and shoulder.

Then Kakashi went on with the inertia through some trees and rocks. The lightning disappeared as Kakashi stood up then started walking back.

Zabuza grabbed his broken sword ready to fight with Kakashi but he was clearly panting hard and near his death bed.


"Copy ninja." Zabuza panting hard struggled to gather power to defend.


Before Zabuza could defend himself, he was hit by multiple senbon. Few to move him and others to hit him.

Senbon hit Zabuza instantly killing him.

Kakashi with his Sharingan looked at the figure who dropped down from the tree.

The masked kimono wearing man walked out grabbing the broken blade and the handle part. As the man crouched down and felt the carotid pulse, he looked at the Kakashi and started explaining, "Kubikiribōchō is the property of the village hidden in the mist. I ask for forgiveness but I must take them."

Kakashi nodded his head as he looked around. "You are from Kirigakure?"

The man nodded as he pushed out his hand causing the water to gather in his hand then turning into ice.

"Kekkei Genkai?" Kakashi was shocked to see a valuable person with Kekkei Genkai outside of the village, alone and not under supervision.

A slab of ice appeared out of nowhere and the masked man dragged Zabuza with Kubikiribōchō then walked into the ice slab.

Kakashi turned serious as they disappeared. Even with Sharingan, he couldn't see through the jutsu, meaning that it indeed was Kekkei Genkai. After looking around for anything useful, he went back to the temporary camp made by Raito.

Back in the temporary camp made by Raito. He was using 'Heal' on Kurenai.

"Kurenai-sensei, are you alright." As Kurenai was sleeping, Hinata was holding her hands and rubbing them, tear stains on the corner of her eye.

"Hinata." Kurenai slowly opened her eyes and weakly looked at Hinata, after which she smiled.

Seeing the HP bar full, Raito stood up and walked away quietly, leaving the two ladies. He turned to face the four; three slightly battered and one unconscious, not counting Akamaru who was biting on Kiba's finger.

Raito dropped down and rubbed Akamaru on the head then placed his hand above Kiba's c.h.e.s.t and used 'Heal'.

Not even five seconds passed as the wounds on Kiba disappeared, returning to healthy skin.

"Such godly healing technique." Kurenai sighed as she looked at Raito while Hinata supported her.

"Why is that, Kurenai-nee?" Hinata asked as she used her own healing jutsu.

Kurenai shook her head then touched her own wounded areas and gasped a bit in surprise.

Shino also touched his hand which just recently had a layer of skin missing. Then looking at the person in front of him, he softly replied, "Thank you."

Raito looked at the body of Sasuke before deciding to heal him only at the end. Arriving at Tazuna, Raito found that he was just unconscious, even healing him was not working.

[Tazuna – Unconscious]

[State of Unconsciousness, Using 'Hypnotic wave' to pull the consciousness to surface.

State of unconsciousness, Brutal slaps will help regain consciousness.

State of unconsciousness, Slapping with water will help regain consciousness.]

Raito found it surprising about the help being given. After thinking for a while, Raito shrugged his shoulders then used 'Hypnotic Wave'. After hesitating for just a bit, Raito called for Tazuna to wake up like a command.

"Heck's that (Ittai)?" Tazuna opened his eyes then breathed deeply. His shaking hands went to his backpack from where brought out a small bottle. Without looking at Raito who was beside him, Tazuna chugged the alcohol.

"Hah!" Tazuna breathes out deeply then fell on his back, tears coming from his eyes. "I thought I was gonna die."

"I won't let you. We still have to complete this mission." Raito frowned and walked away.

Naruto was the only one sitting beside Sasuke, "Raito, here."

"Raito…" Sasuke looked up and muttered.

"Heh… do you need my help, Sasuke?" Raito smiled and sat beside assure with Naruto taking out fresh and juicy tomato from his inventory.

"Naruto harvested these tomatoes, made in our backyard." Ignoring Sasuke who was gritting his teeth, Raito raised his finger and commented.

"Those aren't mine!" Naruto quickly shouted in defense. "I only look after my flowers."

Looking at the two figures above him, Sasuke gritted his teeth and said, "Heal me."

"What? Hey, Naruto did Sasuke ask me to do something?" Raito looked surprised, he turned to face Naruto and asked.

"No way-Ow!" Naruto was hit by a shadow dashing past him.

It was Kakashi who returned from his visit to Zabuza. After hitting Naruto on the head, he also hit Raito on the back. Raito was able to see the hit coming but he couldn't move his body as fast to dodge it or guard it.


Naruto and Raito grabbed their head and squatted on the ground.

"Be ready to carry him or heal him." Kakashi glared at Raito until Raito meekly nodded then healed Sasuke.

"Tch, what a pushover." Raito harrumphed in anger then went to sit beside the client, Tazuna.

"What happened brat? Looks like you are in a bad mood." Tazuna looked at his small bottle for alcohol and asked.

"Nothing, old man. Here." Raito took out a small bottle and gave it to Tazuna. Of course, it was homemade juice. What were you guys thinking?

"A kid's drink?" Tazuna pushed back the drink.

"Old man you are in big trouble right now." Raito said in a serious tone.

"What!?" Tazuna was a bit nervous when Raito changed his voice. His grip on the bottle became a bit stronger.

"That man with the big sword. Do you know who he is?" Raito chuckled darkly.

"Wh-who?" His hand retreated back and his eyes looked down.

"Zabuza, the demon from the mist village."


"Yeah demon. You may not know but he is a high B-Rank ninja."


"Yeah, just a step away from A-Rank where the most dangerous ninjas are ranked. These A-Rank ninjas are… you won't believe but they are so strong that they can easily kill you… like with the snap of their finger."

Tazuna grabbed his own neck as his breathing increased.


"Stop scaring the client." Kakashi sighed as he turned Raito and pointed him in a direction. Raito left dejectedly taking a few glances back.

[Mission 1/6 – Discourage Tazuna from submitting false mission in the future.]

'My mission.' Raito pouted as he regrouped with everyone. When he saw Hinata finally smiling, Raito heaved a sigh of relief. 'Women are dangerous.'

Back as Kakashi saw Raito walking, he grabbed Tazuna and disappeared with a flicker. He sighed then sat down facing Tazuna, "That child is… like that, always been. But what he said is absolutely correct."

Kakashi grabbed Tazuna's shoulder, making Tazuna slightly nervous, "If I hadn't come on time, you would be surely dead but the main thing is that my colleague and her team would be dead."


"When you give false information to us, we will categorize the mission wrongly and ninjas who don't have… enough ability would be sent for it. Just like what happened…"

"I-I am ashamed of myself. I-we didn't have money. We tried our best… we really did… we collected all the money from the neighborhood but we were only able to collect money for a C-Rank. I-I didn't know."

"Hokage-sama has given orders. You will be coming to Konoha within three years with the money for a standard B-Rank mission."

"Ah- Thank you, thank you." The old man had tears coming out.

"We understand that wave village will be dealing with us far more from now on. So (sigh) I hope that you do not falsify in any future mission."

"I understand, I understand."

Back with the group, Raito had s.u.c.k.e.d in the temporary camp into a ball and was waiting for Kakashi. Seeing Hinata smiling, holding Kurenai's hand, Raito felt a bit annoyed.

Turning around to see Sasuke and Naruto voicing out 'Teme' and 'Dobe', Shino staying quiet as ever and Kiba patting Akamaru's head. Everyone was doing something, yeah well except for Shino.

"I am not doing nothing." Came a ghastly voice.

"Yikes! Shino. You are like a cat, you know?" Raito jumped in surprise.

'I hate when Kakashi restricts my chakra.' Raito took out some dishes and handed one to everyone then looked at Shino. "What do you like?"

"Wild grass salad." Shino answered immediately.

"… I don't have that but I do have some other type of salads."

"I'll take that." Nodding Shino took the bowl and opened the plastic covering it. Taking a bite, he just commented, "Fresh" and started eating all.

"You got something against my ramen?" Naruto shouted in anger pointing at Sasuke.

"Hmph." Sasuke enjoyed his tomato and chicken combo, ignoring Naruto.

"Ready to go?" Kakashi walked in with Tazuna.

Before he could say anything Raito gave them a bento each.

Walking the streets of the village.

The big group of ninja followed Tazuna as they entered the village.

In one word, the village was 'Broken'. Compared to colorful Konoha, this nameless village of wave looked colorless; black and white or grey.

Walking in, people can be sitting on the roads. It may be an old man or woman with her children. Some alive, some dead. Death by hunger and cold. Many of the stalls and the shops were broken, even the remaining shops had very little things to sell. Children in groups, instead of playing were walking in street asking for food, some promising to do work and some ready to sell themselves. There was no bread shop in the market, shops had either vegetables looked like it was easily a week old and rice which was a little better.

Hinata looked around, her heart feeling heavy as she grabbed the hand of the nearest person. Her eyes were covered by her tears. Naruto also shook in anger as he grabbed on Raito's jacket. Raito was in a loss standing in between the two as one was going to crush his hand while others was going to rip his jacket.

A small girl of seven or eight came walking weakly in her tattered clothes. She grabbed Hinata and looked at her with her cute eyes. Her face was dirty but it was clearly sunken, probably because of malnutrition. Drawing Hinata's attention she cupped her hands asking for anything. The group stopped, everyone, having their own thoughts.

Kiba was the angriest, biting his teeth in anger, showing his canines. Shino was standing calmly but the insects buzzing had increased but still not noticeable to anyone outside of few meters. Sasuke looked away, his face calm but the hands inside his pocket clenched hard. If he had a target to vent, he would have not let it off.

In this group, the one who could relate to this situation the most was Naruto. Naruto searched for his pockets, grabbing a few sweets, ready to hand over. Hinata also took out a bun, ready to give to the little girl. Raito who saw their actions stopped them by giving them small jerks. It turned into an awkward silence as the girl stood by extending her hands.

Tazuna who had a contorted look on his face changed to a relief one as they finally walked out of the village center.

'We will definitely come back.' Raito swore in his heart then dragged the two, who were clearly unwilling.

"You did the right thing." Tazuna finally spoke up in difficulty.

Naruto tried to push away from Raito but Raito was angrier and his grip was stronger.

"Gato's men are everywhere in the village. One time some foreigners helped some of the villagers. Next we know, the foreigner was found dead and the family he promised to help died." Tazuna gritted his teeth in anger.

"Who is this Gatō?" Raito asked, his tone low.

"Gatō, the shipping magnate and founder of Gatō Company, registered inl and of waves." Kakashi had already known about him.

Tazuna shook his head then raising his voice a bit louder, he said, "That's just a front. He uses his company to sell illegal goods and drugs."

"… We even went to the lord of the Wave Country, told him about Gatō's deeds." And there was a long pause.

"… He threw us all out of his palace. Afterward, he told us not to interfere with Gatō's work."

"A drug dealer working with Daimyō of the country." Raito let out a mocking laugh.

"A Daimyō is Daimyō whatever the reason there is." Kakashi gave a signal to Raito.

"What about the bridge? It's already more than half complete." Raito asked looking at Tazuna.

"One and half years ago, I along with many of the people of the Wave gathered funds and material. We didn't hire workers but worked in itself as no one else from outside the village ever came. Gatō didn't interfere at all that year but after a year had passed and the bridge was half complete, Gatō started targeting the people working in building the bridge. Threatening, blackmailing, he did everything and then people started to back out."

"A group of five hundred from all the wave was reduced to a mere hundred fifty now." Tazuna took off the cap of the bottle, Raito had given him and finished in one gulp. Although there was supposed to be sweet taste, Tazuna could only taste bitterness.

"Old man." Naruto spoke up.


"Oi, Old man!" Naruto shouted loudly and grabbed Tazuna.

"Build that bridge, old man. We will help you deal with that Gatō guy. We will protect you and every single one of those working to build that bridge. Believe it! " Naruto threw his fist forward, giving off a big smile.

Kakashi and Raito facepalmed as they heard Naruto speaking his mouth off.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata had hearts in her eye and blush on her face.

"Pfft." Kurenai let out a small laugh, covering her face.

Sasuke was the same as ever but Sasuke couldn't help but feel annoyed hearing Naruto's declaration.

Shino just pushed his glasses but a small, very small smile appeared on his face.

Kiba had a huge smile showing his canine.

Ruff. Akamaru chimed in.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Coming." The woman stopped cleaning, grabbing the knife on the knife stand, walked through the house to reach the doorsteps.

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