The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 43 - Doing Deeds

Chapter 43 – Doing Deeds

"Coming." The voice of the woman was just enough for the people outside to hear. She held a knife with one hand then opened the door with another.

"Tsunami, it's your father." Tazuna shouted as the handle started moving.

The handle paused for a while before the opened in full. A woman with long blue-colored and wearing a short-sleeved pink shirt and a long blue skirt.

She had tears in the corners of her eyes as she saw Tazuna. She immediately dropped the knife and jumped to hug Tazuna. "Father!"

"Yosh, yosh." Tazuna rubbed her head softly and sighed softly.

After she called down, Tazuna asked, "Tsunami, where is Inari?"

"He went to 'that' place." Tsunami sighed then looked around with a slight blush.

She bowed deeply and thanked the ninjas for protecting her father.

"Please stop bowing." Kurenai went ahead and stopped her from bowing.

"Ah, please come in." Tsunami grabbed Kurenai and dragged her inside, which was followed by everyone.

Kakashi nudged Raito, who made a sour face. Raito pouted and quickly reached the kitchen.

"I can help." Raito used 'Hypnotic Wave' then started helping her. Tsunami didn't ask Raito to stop, and Raito also didn't work for too long.

He replaced the water with spring water and switched the tea leaves with 'good tea leaves'.

"It smells different." Tsunami blinked her eyes then looked at Raito, who she barely noticed in these ten minutes.

"I did a few things." Raito gave her a thumbs up and a small smile.

The small family, who need just a few things in the house suddenly had more than double their number inside the house. so surely there was some deficiency. Tsunami looked at the cups then counted inwardly then a frown appeared on her face. Raito stretched his neck and sighed. He appeared behind Tsunami just before she was going to turn and used stealth.

Tsunami turned around with slight embarrassment but to her surprise, Raito was no longer there. Even if she and Tazuna didn't take the tea, the cups were simply not enough.

But when she turned around, she saw that there were five more cups. "Ah."

"We barged in, so please use them." Raito said softly then started taking out the cups and filling them with tea.

In this bunch of ruffians who drank tea like water were two ladies, who drank tea in an elegant manner.

After taking a sip, Kurenai opened her eyes then said, "Good tea."

Tsunami looked at Raito secretly and questioned herself if that tea leaves provided by this boy was that good.

"Father, I will be going to the village with the people from the neighborhood." Tsunami patted her hands dry, took a woven bag then walked out.

The two Jōnin looked back at their Genins.

"I'll go." Raito immediately took off without waiting for Kakashi. He already knew before Kakashi had to speak. The secret between teacher and student was so good then the rest was because Kakashi had already started signaling Raito using codes and hand signs.

"I am going too." Naruto also rushed out following Raito.

"Naruto-kun, Raito-san, please wait." Hinata also followed them quickly voicing out her answer.

To the new side and improvement of Hinata, Kurenai smiled and nodded slightly.

"What!? Why? They are doing OUR mission. It's supposed to be our mission." Kiba was stunned for a while then started shouting.

Kurenai's glare seems to have worked as Kiba only let out silent grunts.

Outside the house, Naruto nodded then made a cross-hand seal and activated his chakra. "Shadow Clone Technique."

Three clones appeared in front of Naruto with a salute. "Clones ready for duty."

Raito looked at his chakra then nodded. He still had more than enough chakra. After a few hand seals, a clone popped in front of him. This time, the clone had no weird marking on his forehead.

"How long?" that was the first thing Raito asked his clone.

"Slightly more than two hours." The clone answered after looking at the air.

"Let's go." Raito with his 'Chakra Sense' found Tsunami and the Raito's clone started running to her direction, jumping to trees. The three Naruto clones also followed him.

After the clones left, Raito, Naruto, and Hinata also went towards the small village but slightly in another direction.

As they ran towards the village center, Raito activated 'Fast thinking' and opened the info book where he starred everyone in the village including the warrior looking people. Then he started reading their description

[Observe (Active) Lvl 62]

With the increase in the level of the skill, the description grew longer and it started containing all the important details about the person. The 'Observe' skill basically included the name, age, s.e.x, level, job, titles, status, specialty, most used skills, emotion, detail, and background.

When the trio finally reached the top of the building in the village center, Raito stopped them. Taking out sketchbook and color pencils from his inventory, Raito started drawing, adding details as much as possible.

Naruto and Hinata hid and watched as the people huddled together and talked in secret. Looking at a certain distance, they showed fear in their eyes.

"I have found that group of children." Hinata raised her voice slightly then looked at the drawing paper.

"If you see them, just capture them." Raito said with seriousness as he handed them colored drawings. (It's because of skill. In real life, it takes long too long for my taste. So respect to the artist.)

"They are…"

"Hmm… traitors."

"Naruto-kun." Hinata hesitated for a while before starting to search for them.

"Food is limited here in this village. Most probably, only Gatō and his men have enough food to eat. Gatō's men, they control the village by fear, by limiting food and freedom to the people. Then people who are hungry can easily be controlled by food a bit of status."

"Didn't I gave you a book to read about a rich man killed by his own family member? It's just like this."

"I…" Naruto immediately started looking around. And before Raito could speak anymore, he questioned, "But how did you know?"

"… Because I read more." Raito answer was vague to Naruto. Naruto knew that Raito didn't want to answer so he chooses to not ask anymore.

"Raito-san, I found them." Hinata reported while looking back at the drawings in her hand.

"We have to think carefully about this…" Raito sat down copying Shikamaru and closed his eyes.

"We have to find those who really need food. We need a place to hide, the scent of food, we also need to hide them. The thugs of Gatō's, they are dangerous too…"

Raito continued mumbling and Naruto and Hinata nodded their head from time to him as if dividing tasks.

"Hinata find a small farm where it has been recently trashed, better if these… bandits aren't there."

"Naruto once she finds that place, you have to go and clean up with your clones."

"I will go and find a place, like an abandoned building in some far place, at the edge of the village and start preparation."



"Our mission is to guard Tazuna, not do all this… what if Kakashi-sensei finds out?"

"…" there was an awkward silence for a long time. Hinata and Naruto looked at Raito for an answer,

After a period of time, Raito blew out and said, "I don't care right now."

"Let's help them first, Hinata." Naruto said with determination.

Hinata nodded then started her search.

Raito also started his search after getting ideas about the different groups in the village.

On the far west of the village, near the river, there was an old building, perfect for his plans. After telling the direction he was going, Raito left the two, quickly reaching the old, abandoned building.

Standing in front of the building, Raito took out his book of secret and turned the very first page. A concentrated amount of chakra released from the book and went down the earth.

"Earth Manipulation."

Under Raito's thought, the earth changed and an underground started forming. "All for mission."

Raito who was kneeling on the ground stood up and let out a breath. "Finally done."

Walking inside, Raito looked around and found that it was satisfying. Taking out a brush from his inventory, Raito started inscribing seals on the pillar.

On the other side of the village, Hinata and Naruto had found a small farm that looked abandoned as houses seemed empty.

Naruto with his massive army plowed the soil. Hinata used the Water technique to gather water and wet the ground.

"It should be good enough for preparation." Naruto wiped his sweat but as soon as he sat down, he felt one of his clones disappearing.

Ignoring his dirty clothes, Naruto pulled Hinata and started running. "Tsunami-san and the neighbors are returning. We have to find Raito and tell him."

"Raito-kun did something amazing." As she was being carried by Naruto, she had activated her Byakugan san saw what Raito was doing.

In the past half an hour, Raito had gone to the village center and captured some people. Then he gave the small group some vegetables to eat and also left spring water in a container.

"Don't tell anyone about it, okay?" He rubbed the little girl's head and looked at the small crowd of children. They were thin and weak, but everyone was toughened by the calamity named Gatō.

When they first saw that some of their members were tied down. They felt angry but after Raito started explaining some children stepped forward and said that they had seen something about the captured having food and so on.

Looking at the children in front of him, Raito felt how important the food really was. Sighing at the bad luck of the people of the wave, Raito told them the location of the new place he had created and asked them to go there.

After regathering with Naruto and Hinata, Raito waved the children goodbye and went to Tazuna's house. Naruto and Hinata gave few chocolates and cake rolls they had and gave them to the children. Seals were so good. Naruto and Hinata touched their storage seals and smiled all the way.

When they reached Tsunami, they saw that the cabbage she had brought was small and wilted. Looking at other things, Raito let out a breathe then started.

"Boo!" Raito lightly pushed Tsunami, which scared her as she let out a small scream and let go of the woven bag. Using stealth, Raito replaced the things and even added a few.

"Sorry, sorry." Hinata and Naruto bowed repeatedly as they helped Tsunami stand up.

"Ninjas are kids too." Tsunami sighed then picked up the bag but she found that it was more than slightly heavy.

"What's this?" Tsunami looked at the bag then as she was about to open the bag to see inside.

Raito shouted from behind, "Is that Inari?" Making Tsunami look behind to see Raito pointing forward again.

She hurriedly turned around but couldn't see anyone.

"I see a small boy." Hinata ran forward and Naruto followed. Raito disappeared making Tsunami alone.

"Inari." Tsunami sighed then walked towards home with a small smile on her face.

At the house, sitting on the table, Tazuna took a bite from vegetables in joy. "So good."

"daughter just what did you make today?" Tazuna gobbled down the rice then vegetables, choking a little.

Kurenai also looked at the potato slice then ate it, "It's magical."

Tsunami who was being praised looked at Team seven.

"So, where is this Inari?" Naruto opened his mouth and looked at the bowls and plated, and asked.

The door opened as Naruto asked and a small boy eight or nine entered the house. He wore a green jumpsuit with a yellow shirt and a simple pair of sandals. With a blue and white striped hat as cover, he looked at the people in his room.

He neither greeted them or even looked at them for a while. He walked to his seat then sat down to eat.

"Inari, these super ninjas saved your grandpa's life." Tazuna was a bit loud as he tried to make his grandson talk. Tsunami shook her head from the side, signaling Tazuna to not force him.

"Eat up and clean, we are going for training." Kakashi announced as he stood up taking his plate.

"Ah, please I would-"

"How can I let you?" Kakashi gave his famous eye smile and walked past her.

Hearing the word training, the Genins sped up in excitement.

"Those who know water walking to one side, tree walking to another." Under Kakashi's orders, they quickly grouped themselves.

Naruto and Shino to the group who didn't know water walking.

Hinata and Raito knew water walking.

Sasuke clenched his teeth as he saw that he couldn't compare to Naruto or Raito. he stood with Kiba who didn't know either tree walking or water walking.

"We just started tree walking a few days ago." Kiba quickly started explaining.

"Oh." Taking out kunai, Kakashi threw them after enhancing them with chakra. The kunai quickly lodged on the top of the tree.

"Continue with tree walking to the point you have no problem walking to the top."

Kakashi then turned around to face Shino and Naruto then at Hinata and Raito.

Hinata nodded and said, "I will follow Kurenai-sensei to the bridge and guard Tazuna-san."

"I will take a walk." Raito whistled a tune and walked away.

"Let's go." Kakashi grabbed the two and went towards the small pond.

Raito reached the house and after healing Kurenai went to the village center.

The abandoned building had few children walking here and there. Only after scanning everyone, Raito heaved a sigh of relief then walked out, showing himself.

The children walked around him with signs of hesitation. A big boy walked forward like a leader then bowed deeply to Raito.

Raito was shocked and hesitant as he saw the boy bowing to him. Moving his hand to help him, Raito found that the boys and girls around him also bowed.

"Um… its no problem, stop bowing." Raito quickly waved at everyone then opened the small opening on the ground before walking in.

The children gasped in surprise as they saw the ground opening up.


"It's magic."

"Like the water."

"Yes, water."

Raito smiled inwardly as he heard the children talking.

"If you have parents then call them." Raito turned around to find that the children had sadness on their faces.

Raito immediately knew that he said something wrong so he took out a big pot and batches of vegetables and bread.

[Cook Lvl 53 (Active/Passive)]

- Food tastes slightly better irrespective of the ingredient.

- Food tastes slightly better irrespective of the combination of dishes.

- Increase the reputation that eats the food.

- A perfect food combo gives an o.r.g.a.s.mic effect.

- Food has an extremely high nutritious value.

Raito waved the big boy and asked him to distribute the bread. The boys trembling hand made Raito not wanting to give the basket to him.

Frowning a little, he used his technique then commanded, "Calm down."

The boy looked at Raito then seemingly calmed down. He bowed, "Thank you." Then he started distributing the bread to everyone.

Without looking back, Raito started the fire then placed the pot on top.

"So yummy."

"Sniff, sniff."

Raito ignored the kids then started his work. Peeling, cutting and doing all the menial work took no more than ten minutes. Feeding more or less than thirty children was difficult.

Raito called in a few children who have an affinity for cooking and started teaching them. "These are basil, and these sage and these are thyme. They are used for…"

Under Raito's 'Teacher's Aura', the kids learned fast, asked questioned, made a happy face after learning new things and even cried a little.

Raito gave other kids another mission. They were asked to take small bottles made up of rock filled with spring water and give it to people who needed them. These actions were similar to charity people in the bigger villages.

In this nameless village, some people formed groups to support each other but the deteriorating condition made it difficult to manage.

These kids knew how to hide and protect themselves. But even so Raito didn't feel it was safe so, he called a clone asked him to follow the kids.

The kids didn't disperse but walked in a group with half of them wearing a cloth over hiding the water bottle. They walked slowly, looking around, searching for bad people and avoiding them. Humans learn, in one way or another.

When they reached some people who in the past had given them food or shown some kindness they covered the person and had them drink some water.

The small group of people carrying swords, walked around the village, scaring the people. There was time when those thugs would notice the kids walking suspiciously. So they would follow them but the clone would drop down and knock them unconscious, storing them inside inventory.

These thugs were no higher than level fifteen, which made Raito's work easier.

After the water was finished, the kids followed Raito's clone from alley to alley, reaching the abandoned building.

The kids walked in still full off energy and with smiles big enough to shine. Only after walking into the underground room, they smelt a faint but rich smell making their stomach growling.

Everyone was sitting on the floor with grasses and blankets, with a bowl in their hand. They took sips and moved their heads to the taste.

"I can eat this forever." A girl smiled.

The big boy walked to see everyone eating, surrounding a pot. Although the pot had enough of food, no one dared to take a second bowl.

"Taka-nii, everyone." A girl looked at the figures coming and hurriedly ordered a few around to fill the bowl.

"Rumi, what's going on here?" Taka received a bowl, his eyes locked on to the food.

"Nice big brother, told us to distribute this food among everyone. He will come next day."

Then pointing on to a rock made plate trolly, she continued. "Big brother also said that there are loaves of bread for us to eat."

"More bread?"

"Um, now eat the veggies and soup." Rumi nodded then said with a serious – child tone.

"Mm." Taka and the children behind him gulped the soup and chewed the veggies. The soup was warming and refreshing, the vegetables were fulfilling.

Taka rubbed his eyes and finished everything in one go before looking at Rumi, "Rumi, what's big brother's name?"

"… I don't know. I didn't ask." Rumi quickly had tears gathered in her eyes.

"Ah, ah. Rumi-chan don't cry. Yosh, yosh." A girl quickly grabbed Rumi then soothed her.

"But I think big brother called all our names."

"Yeah, he did." Another girl answered.

"… Maybe kami-sama." The girl covered her mouth quickly.

"Big brother was sent by kami-sama." The noise grew and the children started walking around and inside the abandoned house.

Raito stood on the water as his chakra decreasing two points per minuted. Crouching down, he placed his finger on the water surface from where chakra acc.u.mulated and turned into strings, which dived deeper into the sea.

Using 'Chakra Sense' and 'Chakra Threads', Raito caught more than a dozen of fishes in one go.

Raito was surprised as his chakra threads bound the fishes. After yanking them from the water, the fishes struggled for a time.

"That's easy." The threads connected to his fingers retracted bringing fishes toward him but found that both of his hands were connected to the threads. Trying to clench his hands he found that the threads were being super fast by that action so he stopped.

With an idea, the fishes were covered by chakra and directly stored in inventory.

"Super easy!"

"Hey! Who is that!?" A rough voice from a small boat doing survey shouted.

"What now?" Another person sitting on the side frowned, his hand supporting his head.

"I think I saw a person." Answered the first one.

"Even if you saw leave it." The man frowned more asking the boatman to return back to shore.

"But Gatō-sama said-"

"Argh!" the man stood up and slapped the other man's head. "Shut your mouth." He was furious.

Raito listened to them arguing. The talk was between two men, one loyal and another, the suffer of sin.

Or so it looked like. [Lie Detected.]

The arguing had stopped and the two men have been looking around. One of them shook his head then waved at the boatman.

"Hmph." Raito had completed a series of hand seals, Taking in a deep breathe, he activated his chakra. 'Water Release: Whirlpool.'

A large amount of chakra was released and the water was shaking. The boatman looked at the water and was shocked, "It's impossible."


Before the thugs could speak, they found that the boat was moving and it was speeding up.

Raito looked back at his masterpiece then smiled and left.

It was only noon when Raito passed by the bridge. Kurenai and Hinata stood by the side, at a distance away, observing the situation. Kurenai slightly frowned as she looked at a distance. "He is here."

"Who, Kurenai… sensei." Hinata asked then used Byakugan.

"It's a Raito-kun."

"Mm." Kurenai thought for a while before going back to her own work.

Raito walked calmly to the bridge as people worked on their own. Some had bits of seriousness but others had unwilling looks on their faces.

"Old man, would you like some juice?" Raito walked straight to Tazuna and asked him straight.

"Brat." Tazuna gave him a glance before his eyes went back to the list.

"It's slow here." Raito commented, making people's faces turn ugly.

Tazuna slammed the clipboard on the table and asked with little anger, "Do you really think it's slow?"

"Yeah, if you tell me what to do I can do it a bit faster… then anyone here." Raito smirked looking at everyone.

"Tazuna, if this kid wants to work then let him." The man was young and had the muscle of steel as he alone dragged a big and long steel rope.

Tazuna didn't know if he wanted to laugh or not, "Okay, brat. Go and bring concrete from the shed."

"How many?" Raito asked shaking his shoulder.

"How many? Just bring all of them." Tazuna answered without even looking at Raito then asked one of the workers to bring Raito to the shed.

Looking at the massive number of the concrete packets, Raito was dumbfounded.

Raito twitched then asked the man, "Big bro, is this all?"

The man asked by Tazuna to bring Raito started stretching but after hearing Raito's question, he let out a small laugh, "Since you are calling me bro, I will call you little bro."

"This pile is just a small amount. We need a lot more, lot more." In the end, his voice carried hints of sorrow.

"Big bro…" Raito called.

"Hah!" The man placed concrete bags on the wheelbarrow then went out.

As Raito grabbed one bag, he thought for a while, deciding to choose from using them to increase his stat or using inventory and complete the work faster.

Raito chose the later and covered them with his chakra, storing them in the inventory.

Seeing Raito walk back with nothing on his hand, people in the bridge started laughing loudly.

"Boy, did you gave up already?"

"What youth? Hahaha."

"Just a big mouth."

Raito ignored the people then walk past Tazuna where the 'Big brother' placed the concrete bags.

Raito placed his hand forward then retrieved all the concrete bags.


Some people took deep breathe in and some let out a cold breath out.

"Ninja. He must be a ninja."

"Hey, kid. Are you a ninja?"

The group of men had stars in their eyes as they asked Raito various questions.

Raito took out his jacket then on his left hand, there was a forehead protector with the symbol of Konoha. "Yoshizawa Raito, Genin of Konoha."

"Ninja of Konoha. We lucked out"

"Ninja tricks, these are ninja tricks." Some of them were overjoyed.

Tazuna who looked at the scene smiled for a while before slamming his clipboard on the table.

"Everyone back to work." Tazuna glared making many laugh shamelessly.

"Kid, next is the second shed."

"You can tell me everything at once." Raito ready to walk turned and suggested.

Tazuna nodded then replied, "There are fourteen sheds. If you can bring everything… keep them with yourself."

Understanding the vague situation, Raito asked, "… When do they come?"

"Once every few weeks."

"Okay." After agreeing, Raito with a step disappeared.

Tazuna stood in a spot as thoughts passed in his mind. With a determined expression, he nodded in his mind and shouted, "Folks, make haste."

With Raito's help, they sped up their work. Since more than three fourth part of the work was done and a ninja group to protect them, the people started working extra hard.

After returning home, Tazuna bowed at Kakashi and Kurenai.

"Please lend us Raito-boy."

Kakashi raised his eyes as he looked inquisitively at Raito. In reply, Raito just shrugged his shoulder.

"Shino and… Naruto, you two will be on guard duty." Kurenai nodded and pointed on the two.

"Use Raito however you like." Raito had long gone out of living and dining to the kitchen and had started deboning the fish.

"Old man, we will definitely not let anyone cause trouble." Naruto announced once again, making Raito prick his hand. Taking a deep breath, Raito could only ignore him.

"Kakashi-sensei, what am I supposed to do?" Hinata asked as she seems to have nothing to do tomorrow.

"I am sure you will find something to do." Kakashi smiled.

'Abandoned building.' An answer popped in her head as a smile appeared on her face. "Hai."

Early morning next day Raito and Hinata went to the abandoned building, which looked a lot cleaner than yesterday. The children must have done it. When Raito saw that he manipulated the ground below to swallow the small trash pile.

Before even coming to the area of the abandoned building, Raito did a sweep. He found that the number of children was same and they had cleaned the house. Since there were not many things it was quite easier. The group of children slept hugging each other as there were not many blankets. The big boy, Taka, was surrounded by little children, everyone on his body.

When a girl saw Raito coming, she screamed with joy, waking everyone up.


"I have enough blankets." Raito checked through his inventory, then sighed in relief.

"Hinata, I have to be quick. I have two hours left until I have to leave for the capital of the wave." Raito brought Hinata to the hidden underground where he saw the small bucket, where spring water was. To its side was the big pot Raito used to make the vegetable soup.

Taking out a stone bead from his pocket, Raito was ready to execute his plan but the children came running out then entering the underground.

"Its big brother."

"There is a big sister as well."

"Wah! big brother." The small girl with pigtails and a big smile, Rumi ran hugging him first. After that it was chaos, the children also joined her causing massive rampage.

Seeing Raito who couldn't deal with the group of children, Hinata laughed secretly.

Getting out of the troublesome situations, Raito asked Hinata to fill the water then purify it.

The children along with Hinata went around the village, giving a bottle of water to drink to different people.

One bigger boy and girl help Raito in cooking food. Raito just watched, corrected and instructed them and the rest was done by the two. Meanwhile, Raito used his time manipulating the earth to make a fountain and inscribing it with Fuinjutsu seals, the same when Raito made a Fuinjutsu for watering flower with water at a specific time of the day.

This time the fuinjutsu was a bit more complex. He changed a normal earth fountain to an artifact, a magical one at that. The whole of the fountain was seen as a single unit, having multiple layers. The bottom base had a collecting seal and the top of the tub part had a restriction seal the middle of the fountain then had a purifying seal. Connecting all three of them were timed activation and chakra gathering seal.

The first activation was the water collecting seal. After the water had reached a certain level, the restriction seal would activate, stopping the water collecting seal then activating the purifying the water.

(I am laying it out because Raito is going to do crazy things with Fuinjutsu.)

After making a ladle to scoop out water, Raito looked at the children making food.

"Let me taste it." Raito scooped out some in a bowl then ate it. "It's lacking salt." Raito reviewed it honestly making the two quite sad.

Pulling out a spoon Raito taught them how to measure salt for a person then for multiple people. Thank Kami that these children were smarter than Naruto, at least some of them were.

Raito made a cabinet to put the spices.

Walking out of the underground area, Raito saw that few of the children were playing with flowers and some were climbing a tree, not the ninja way (Sorry for those who thought that they could be ninjas).

Raito sat with them teaching them about flower gardening and pomology. (FACT – Pomology means 'Fruit' + logy)

Since they couldn't learn more, Raito just told them to clear the weeds from time to time and water the flowers and trees with the water in the fountain.

The four nodded vigorously then quickly went inside the underground and brought a stone bucket filled with spring water.

Raito let out a huge yawn as he walked inside the building. Since most of the kids were out Raito quickly and silently went to the room where all of them were sleeping. Taking out twelve sets of blanket, futon, and pillow.

Raito didn't know when but he had stopped looking at the mission tab for this mission. After playing with few children, Raito left without waiting for Hinata.

Back at Tazuna's house, Tazuna wore his straw hat as he saw Raito coming.

"Ready old man?" Raito smiled.

"You bet I do. Our people in the capital are willing to lend us all the things that have been stored. We just have to go and get it." Tazuna smiled and raised his small alcohol gourd.

Raito felt like the trip was not going to be very smooth but it was not going to be very difficult too. If it was difficult then, how was the bridgework going on?

Raito looked up to see Sasuke glaring at him which Raito replied by a smile and wave. It was so much fun looking at Sasuke in anger, pain and trouble

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