Keira resumed her daily routines as soon as Zach left…

She smiled as she recalled how many times he told her he loved her last night, accompanied with his gentle kisses and warm hugs. She felt giddy all over as Zach's deep voice and affectionate words kept replaying in her head. All those sweet nothings that he whispered in her ear had tempted her to just chain and lock him up to keep him beside her, and not to let him leave at all…

"Geez… I miss him already," she mumbled helplessly as she patted her cheeks trying to recollect herself so she could focus on her work, editing the data that she had gathered for the evening news.

She saw Thea stealing glances at her and so she smiled at her. She was amused to see Thea's cheeks reddened. Keira was not used to seeing Thea act bashful and meek like that, so she went to sit beside her and said playfully while giving Thea her signature wink, "Stop being all shy to me! You're giving me goosebumps."

Keira heard Thea sigh when she spoke, "Why are you so nice to me? You can hate me and get back at me for all the stuff that I made you do. You know, when I was bullying you... I'll understand..."

"Hmm, I'm not forcing myself to be nice to you… Like I said, it's just not my personality to hold a grudge. I don't have any interest in getting even with you, Thea. As long as you do me no harm, then we are good. By the way, you can give me all the information you have... and I will relay it to Zach. I know a lot about their operation…" said Keira as she rested a cheek on her palm, after checking that no one was near them to hear their conversation.

It was true, she knew it all… Every update… All from her husband, John, and her father.

"We can discuss it here at work, so it wouldn't look suspicious. It would seem like we're just talking about work related matters …" said Keira and Thea nodded in agreement.

"Thank you again for helping me…" murmured Thea timidly. Keira blew air on her forehead and answered firmly, "If you're thankful, then stop acting like that. You look like a spineless worm. Chin up! Everyone deserves a second chance, so take it without hesitation and make the most of it."

"Besides, you can thank me once this is all done… But for now let's work together, so you can be free and so I can spend more time with my husband after that toxic mission... A win-win situation," said Keira cheerfully as she gave Thea another wink when she whispered her last sentence.

"What mission?"

Both women were startled to see Luke sit in front of them all of the sudden. Thea shot Keira a glance with an uneasy expression. Keira was quick-witted and she could immediately read what was on Thea's mind so she quickly retorted at Luke, "Mission to beat the other networks, since they are crawling up fast behind us and we only have like a 10% lead ahead of them, why...!?"

And then Keira narrowed an eye and asked in a menacing tone of voice, "Wait… Were you eavesdropping on us, Luke?"

"Me? Why would I? It's just that I saw two beautiful girls sitting together and my body was just automatically moving itself towards you. You know, like a magnet!" Luke retorted back in jest.

"By the way, Isn't it a bit weird? I mean the upcoming banquet. It's like... they suddenly just decided to do this. And I mean, it's the first time that Cooper Entertainment is preparing something so grand for a new actress." commented Luke.

"What's weird? Her drama is a box office hit. That drama broke the highest rating in our country." Keira said nonchalantly. The banquet would be held in three days and she hoped that everything would turn out well for everyone.

Days had passed and Zach was still busy, together with Ryu, to execute their plan to bring down Old Man Skull, one of Mr. Big's most significant partners.

Meanwhile, the much awaited night of the banquet for the sensational new star, Arya Tan, had finally arrived. Keira was preparing for the event, as she was tasked to report it live from the venue. She knew that she needed to be more alert and vigilant that night.

Many well-known artists from the entertainment industry were present and the media was everywhere, flashing their cameras and recording every detail of the event.

It was amazing to see how widely advertised this whole program was and how the media was given the opportunity to capture every moment of the limelight.

But what made this banquet even more special was that it was broadcast live nationwide.

Many artists were envious because it was the first time that Cooper Entertainment was holding such a grand banquet for a newcomer artist.

Keira scanned the area and as expected, Ryu, Arya's husband, was not around at the venue. It was because Ryu was still with Zach.

As instructed, she reported every detail of the event… until something unexpected happened...

All the lights in the banquet were suddenly turned off leaving the whole area pitch-dark, like a starless night...

All they could hear was just some muffled voices from a few people. They were not able to see anything at all.

Something was wrong…

Something was very wrong at that moment…

The next thing that happened was a mind-boggling episode in which Keira and her team were in the middle of a nerve-wrecking car chase, covering a kidnapping scene live...

"Do you think it would be safe to follow them like this? Bro, drive faster we need to get closer..." JV instructed their driver inside their van. He was busy recording the happenings that were unfolding right before their eyes; a hot pursuit of a heavily armed van done by several vehicles of the police forces and Cooper's security teams.

"Nothing is safe in our line of work JV and you know that. Focus…" Keira replied.

"Oh shit, oh shit!!! Keira, it's not safe. They are shooting at the police cars. Hurry, wear your bulletproof vest! Oh crap, look at that!" JV cursed and shouted as he saw bullets were flying around and ripping into a police car. He quickly grabbed the nearest available bulletproof vest to put it on himself. Keira obediently followed in haste, she grabbed her own and wore it.

Very soon, the police and Cooper's security team had overtaken the heavily armed van and it was now sandwiched between two of Cooper's security team's cars, one in front and one at the back.

They were able to completely block the path of the armed van and forcefully made it stop.

Their van had also stopped. Keira and JV went out quickly. JV continued to capture the scene of chaos with his video camera while Keira assessed the situation. A gunfight had broken out when the police forces tried to take down a couple of the targets.

Her heart was thumping hard when she saw a familiar face that was heading directly into the active zone. "Why is he here?" she murmured as she scanned the whole area…

Within just a few minutes, Old Man Skull's men were all captured, handcuffed and put inside the police cars.

"Keira! Go get a spot. We need to get this report done" JV said when he noticed Keira seeming out of it, looking around as if she was looking for someone.

Police cars were scattered everywhere around the area, including a few ambulances. Keira and JV were preparing for their report.

During her live report, several gunshots could still be heard in the area, followed by a few loud screams.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Keira was horrified with everything that she had just seen, but she continued to report live from the scene with a whole lot of professionalism.

After some time, when everything was finally settled, Keira and JV went inside their van to head back to the headquarters. Keira tried to call Zach several times with trembling hands but her call failed to go through. 'Oh God… Please keep my husband safe.' she prayed silently as she kept on trying to reach him. But still nothing…

"Keira, are you alright?" JV asked, seeing how pale and distraught Keira looked. He thought that she must have been shocked by everything that she had just seen that evening. It must have been her first time to see people getting shot right before her eyes.

"Get yourself together, Keira. What if we get assigned to cover news from an active war zone? There will be a lot of wounded people there and we will definitely witness even more horrifying scenes. We might even get shot at ourselves too," said JV.

Keira shot him a distressed look as she murmured, "I know him… that man…"

She was startled when her phone suddenly rang. She answered immediately and almost burst into tears when she heard Zach's voice on the other line.

"Oh God… Thank you, you are safe…" she burst out crying...

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