Zach and his team were later than usual because of some dealings that they had to finalize in the underworld.

There was just one last thing to do and that would be the buy-and-bust operation, which was to be carried out by the joint forces of the Special Ops of the Military and the Anti-Narcotics Police squad.

This operation was the finale of their mission, in which they would capture Old Man's Skull's group, together with Mr. Big, while they were entrapped in the middle of a huge drug deal. This drug bust would provide the law enforcers with a very clear evidence which would unquestionably get the criminals a life sentence or even a death penalty...

Ryu would be left out of this operation because of his civilian status. It would be enacted directly by Zach's team under his command. It was not an easy operation as they were aware of the interweaving web of corruption at the top of the government which was directly connected with the people from the underworld.

Zach looked at Ryu who was fidgeting anxiously as he was in a hurry to attend Arya's grand banquet that would be held that night.

He laughed seeing Ryu's edgy state as the latter kept looking at his wrist watch.

"Don't worry, you will reach there soon… at least before the event ends…" he remarked in jest that made the group laugh.

"Hmm, so our Hawk here could also be afraid, eh…? I mean, he had never shown fear all those times we had to face off against those notorious gangsters in the underworld for our mission. But now look at him, so nervous at the thought of his shining star wife getting disappointed if he missed her grand event…" said Snake, teasing him more.

Ryu massaged his nape and smiled with embarrassment because Snake had definitely hit the right spot. It was true that he was not afraid of anyone but Arya.

When Zach and his team was about to drop Ryu off at their safe house, Ryu's phone beeped.

"Fuck!" Zach heard Ryu curse as he quickly instructed Torin to follow Arya's tracking device. He started to make a call to everyone who could immediately go to Arya's rescue.

Ryu looked so uptight and overwrought inside their van. Zach instructed Dumbo to drive at the highest speed. It is imperative that they reach there in time...

He understood Ryu's feeling very well…

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After a few minutes, Zach received a call and it was from Mr. Big.

"He wanted to finish the deal now. We have to go back… Call the Military Base and inform them that we will bring Mr. Big down tonight," Zach instructed and looked at Ryu who understood the situation and called his men to pick him up halfway.

"But it's all too sudden… We're not prepared enough!" commented Torin.

Zach sighed as he explained, "Yeah I know but we don't have a choice… After tonight's incident, it would be hard to get another opportunity."

The underworld would indeed be greatly alarmed after tonight's incident. Their existence was broadcast widely and that was probably why Mr. Big wanted their deal to be done and closed as quickly as possible, much earlier than initially planned.

"Call everyone and get the men ready…" instructed Zach with a straight face and his team immediately followed his order.

They then dropped Ryu off at the roadside where his men were already there waiting for him.

"That what was one hell of a move by Ryu's wife," Snake commented as soon as they dropped Ryu off .

Torin was still watching the live telecast when he suddenly blurted out, "Oh shit, Bro! Keira is there too!"

Zach's face darkened as soon as he heard that and quickly snatched the tablet which Torin and Snake were using to watch the live scene. It was Keira who was reporting live from a moving vehicle in the middle of a car chase with an armed van.

He heard multiple gunshots during her report and he was cursing out loud as he quickly dialed Keira's number but it couldn't go through.

Yes, she was wearing a bulletproof vest but damn her head was not protected from stray bullets!

He called his father-in-law to inform the situation regarding Keira. "Yes, don't worry about it, Son. Focus on your thing, I'll take care of the situation and ensure Keira's safety."

Zach monitored everything via the live telecast. But it was not enough. So he instructed his first team to move ahead without him and he would follow. He and Torin headed towards the scene.

He was worried sick and wanted to go to where Keira was as quickly as possible. He kept on shouting, "Drive faster, Torin!"

Many roads were already blocked… and it made Zach curse. After almost an hour he let out a long deep sigh when finally Keira answered the phone.

"Oh God… Thank you, you are safe…" Keira burst out crying...

"Are you alright? Get out from that scene, now!" Zach hissed from the other line.

"Yes, I am fine... We… we are heading back to the headquarters now. Luke took over at the scene… Did you watch what happened? There were policemen all over, how could that happen? Oh God, It was so tragic.. Where are you now? Please come home..." She was stuttering in fright and still half sobbing, as she still couldn't believe what had just transpired a while ago and was extremely relieved to hear Zach's voice on the phone.

"Don't think too much. Head home now. Please avoid reporting from dangerous scenes or places like that, Keira! You will kill me if that happens again! Wait for me at home. I will be there soon. We will finish off Mr. Big soon. I love you…" Zach said before he ended the call.

Keira was still feeling weak as she instructed their driver to drop her off at her condo building instead of the office.

When Keira was already in their building, she went directly to Zach's unit to wait for his arrival. She was still worried so she called her dad to implore him not to send Zach on a dangerous mission anymore…

Zach was a soldier, and he had been a soldier for as long as she knew him. A soldier's allegiance lay not only to his beloved ones, but first and foremost, to his country and the people of his country.

She had fallen in love with a soldier. And having one as a father, she had always known what she was getting into when she decided to pursue Zach to be her man.

She knew she was being selfish when she demanded her dad to comply with her request. But she didn't care. She really did not want to see anything like that happen to Zach. She couldn't bear the thought of Zach getting shot at or hurt during a mission.

Keira cried as she kept on praying for the safety of her husband. "Please return home soon..." she mumbled before she dozed off to sleep.

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