The General Who Hates Me

210 A Good Husband

All fighters were given extra time to train themselves in a designated room inside the ship's hold. Leon had around fifty fighters who had already been actively participating in the occasional underground fighting that he had conducted on land, as a trial for the real tournament.

According to Riley, Leon had started to recruit fighters who were still children. The younger, the better. They were mostly homeless or orphaned children who were living on the streets. Zach had connected the dots and had come to the conclusion that Leon was basically the one responsible for the many missing children in their country.

'What a heinous man!' Zach muttered inwardly with a clenched fist. He felt bad for Thea who had to endure many years to live with an evil person like Leon.

During the training, he had taken the opportunity to vaguely observe each of the fighters to check out their skills. It was easy to divide the fighters into two groups.

One group was for those who came from the unlawful world and had always been lawbreakers. These fighters were not only in it for the money. They fought because they fed on the adrenaline rush and the pure enjoyment that they felt after killing or inflicting serious injuries on others.

And the other group was for those who were like Riley, good people who had fallen as victims of their own circumstances.

It surprised him to see how good many of these fighters were at a wide variety of martial arts techniques. They were not simple thugs after all.

Even Riley had good kung fu skills. He had the speed, agility and flexibility due to his small posture."Why are you not practicing and just watching?" asked Riley, who had come to sit next to Zach to rest for a while.

In all actuality, Zach had no problems with these kind of fights at all. He had had long years of training in various forms of martial arts, such as krav maga, jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, karate, and kung fu, and had managed to master all kinds of techniques of those martial art forms. He was able to incorporate those techniques into his repertoire in one-on-one combat, both with bare hands and with melee weapons.

"Is it because you don't need to practice anymore? I bet you're a really good fighter, since you're a real General. If I would be given another chance in life, I actually wanted to become a police officer or a soldier," Riley murmured as he looked at the ceiling, daydreaming.

Zach smiled and said, "You can still be one." He then added, whispering, "Let's escape from this place together."

Riley sighed and turned his gaze on Cobra. Then he muttered to Zach, after looking around, making sure that no one would hear them, "I think Cobra is also planning an escape. But the thing is, that guy never talks to anyone. Except to me, of course, but that's only because I talk to him first."

Then a man with a mocking grin approached Zach and said, "Dude, I heard you're a real General? From the Military? What the fu*ck happened and why are you here with us? Do you know I hate bastards like you? If we happened to meet each other in a match, I will definitely rip your body apart, soldier."

Zach gestured Riley to go back to his training and leave him. Riley understood and quickly left.

Zach ignored the man because he was obviously just one crazy thug. His face looked like someone who was high on drugs. He was definitely a user.

"Yo, dickhead! Are you deaf?" The man tried to give Zach a hard smack across his face but Zach quickly dodged it, causing the man to fall to the ground.

Zach walked away. There was no way he would waste his energy to come to a petty blow with an asshole like that man.

The man stood up as he spit on the ground and yelled at Zach, "Fu*ck! I'm going to kill you soon, you cunt!"

"Be careful with that man! He was good with poison. I heard he was notorious in using dirty tricks whenever he fights and he would always win because of it…" murmured Riley when Zach went by his side.

Zach knew that his life would be a continuous hell inside Leon's cage, so he was already bracing himself for what was to come.


At Russo's Mansion

"How is everything at the base?" Cielo asked while she gave Drey a massage on his shoulders and back.

"The girls are all training hard as usual. They are actually teasing me too, if I'm working hard…" Drey murmured and suddenly trailed off his words because he was hesitating if he should tell his wife about it or not.

Cielo's brow knitted as she moved in front of the sofa to face Drey and asked, "Why are they teasing you? Didn't they know how hard you have been working at the base? Moreover I'm training you here at home too, so you'll know what to do once you leave for the actual mission."

Drey pressed his lips, trying to conceal his bashful smile but his face betrayed him as it turned crimson red. Cielo raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why is your face like that? Are you sick?"

Her tone changed into a worried one as she put the back of her hand on Drey's forehead, cheeks and neck. "Your temperature is normal."

Drey smiled and whispered timidly, "No… They were asking if I'm working hard on having a second child…"

"What?" Cielo burst out as she finally got it.

In their relationship, their gender roles seemed to be reversed. She was the bolder and shameless one, while Drey was the shy and timid one.

But the most important thing about their relationship was that they complimented each other very well. She could fill in for Drey's shortcomings and likewise Drey could fill in for hers, and together they are a complete piece.

She gave Drey a wicked and seductive wink as she said, "Next time you should answer your friends properly. Tell them that your wife is the one working hard on having a second child."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Without a warning Cielo pushed Drey back onto the sofa as she crawled on top of him. "Should I work harder, husband?"

Drey was holding his breath. Cielo would 'attack' him like this often. No, he really wasn't complaining at all. As a matter of fact, he would always feel an unexplainable excitement surging from every part of his body.

He was not sure if the feeling that he had for Cielo now could already be qualified as love. But one thing for sure was that he was already feeling attached to her, both emotionally and physically.

He could not give the feeling an exact name yet, but he knew that he wanted Cielo to always stay with him like this. He wanted to please her and to be as good of a husband to her as he possibly could.

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