The General Who Hates Me

211 Thicker Than Blood

Keira was panting hard after running through an obstacle course in which she had to run, climb over, crawl under, balance and jump. This had become a part of her daily exercise routine. She would set a specific time frame as a goal, in which she would have to finish running through the course. Whenever she failed to reach the end of the course within the set time frame, she would start all over again until she succeeded.

"Oh crap, Keira, you're too fast. How could you improve so much? We were so left behind. Look, my body is shaking..." Lana said, also panting really hard.

She had finished the final obstacle just a few minutes after Keira. She had tried to compete with Keira to prove that she still had what it takes to perform an active soldier duty, just like real soldiers, and to show that she would be of great use to the team. However, she was just no match for Keira.

May was the last one to finish. She put her hands on her hips as her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. After a moment of trying hard to calm her breathing, she spread her sweaty body on the grass next to Lana.

"I think you need to lose more weight, May. You were too slow. You might slow down the whole group if you don't improve," Lana remarked, while looking at May. Lana was a straightforward person. She was not afraid to speak her mind and tell it like it is.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

May scoffed and said, "Well, maybe I don't have to go on the frontline during the mission. Maybe I could act as a lookout or take on any other roles that won't require me to be that close to the enemy. I could also just stay behind and do all the necessary reporting works for the base…"

Lana was right. She was too slow. She was sure that she would be the first to get caught if she was to join a risky operation during the mission. She would only be a burden to the team.

They were startled by the loud sound of Drey's hands clapping as he shouted, "Get up! Quick! Who told you girls to slack? Get up and run more! Geez May, I told you this thing is serious and a burden is the least thing we need..."

May's nostrils flared as she sat herself up and quickly retorted at Drey with her glaring eyes, "Dammit, Drey! Cut me some slack, will you? I know my own limitations, okay? Don't worry, I'll avoid any risky work. Besides, I can help with the operation in many other ways, and you bet I will help wherever I could! Whatever it is, I won't let myself be a burden, okay?"

Drey laughed at May's irritated state and sat down beside her. "It's been a while since I last saw that murderous look of yours… Tell me, do you cook your dishes with that expression on your face? Because I'm sure it will affect the taste..." Drey said jokingly.

Keira laughed at their banters. She then moved towards them and sat herself down next to Lana.

She heard Lana sigh. Then Lana asked her, "Is he worth it?"

Keira's face lit up as she turned her head towards Lana and smiled. It was a smile as lovely as a pink spring radiating from her dazzling and beautiful face. It was a smile so sweet, it could capture anyone's heart.

There were no more words needed. Lana knew that Keira had answered her with a big 'YES' with that smile.

She saw a lock of Keira's hair loosely covering her cheek, so she held out a hand to tuck it behind Keira's ear. She then nodded and said, "Hm, I guess he is worth it then… For you to risk your life like this."

"Well, aren't you risking your life for me too?" Keira said as she stared at Lana.

"Yeah, but that's different. You are not only my best friend, you are like a sister to me. The sister that I got to choose. We all grew up together, and to me you guys are siblings. The siblings God forgot to give me. Our bond is thicker than blood, and so I would do anything for you, for any of you…" explained Lana.

Keira's eyes started to well up. She was still staring at Lana as she said, "Yes, he is worth everything, Lana. You will understand once you find a person that you would want to spend the rest of your life with. You would want to protect that person with all your might. As long as you're with him, you would not care what kind of tribulations you would come across. You just want to be with him, because he is enough and everything that you would ever want in life. A person whom you could feel like home with..."

Keira's eyes then began to flood with tears and she started sobbing like a child. She could not help it. She missed Zach so much in ways she did not even know existed.

Everyday was a struggle for her. A struggle to remain strong, to remain brave, and to remain optimistic. It was not easy, but she knew she had to do it. Her love for Zach was the only thing that kept her going. Her breath quickened from the sobbing and she suddenly felt herself fall in Lana's embrace.

Lana drew out a long breath as she tightly hugged Keira and gently stroke her back to comfort her. Sadness clouded her face. She might not be able to relate to Keira's words at all, nor could she understand why a person would allow themselves to fall for another person so much, that it would hurt them.

For Lana, being with her family and friends as well as having a good career were enough to make her feel contented in life. Having a romantic relationship was never in her agenda. If possible, she would even want to avoid it. Not everyone was lucky enough to find their soulmate, just like Keira and Zach, or even just a good partner to be with. She wanted to spare herself from all the unnecessary nuisances and heartaches.

But her heart was broken for Keira. She did not like to see her otherwise bright and bubbly friend in a miserable state like this at all.

May had also begun to weep at the sight of Keira's first tear. She had always been a compassionate and empathetic person. She could feel Keira's sadness as if it were her own.

But she wiped her tears and tried to gather herself, because she knew that sitting there crying would not help her friend at all. She then elbowed Drey who was sitting next to her and whispered, "Do you feel the same way with Cielo now?"

Drey coughed and suddenly stood up. "Alright, let's end this cryfest. Get up, girls! Let's train harder and find General Lim, so Keira will never have to cry like this again." Drey tried to cheer them up as he pulled each one of them up to their feet.

He extended his hand at Keira, smiled and said, "Ready to kick some ass, Mrs. Lim?"

Keira looked up at him, wiped her tears and let out a wide smile as she accepted Drey's hand. Drey exhaled. Keira would remain an important person in his life, and would always have a special spot in his heart.

But to answer May's question from before, about him having the same intense feeling for Cielo, just like Keira's feelings for Zach, he could now confidently answer that he was just a step closer to getting there.

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