The General Who Hates Me

212 All He Needed To Survive

Zach woke up from the sound of blaring alarm. Then he heard footsteps. He quickly got up to see what was going on.

It looked like everyone on their deck was in panic.

"What's going on?" asked Riley. "The ship is on fire," answered Cobra.

Zach moved towards the cell door and looked from behind the metal bars.

His eyes widened when he saw a familiar figure running towards him…

"Keira? What are you doing here?" Zach murmured. He saw Keira give that mischievous smile that he had missed so much and winked at him as she unlocked his cell door and slipped inside his cell.

"How did you...?" Zach muttered, still in disbelief, but then he saw a lot of soldiers and policemen scatter around the area, taking all of Leon's men and freeing each and every man from the human cages to take with them.

He was startled when he felt Keira abruptly hug him, burying and rubbing her face on his chest, as if there were no tomorrow. He quickly hugged her back tightly, burying his face in her hair.

"I was so worried about you. I always knew you are alive… I'm so grateful right now," he heard Keira murmur.

"I missed you so much..." Zach kept mumbling those words, still burying his face in her hair to savor her sweet scent. He was so overwhelmed by emotions seeing Keira was right there in front of him, that tears began to shine in his eyes.

He then felt Keira gently push him away from her as she smiled and held his hand to go out of his cell. "Let's get out of here," he heard her whisper.

He felt her grip on his hand as Keira led him towards the upper deck of the ship so they could disembark the Ghost ship and make their way to the military ship that was already positioned directly beside the Ghost ship. Everything happened so fast and the next thing he knew was that they were already onboard of the military ship.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Inside the military ship Keira led him to one of the cabins where he could rest. Zach creased his forehead and asked, "What happened to Leon? Is he caught? I must go back and make sure that bastard is caught."

He could not afford to let that evil bastard escape again for the second time. He must make sure that Leon was caught.

He saw Keira nod at him and smile before he heard her speak, "Don't think about him anymore. Jeru and Torin already have him."

"Torin is alright?" Zach quickly asked and felt relieved as he saw Keira nod and smile. "Oh, thank God! That brute was trying to play a hero on me. I'm sure he will never let me hear the end of it. I may end up having to give him a really big favor," Zach said with a big grin as he followed Keira inside a cabin.

"Don't think about anything else and just relax. They will take care of everything from now on. Please just stay here with me..." He heard her speak as soon as they were inside the cabin.

Zach felt Keira wrap her arms around his waist tensely and he could immediately tell that she was crying heavily as he could feel how his shirt became wet from her tears, around the chest area, in no time at all. Zach smiled. How he missed having her soft and warm body so close to his like this.

He gently caressed Keira's hair and stroke her back as he sighed and said, "Oh my sweet darling, please stop crying. I'm safe now and I'm here by your side. I will no longer leave you. I promise… I missed you really badly."

Then he gently pushed Keira back to look closely at her face as he wiped the tears off her face. He then cupped her face with his hands and said with a grin, "How come my wife is still so pretty even when she's crying like this? But I prefer to see you smile and not cry like this. You are prettier when you smile."

He saw her keep on sobbing while forcing herself to speak in between her sobs with pouty lips, "It's your fault! It's your fault that I'm crying like this… You made me worry so much. Don't you know how hard it was for me?"

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry for making you worry. I promise this won't happen again. Keira, I love you… I love you so much..." Zach murmured as he put his forehead against hers. He then finally closed the gap between their faces by kissing her passionately and yearningly. He was reveling in her sweetness with relish.

He wanted to feel her body and drown himself in her warmth. He deepened the kiss as he ran his hands over her back, trailing her curves and pressed her closer to him. But it was still not enough. He wanted her even closer and tighter in his embrace.

He felt Keira's arms encircling him around his neck and she answered his kisses with the same intensity and passion as his. They tangled themselves in each other's arms. Zach was holding onto her so tightly, he felt her gasping for air. But it seemed like they didn't care. They were just too hungry for each other's touches and kisses.

"I missed you… I missed you so much…" Zach murmured when he left her lips to shower Keira's face with his gentle kisses and then trailed them down her neck.

Zach hoped that this was real and not a dream. But if it was just a dream, he would be more than happy to stay in that dream. If a dream was the only way for him to be with his wife, then he would rather not wake up. If this was just a dream, please just let him sleep...

He wanted to stay in her embrace. He wanted to feel her kiss and her touch. He wanted to immerse himself in her softness and lose himself in her sweetness.

Because that was all he needed to survive....

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