The General Who Hates Me

228 Keep You Warm

Keira was worn out when they finally arrived on the island. It was a combination of exhaustion, thirst, and hunger. So she laid herself down on the sandy beach and spread her body sluggishly.

After a little bit of rest, she sat back up and gazed at her husband admiringly.

He was, in essence, the epitome of an exemplary soldier; manly, sturdy, courageous, and dependable because he always knew what to do next. She was about to get up to help him push the damaged speed boat ashore but Zach shouted, "Don't move and rest for a while more! I'm almost done here!"

Keira laughed because it was obvious he would not manage to do it by himself, so she ignored him and helped him push the boat ashore with all her strength and helped him overturn the boat back around.

Keira was panting hard when they were done and proceeded to remove her life jacket, as well as the rest of her prosthetic disguise. She looked around while she was still catching her breath. The rest of the island was thickly wooded with lush evergreen trees. The wooded area seemed to be a lowland tropical rainforest. It looked pristine and dense, so peaceful and beautiful - an untainted paradise.

Keira released a loud sigh of relief when she saw all of the coconut trees that were spread out in a line, bordering the beach from the shore to the dense jungle. She was at ease because at least they would not have to starve...

She was about to walk towards the coconut trees to pick up the fallen coconuts that were scattered on the ground when Zach called out to stop her. Keira rolled her eyes as he turned to Zach and complained, "Gosh, let me help you, at least..." She noticed that Zach only wanted her to sit and watch.

"No, don't you go even a meter away from me! We're not sure what's in this island. There could be predators, wild animals, poisonous snakes. Stay here in my line of sight," Zach said in an authoritative tone of voice.

Keira frowned and crossed her arms over her chest as she protested, "Gosh, dear husband… Your wife is a soldier too, okay? I went to the military academy, remember? You should know because I went there for you! I may not have finished the whole thing, but I completed all the basic training. And in order to join this mission, I took the special ops qualification course, so I won't be a burden to others. I'm well-trained! You can go and ask my trainers later once we're back. Geez, what do you think of me?" she pouted her lips as she said the last sentence, feeling annoyed because Zach would not let her help him.

Zach did not know whether to laugh or cry at Keira's long rant and sulky look. She was right, he knew she was capable. But still, he was feeling uneasy about her being out of his sight even just for one second. He also did not like to see her do some rough work. The sight of her fighting Leon and some of his men earlier had upset him. Of course, he was proud and happy to see that she could hold her own, but he couldn't help but worry.

Never would he ever want to see her go through that again nor did he ever want to see her get hurt. He wanted to protect her as much as he could. So he just sighed and plead, "Please, Keira… Just stay here…" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

As he had expected, the island seemed to be uninhabited. At least, this part of this island. He did not know how big the island was.

But he was glad. Being stranded on an uninhabited island like this might seem like a scary proposition, but the chances of survival were actually pretty high, as long as they followed a few simple procedures and kept things in perspective.

Moreover, being close to the sea, having a natural warmth and an abundant supply of food would only contribute to their survival chances. He was thanking his lucky stars for finding this island.

Zach had pushed the boat further to a good spot. It was no longer working, but at least they could use it as a part of their shelter on the beach, especially because he still had not checked how safe it was to go deeper into the island.

He took a knife out of his backpack and looked at Keira, "Check inside the boat if there's more stuff that we could use. I'll go look for something to eat and drink. I'll be back soon… And please, Keira, don't go anywhere and just stay here," Zach instructed before he kissed Keira on the forehead and left.

Keira's clothes were soaking wet so she removed them to dry and she was left wearing only her bra and panties. "How nice if this was a holiday vacation instead," she mumbled before she inspected the speed boat and jumped for joy when she found some canned food, bottled waters, as well as a comforter and some men's clothes stowed inside a hidden compartment under the seats.

It looked like water had gone inside the compartment, because all of the goods she just found were wet, but she was grateful that the compartment remained closed all throughout the rowdy waves, even when the boat capsized, leaving all the goods intact for them to use. She hung them all on the rails of the boat to dry.

The speed boat had a spacious open bow and Keira was glad to see that the cockpit area, which was located at the stern of the boat, was big enough for them to sleep on. There was just one problem, the speed boat had no roof. So they would need to build a roof somehow.

Zach returned with some coconuts and tree branches in his arms. He paused his steps when he saw Keira only in her underwear. He gulped and shook his head to brush off all the unnecessary thoughts that were running wild in his mind at that moment.

Keira bit her lip because she felt a little bit shy and explained, "The clothes are wet, so I took them off to let them dry. You should remove yours too."

Then she added jokingly, "Just think of it like we're having a vacation on the beach and I'm on my bikinis while you're in your swimming trunks," followed by her trademark wink.

Zach's heart skipped a beat. He held his breath and was trying hard to stop himself from pulling Keira to his embrace because he would surely get distracted. Now was definitely not the time for that.

He still needed to prepare a lot of things after this, like securing a safe shelter for both of them, as well as scouting for clean drinking water source.

There were a lot of coconut trees on the beach, but drinking too much of coconut water would only cause diarrhea and decrease the chances of survival due to the dehydration. He did not know how long they would be stranded here, but fresh water was the key to survival and he must find its source for them.

There were several options; he could either collect rainwater, or search for water streams nearby, or find some caves that had water dripping from stalactites inside due to condensation. But first, he needed to regain his strength.

He immediately opened one coconut so Keira could drink its juice and eat its meat inside. Then he opened another one for himself.

Keira then proudly showed him her loot from inside the speed boat. Zach was relieved to see that there were some bottled water for them to drink, at least for now. They ate more from the canned food and drank from the bottled water.

After eating, he gathered more tree branches, both large and small. He would need a lot of them to build a sturdy shelter that would protect them from the sun, the wind, and the rain. Keira tore some of her long clothes and use the fabric to bind the branches together.

Zach gathered more branches to make a fire for later.

"Do you know how to start a fire with sticks?" Keira asked out of curiosity, seeing him gather a lot more branches. "Of course… I'll show it to you later and teach you," he replied.

Then he explained, "We need fire at night because it would protect us from dangers like wild animals. Plus it would be easier to find us with the smoke signals."

Keira nodded in agreement, and added, "Yeah, and fire will help keep us warm at night."

"Hmmm, we don't need fire for that. I will keep you warm at night..." Zach casually stated, to which Keira's cheeks turned rosy pink.

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