The General Who Hates Me

229 Exciting Honeymoon

Keira's stomach was starting to grumble once more. The sun was now positioned about forty-five degrees toward the horizon, so it must have already been around mid-noon. "Shhh… don't complain, you need to start practicing your diet now," she chided her own stomach as she touched it.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Their shelter was ready. Zach had built a roof over their boat using the tree branches that he had collected before, thatched with a combination of dry and mature banana and palm leaves that he had found near the dense jungle.

Besides coconut trees, wild banana trees were also growing on the outer side of the jungle. Ripened bananas were hanging from them, so he harvested them and now they also had some bananas in their mini shelter.

Keira was really thankful for her husband's great survival skills. She had been watching him in awe at how fast he created the tools needed to catch some fish. He made a spear and a gaff with a hook from some sturdy tree branches that he had found earlier in no time at all.

Zach had caught some fish using the spearfishing technique in the shallow areas of the beach, with his handmade spear. He made it look so easy that Keira was determined to try it herself later and let her husband rest for a bit. He had not rested even for a minute ever since they arrived on this island and he was still adamant about not letting her do anything.

She was staring at him who was now also only in his underwear with her mouth slightly agape, admiring his well-built physique and masculinity. He was in the middle of cutting some branches to start the fire that he would need to grill the fish he had just caught earlier. He had also gathered some dry tinder and twigs for the fire.

Keira realized she had been ogling him for quite a while now and a flush started to creep up her cheeks. Even after many years of liking him, she still thought that her husband was the most handsome man in the world. He was the only man who could make her heart race, her cheeks flush and turn her world upside down.

She let out a sigh and smiled lovingly. She missed him so much that she couldn't help but get carried away every time her gaze landed on him. She was feeling so blissful because they both had survived and were now finally together again.

She looked around. 'This deserted island is really not bad,' she mused. She wanted to laugh because they were the picture-perfect of an island castaway couple. But she really did not mind it. As long as she was with Zach, anywhere was fine. In fact, she actually felt like this was their honeymoon. A thrilling and exciting honeymoon on a deserted island.

Keira couldn't suppress her laughter anymore. She giggled and squealed at her own naughty thoughts. She must be crazy to think of this as a honeymoon when they had been shipwrecked and stranded on a remote and deserted island for only God knows how long.

Zach heard her laughter and looked at her with a loving smile. He was just happy to see that she could still laugh heartily in this situation. One thing that he really admired about his wife was her bright and cheerful character that would not be suppressed by any kind of hardship, which had also always succeeded in lighting up his heart. He knew that he would be able to withstand any kind of trial and tribulation as long as she was with him.

Keira was shaking her head to dismiss her silly thoughts when her eyes landed on some extra spears by her side. Zach had made a few melee weapons easily and gave her the survival knife that he got from the boat, while he kept the knife that he took from Draco's lifeless body. He had exaggeratedly instructed her to always keep the knife with her.

'Draco and Leon,' she mused at the sudden thought of the two. She looked at Zach and asked, "Do you think their bodies will be washed away somewhere and discovered?"

Zach squinted his eyes so she laughed and explained, "I mean Leon and Draco's bodies…"

"Yes, I know you meant them, but I don't think they deserve even the slightest remembrance. They've probably been eaten by sharks by now," Zach answered and gave an indifferent shrug as he continued cutting the tree branches.

"Yeah, you're right. I couldn't believe that people like them really exist. And all the cruel things they'd done…" Keira trailed her words and frowned as the horrendous scene from the night before popped into her mind.

She continued resentfully, "That tournament… that horrible tournament… And those onlookers... How could they enjoy watching such a heinous act where people were forced to kill each other? They were all laughing and cheering, and even threw so much money at it. I never thought such people really exist. It really made me mad..."

Zach looked at her wistfully. He knew it must have been a shock for her to be confronted by such savagery for the first time in her life. She grew up in a loving family and had always been sheltered and treasured her whole life.

He would have also preferred for her not to have witnessed the tournament. But there was nothing much to do about it anymore. So he just sighed and plainly said, "That's how cruel the world can be, Keira… It happens everywhere in the world as long as there is greed. Those who are greedy for power will always treat the weak like trash."

"Trash? Those bloodsuckers like them are the real trash!" Keira scowled.

Zach laughed at her expression and gave her a sweet smile as he proudly said, "Well, not everyone who is in power are greedy. Look at my in-laws. I should be thanking my lucky stars that your eyes were fixed on me…"

He then gestured for her to come to him and quickly changed the topic because he didn't want her to feel bad anymore, "Come here. I'll teach you how to make a fire with this…" Keira excitedly followed. "Here, find a softwood and cut a groove in its base. Then place some tinder at an end that you will ignite…"

Zach explained patiently and Keira did as he instructed. But she was a bit distracted by the position they were in right now. Zach was sitting behind her, trapping her legs in between his as his hands guided hers carefully on what to do, step by step, while he whispered his instruction in her ear.

She felt a tingling sensation every time his hot breath brushed over her ear. She shook her head and tried really hard to concentrate.

Her eyes widened when the tinder began to smolder. "Blow on it to help fuel the fire…" Zach whispered in a low and hoarse voice. Keira was so excited when the fire finally caught. She immediately placed some small twigs on top of it to make the fire bigger. The fish they would roast was already skewered on a branch and put on top of the fire.

"Good job…" Zach praised her. Then he bit her earlobe that made Keira shudder and hold her breath. She gasped and shuddered even more when Zach's tongue continued to tease her ear by licking and playing with it. She felt like she was going to die if he continued to taunt her like this.

"Such a tease…" she murmured and moaned unconsciously when Zach's lips trailed down to her neck from her jaw.

She heard him snigger as he whispered, "Who told you to flaunt your body like that? Do you know how hard I've been controlling myself up until now?"

She turned her head to face him and teased him back, "Who told you to control yourself?"

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