It was Keira's second ultrasound scan appointment today. She was so excited because this was the day when she could finally verify whether or not she was carrying twins. Her first scan didn't confirm more than just the presence of a heartbeat, and it was difficult to determine whether or not there was more than one heartbeat.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Zach asked as they walked hand in hand toward the ob-gyn department of Yang hospital.

Keira laughed and replied, "Probably because I'm too excited."

After waiting a few minutes, an assistant nurse called her name, requesting her to go inside for her ultrasound session. Zach accompanied her into the room.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Oh, congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Lim. You're having twins," Doctor Jean Wang cheerfully informed the couple as she performed the scan on Keira's belly.

Keira looked at the image of their twin babies on the screen, still the size of kidney beans. Happiness took hold of her, and tears immediately filled her eyes. She clutched onto Zach's arm, her gaze still fixated on the screen, while she murmured in between her sobs, "I knew it... I told you we're having twins. They told me through that dream… Oh gosh, that Deyna Song was right. I could really kiss her!"

Zach was smiling from ear to ear while he hugged Keira from her side. He was also staring at the screen before he said to doctor Wang, "My wife really worked hard for it, Doc."

"Ouch!!" Zach yelped when he felt Keira's fingers pinching his side. Then he let out a hearty laugh as he tightened his hug on her and kiss her on her head. He, too, was overjoyed.

"No, of course, not... This General was the one who worked hard for it, right?" Zach coaxed her lovingly.

Both of them stayed inside the room a little bit longer so they could look at their babies and hear their heartbeats for a while more.

As soon as they stepped outside the room, they were startled by Xander's sudden appearance. He had been waiting outside of the ultrasound room. "So, what is it? Wait, were you crying?" He asked upon seeing Keira's red eyes.

Keira smiled broadly and hugged her cousin brother as she happily declared, "Yeah, because I'm too happy. You will be an uncle of twins!"

"Ohhh! Really!? Oh, that's so cool! Your dream came true! Wait, I don't want to be just an uncle. I want to be the godfather too!" Xander burst out. He was also happy to hear the news.

"Didn't you say a doctor had already told you this only after checking your pulse? Who's that doctor?" Xander asked. He was curious. Keira smiled and answered, "You know you're one of my favorite people, right? I'll tell you because I love you, and I'm biased toward you. Much more than toward my big boss because... She's Bernard's girlfriend!!!"

"What?!" Xander exclaimed, totally in shock. "Bernard has a girlfriend? Really? How come I didn't know?" he asked in a row.

Keira laughed before she menacingly said, "Well, you can ask him, but don't you dare tell him that you got the info from me. If you do, forget about being the godfather of my twins."

Then she pulled Zach to walk toward the exit, leaving Xander, who was still standing in his spot, looking perplexed. "We'll get going now, big bro… Bye-bye."

But after only a few steps, Keira paused and turned around to chide her cousin brother, "You need to get yourself a girl too! Gosh, it's not like you're getting any younger! Bernard's girlfriend seems to be a great doctor. She's adorable and charming, as well. Try to get someone like her, won't you?"

She didn't wait for Xander to respond before she turned back around and held Zach's hand before leaving.

As soon as they were inside the car, Keira made a phone call to everyone to spread the good news.

"I'll throw a party at our place this weekend to celebrate this news!" Keira burst out while they were on their way to a shopping mall.

"Okay, but we also need to prioritize our wedding, unless you want to wear your wedding dress with a big tummy," Zach said.

"Ah yeah, but our moms are on it already. I let them plan and prepare everything because they're really excited to do it. I even let them choose my dress. Besides, I don't mind the ceremony as much because we're already married. The ceremony is more for our parents. So let them plan everything according to their wish," Keira explained with a big smile.

That was one thing. But the other reason why Keira just let their moms plan their wedding was because she currently was more focused on Zach's surprise birthday party. She wanted something memorable for her husband. Something unique…

She looked at Zach, who was glancing at her with a smile full of love. He grabbed Keira's hand and kissed it while he whispered, "I love you."

Keira's cheeks turned rosy pink while she squealed inside her heart. With a sweet smile she murmured back at him, "I love you too…"


"Are there really no other options?" Josh inquired. Their products were just rejected by one of their clients.

"We're really sorry, but we're strongly urged not to accept products from a different supplier. We will pay you the breach fee, and some extra for the inconvenience we have caused. We're really sorry..." The man on the other end of the line apologized.

Josh's eyes were burned with anger, but he tried his best to stay calm. It was the fifth client who had rejected their deliveries. They had already signed a contract with those clients, but they suddenly annulled it and chose to pay the damage fees instead.

His gut feelings told him that something was wrong. Five major clients had pulled out from their deals, right after each other.

He tried asking for the real reason for their sudden change of minds, but none of them were willing to say anything other than they were just following instructions.

Josh cursed because if this continued, their business would suffer a loss.

He was the one managing the day-to-day operation of the ranch, although Zach was still the one who made the final decision in everything. He was contemplating whether or not he should report this to Zach.

But Zach had just got out of some tough situations, and Josh didn't want to add any more burdens on his brother's shoulder. The same goes for his grandfather, who was already too old for this kind of headache.

Everyone in the family was busy and happy. They were all still in a celebrating mood, since Zach and Keira were back safe and sound, and because of the news of the twins. Josh did not want to ruin the joyful atmosphere with sour matters like this.

He would solve the problem on his own. He planned to get more potential clients, so they would not suffer any kind of loss. He would not let that happen...

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