The General Who Hates Me

286 Cut Your Tongue

Because Keira was extremely excited about the twins, the couple ended up going to a shopping mall to look for baby stuff. They walked hand in hand in a big baby store inside the mall.

"Why is it all pink? What if our baby girl prefers yellow? Besides, what if they're boys? We don't know their genders yet," Zach commented, laughing, when he saw all the pink stuff that Keira picked.

"Because I love pink… But, don't worry, we will buy blue, green, and yellow too," Keira answered, unperturbed by Zach's concern. Zach could only shake his head as he watched his wife, who was buying a lot of stuff already.

"By the way, we should start looking for baby names now. One for a girl and one for a boy." Keira suggested as she picked yet another cute pink baby socks.

"Alright, let me think of names later… We should prepare two names for girls and another two for boys since we don't know their genders yet," Zach said as he looked at Keira, who was still looking around the store with an attractive smile on her beautiful face.

He looked at her affectionately. Keira's smiles had always been enough to make his heart flutter. He stopped her and swiftly pulled her in his embrace, wrapping her entirely in his arms. Keira was startled by Zach's sudden action. Her eyes widened as she softly protested, "Geez, General, we are in public!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"So? I want to hug my beautiful wife as much as I can now. I feel like I won't be able to wrap you completely in my arms like this anytime soon," Zach teased her as he showered her face with little kisses.

"Ouch!" he cried when Keira pinched his side.

She frowned and complained, "Even if I grow in size, make sure you'll always find a way to hold me!"

Zach laughed and said, "Alright, I'll first hug you from the left, then from the right…"

The couple's bantering was interrupted by the ringing of Keira's phone. It was the executive producer of their news program. "I'm sorry about this, Keira, but Jazz has come down with the flu, and you're the only reporter we trust to cover this one," the producer pled from the other line.

"I see. It's okay. I'll do it. I'll be there in an hour." Keira said before she ended the call.

"What happened?" Zach asked after Keira instructed the salesman to wrap all the things they bought.

"I need to leave for Plumeria Island to get an exclusive interview with Ryu Ken. He regained his consciousness just a short while ago. You know him, right? You did the mission together," Keira explained. Zach nodded. He had heard about Ryu's situation.

"Jazz was supposed to do it, but she got sick," Keira added.

Zach nodded again, and said, "Alright, let me go with you."


At Lim Villa

Torin was quite energetic as he helped Grandpa Shen clean the horse stable. "Grandpa, leave it all to me. I can take care of it, so just go back inside the house and relax, or have fun with Grandma Terry," Torin said as he pulled Grandpa Shen away from the stable.

Grandpa Shen shook his head as he left Torin.

Meanwhile, Lyra sneaked inside the stable to bring some snacks and drinks for Torin. She laughed silently when she saw Torin's twisted face as he tried to clean Duke, Zach's horse.

"Hey buddy, don't you dare move and kick my butt, okay?" Torin pled as he began to scrub Duke awkwardly. He was not fond of animals at all.

"How are you going to clean Duke properly like that? The brush barely touches his skin," Lyra pointed out. She could not contain her laughter anymore. She put down the tray of snacks on a nearby table and walked towards Torin to guide him wash Duke with her hands on his.

"Do it like this. Yes, and then like this. Duke is a well-behaved fellow, so you don't need to worry. Right, Duke?" Lyra murmured. Torin turned his head, and their eyes met. Their faces were so close to each other, and Torin was leaning forward to kiss her. However…

"Yahhhhh! My eyes!" Rizie shouted as she abruptly closed her eyes from the stable entrance. She was going to check on Torin to see how funny he would look cleaning the horse stable and the horses. But she unexpectedly had to witness a cringy scene which almost burned her eyes.

Then she opened her eyes a bit to peek and grumbled, "Hey big sis, why are you still here? Don't you have work? And why are you helping bro Torin? Let him clean Duke by himself. Geez, I almost vomit seeing you two being lovey-dovey like that. And my eyes almost bled!"

"Anyway, mom is looking for you, big sis…" she added. Lyra laughed at Rizie and said, "Let's see how you will act later when you have a boyfriend, little sister." She then winked at Torin and left him alone with Rizie.

"You! Don't just stand there with that wrinkled face of yours! Come here and help your brother-in-law!" Torin instructed as he looked at Rizie.

Then he added with a grin, "Oh? Why are your arms still there? Weren't you going to cut them? Do you want me to do it?"

Rizie looked at him smugly as she raised an eyebrow, "Do you want me to vote you out? I'm a Lim, I still have a voting power. So stop joking around, bro, and focus on pleasing the elders. And, of course, me! Because I'm the one in charge of relaying to big bro how good you're performing. Do you want me to call him now and tell him that all you've been doing here is flirt with big sis?"

"You brat! Come here, and I'll cut your tongue instead!" Torin grumbled as he walked to Rizie, who managed to stick out a tongue at him before running away from the stable.

Torin scratched his head. He could not wait to marry wLyra so he would be able to teach that brat a good lesson. He turned around and squirmed when he saw Duke poop.

"What the heck, Duke!"

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