The General Who Hates Me

317 Mine Is Stronger

It had already been more than an hour, but Zach was still in Old Madam Liu's room. Meanwhile, Keira was already done arranging their stuff with Thea's help, but Thea had also left to prepare dinner.

Keira decided to head to the kitchen to help her. Besides, Zach and his grandmother seemed to be taking their time to have a heart-to-heart talk about Zach's father.

Keira sighed. If Old Madam Liu was already this clingy to Zach now, she could not imagine how clingier she would be in the upcoming months, during their stay there. Zach was her real descent, the son of her only son. And she was Zach's wife. So it seemed only natural for the old madam to favor Zach and her more.

Still, she hoped Old Madam Liu would give everyone a fair treatment because she did not want any misunderstandings between Zach and Jeru, especially now that they were already on good terms. It would not be good if Old Madam Liu gave Zach a preferential treatment.

"Wow, that smells good!" Keira praised as soon as she entered the kitchen and smelled the pleasing aroma of the dishes Thea was preparing.

"So I heard the kitchen has been your territory nowadays?" She jested to which Thea responded with a nod and a smile.

"That's right… You want to learn how to cook, right? I will teach you in our free time," Thea offered as she stirred the ingredients inside the cooking pan.

Kiera nodded as she grabbed a saucer plate and a spoon to taste Thea's dishes.

"Why are you the only one here? Did you shoo away all the kitchen helpers?" Keira asked as she noticed that they were the only ones in the kitchen.

"Haha yeah… I let them rest whenever I'm in the kitchen. I prefer to do things on my own, especially when it comes to cooking. And that includes preparing the ingredients," explained Thea.

Keira nodded as she blew on the sauce on her spoon to make it less hot. She was looking forward to eating Thea's dishes because she could already tell from the smell that they were all delicious. She knew about Thea being her mother-in-law's cooking apprentice since she was young. This was how Thea knew how to cook well.

Thea also knew Zach's favorite dishes and how to make them, so Keira planned to ask Thea to teach her how to do that.

"Hmm… This is really yummy! No wonder Old Madam Hit… Uhm, I mean, Grandma's heart has softened. And the two of you are finally getting along! I'm sure you'll win her over soon!" Keira burst, which made Thea laugh.

"Nah, winning her heart will take longer. But I have probably already won her stomach," said Thea.

Then she added, "Grandma is so lucky that although she had failed to get connected to the Chans by matchmaking you and Jeru, she still got her wish in the end. Who would have thought that she'd still be connected to your family through Zach?"

"Yeah, very awkward, right...?" Keira smiled. Then she added, "You shouldn't overthink about that kind of thing, Thea..." Keira tried to console her because she could sense the sadness in Thea's voice.

"Don't get disheartened because of your background. You're exceptionally strong, and you're one of the most amazing women I know! Not all women who would walk a mile in your shoes would still be able to stand tall like you... I really admire you. You never depended on something as frivolous as family background or wealth to be successful. Without those things you were still able to reach the top of your career. Women like you are the ones who are truly the most admirable. So, be more confident, okay?" praised Keira, which left Thea speechless.

"Thank you… I do understand what you mean. And thank you, really..." Thea tried her best to keep her tears from falling, because of Keira's heartwarming and overwhelming words. She was thrilled to know that she was still appreciated despite everything. And she did not expect to hear it from Keira, of all people.

"Oh… I really need to learn how to cook like this!" Keira exclaimed cheerfully to lighten up the mood because she could feel that Thea would burst out crying anytime soon. She didn't want to see her cry. Instead, she wanted to make Thea laugh and smile more.

"Wow, what is this dish? Gosh, if you would cook like this often, I must exercise more or go to work instead of staying home. Or else I'll soon become a fat pig!" Keira protested, and Thea burst out laughing.

"Haha… Come here and let me teach you how to cook some simple dishes now that I'm free. I will also teach you what Zach loves to eat. Those two will take their time for sure… Imagine how grandparents are… I'm sure Grandma will show Zach his late father's photographs… She won't just show them, she will most likely narrate whatever stories behind those photos."

Keira smiled and commented, "It's really nice to see you get along with her now…"

'It's thanks to Zach and you,' Thea wanted to voice it out, but she instead murmured, "Yeah, hopefully, she'll accept me soon because I don't want to be separated from Jeru…"

"You love him already?" Keira asked, and Thea did not see the point of denying it, so she acknowledged it by nodding shyly.

"Have you told him about your feelings? Have you confessed to him that you love him?" Keira probed further because her curiosity had been piqued. She wanted Thea and Jeru to have a healthy marriage life, and to build a happy family together. They might have had a bad beginning and started their relationship as a mistake, in which Thea got pregnant, and Jeru took the responsibility as a gentleman, but they definitely deserved a happy ending.

Thea shook her head.

"Oh, gosh! Why haven't you? What are you waiting for? Time is gold, and you'll never know what would happen. So, you have to let him know how you truly feel about him. Geez, I can't believe this. Let me tell you how I won Zach's heart, so listen…" Keira declared proudly.

"Wait, what?! You mean you were the one who pursued Zach? I always thought he was the one who chased after you!" Thea was round-eyed with amazement.

Then she told Keira about all the vague moves Gavin had been advising her to do to win Jeru's heart.

"Haha… I will let you know about my secret. Geez, those tips Gavin gave you are so weak. Mine is stronger, so do as I say. Trust me on this because this is based on my own experience. You'll definitely have a better result! Gosh, why did you listen to Gavin, anyway? Can't you see he's still a failure when it comes to his love life?" Keira pointed out, laughing as she proceeded to tell Thea everything about her adventure in setting her cap at Zach.

At Cooper Broadcasting Network…

"Ouch!" Gavin cried as he accidentally bit his tongue.

"What happened?" His stylist asked.

"I just bit my tongue. Someone must be talking about me behind my back…" Gavin complained. He was still grumbling when he saw Director Holmes walk past him. He immediately intercepted, "Director! Geez… How come I'm always anchoring alone these days and can't even file a leave?"

Director Holmes looked at him with sympathy and said, "Try getting pregnant too, then you can file a leave every now and then!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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