Torin and Lyra chose to hold a simple rustic garden theme wedding ceremony at the Lim's Villa. It was a small and intimate wedding ceremony with only their immediate family and closest friends as guests.

Lyra looked beautiful, wearing a romantic white tulle gown. The couple had never left each other's eyes during the ceremony, especially Torin, who could not hold back his tears as he uttered his wedding vows.

"I offer you my love, tenderness, and undying devotion. I promise not to ask you to be more than you are, and to love you for being you." Lyra said her wedding vows, smiling.

Torin's eyes were filled with love when it was his turn for his vow as she looked at Lyra.

"I remember the day when I first saw you. You called me 'Brother.' And I didn't like that at all. I was going to ask you not to call me 'Brother' because you were too beautiful in my eyes to become a mere sister. But... Bro Zach was standing next to me, so I decided to keep my mouth shut, lest I wanted a broken nose…" Torin started his vow, to which their guests responded with laughter.

Then he added in a solemn voice, "I am delighted to have you in my life. I want nothing else but for you to be my partner for the rest of my life. I will do my very best and work hard to spend each day being the best version of myself. For you, for us, and for our family. I love you so much, and I'm really lucky that you feel the same way. Thank you."

The ceremony was followed by the wedding party. Everyone had so much fun, especially with the program and games Josh and Rizie had prepared for all the guests.

Sheila could not stop her tears from falling the whole time, so Torin could not help but say, "Mom, stop crying. I am not taking Lyra away from you… Instead, you have gained an additional son. A good one and the most charming one…"

Those words made everyone laugh.

"Yes... It's tears of joy because I'm so happy that one of my daughters is in good hands…" explained Sheila as she wiped her tears. Torin was right; she had indeed gained a charming son in the family.

Rizie interrupted in jest, "Yeah, we have gained a chatterbox in the family. Just kidding, Bro, Torin. Please take good care of my sister because if you don't, get ready to face my wrath…"

Torin crumpled his face and retorted, "Don't worry, I'll introduce you to your match soon, so you won't eat vinegar and be bitter about it whenever you're around us."

The party blissfully ended as the guests congratulated and bid the couple good luck before leaving.

Torin hugged Zach tightly as he murmured, "Bro-in-law, thank you so much for the wonderful gift. I know even though you're not showy about it, but you really love me. Don't worry, I will make sure that your twins will have a cousin to play with soon..."

"Stop it, Torin… You talk too much… Go now…" Zach grumbled as he released himself from Torin's embrace. Torin then went to his mother and hugged her tightly.

"I'm really sorry, Son… I am happy to see that your wife has a good family and you'll be in good hands… I'm really sorry that you have a chaotic fam…"

"Shhh, Mom, please stop apologizing… I'm really grateful that you've always been there for me, and for being very supportive of me… I love you, please don't think too much about it..."

"Thank you for being understanding, Son… I'm really happy for you. And so proud of you. Enjoy your honeymoon, okay?" said Torin's mother. She felt sad for Torin that his father's heart still had not moved. She was also ashamed in front of Lyra's family, even though they had assured her that they were alright with everything. The only thing that mattered was  Torin and Lyra's happiness.


"Are you alright?" asked Lyra because Torin kept on sighing.

"Hmm… Not really. I just can't believe that a father could totally ignore his son just because the son went against his will. Just because the son wanted to live his own life," Torin murmured in disappointment. He had expected that his mother would be the only one coming from his family to the most important day of his life. Still, Torin had hoped that his father would somehow show up.

Lyra held his hand as she laid her head on Torin's shoulder. They were inside a plane, flying them abroad for their honeymoon sponsored by the generous couple, Zach and Keira.

"Hmm, let's visit him when we return… Sometimes an elder's pride is as great as a mountain. So, we, as the younger ones, should take the initiative to humbly approach him. I think it's just because of his pride. If that's the case, then everything will go well. Let's just give him more time, and try to approach him, okay?" Lyra said, trying to cheer him up.

"Okay. Let's see about it when we get back. But for now, let's just focus on each other," murmured Torin.

Zach had asked him when and where he wanted to go for his and Lyra's honeymoon, and Torin was adamant about leaving as early as possible. He was just too excited to have his lovely wife for himself.

"I also heard you can soften an elder's heart with grandchildren… Maybe we can try that too," Lyra suggested.

"Sleep now... You need to preserve your energy because later, I will drain it all out of you," Torin added, teasingly.

Lyra's face turned crimson red. She knew the meaning behind Torin's words, so she said, "Stop it… Are you trying to kill me?"

Torin chuckled and said, "Yeah… I will kill you from too much love later. So, sleep and rest now…"

Then he added, "Isn't this your idea? To make babies to soften my father's heart? I can't wait to get you pregnant…"

Lyra's eyes widened and hit Torin's chest as she murmured, "Stop it…"

Torin laughed and tightened his hug on his wife. He kissed her head and whispered, "Thank you for loving me back… not as a brother but as a partner in life..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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