The General Who Hates Me

360 Time To Let Go

At Liu Ancestral Mansion

Keira and Zach were back to their usual and normal routine. Old Madam Liu was very glad that Zach was safe but she was not happy with his sudden decision of leaving the company to go back and join the military.

"My child, can you please think about it once more?" said Old Madam Liu with conflicted look. Zach had gone to her room to talk to her about it.

Zach was her real blood and he had all the rights to be the heir of the Liu group. It was all her sweat and blood so she wanted her legitimate heir to own it, though she had nothing against Jeru at all.

She held her chest, trying to act once more as her trump card. She felt Zach hold her hands and with a smile he said, "Grandma, I know the truth already that you're all well and healthy."

Yes, Zach already knew about it days after he started reporting at Liu group as President. His wife Keira had mentioned about it the same day when Thea told it to Keira during the picnic of their family.

Old Madam Liu's eyes rounded and her face paled. She got too worried that her grandson was too angry and she presumed that he was leaving because of it.

"Is that why you are leaving? Are you mad at me my grandson?" asked Old Madam Liu.

"Hmm, no grandma. I knew about it since the day we had gone for the picnic. You see I still continued to work at the company for so many months after that, right?" said Zach, still holding his grandmother's hands.

"To  be honest I did try to handle the company, and managing the company is not a bad idea but my heart belongs to the military grandma. My passion is still fighting for the country and it will always be there. I love it whenever I'm called for duty to maintain peace and order in our country. Please let Jeru manage the family business. He is our family and I believe he is a better choice for taking care of the family business, than me. Don't worry I will still help him with whenever I can. I'm always here and he can consult me anytime. I will make sure that the family business you put all your time, effort and everything into will be well taken care of grandma. Together with Jeru… we will make sure the Liu group will remain as strong, in its glory, as to how you want it to be…" explained Zach hoping his grandmother would understand his decision.

It took a while, a few minutes of silence before Old Madam Liu managed to sigh and murmured, "Alright, I understand my grandson. I will not make the same mistake again like what I did to your father. Whatever it is that you want… I will support you…"

Old Madam Liu's tears suddenly fell without her knowing. She did not want to lose another family just because she wanted to have authority over their lives to force them to be as how she wanted them to be. She felt Zach hug her as he gently patted her back.

"Shhh… Don't cry grandma. I'm really grateful that you understand my true heart. Please relax from now on. Don't cage yourself inside the house and go back to your usual routine." encouraged Zach because he knew that his grandmother was definitely not a homely lady instead she preferred to socialise and work in the company . However, Keira said that it would be good also if their grandmother could relax from work now since all her life she spent in working, working and working.

Zach gently pulled out from the embrace. He wiped the teardrops on his grandmother's face and suggested, "Grandma, Keira and I have this idea, hmm, actually it's a request, for quite some time now. But I'm not sure if it's okay with you so we want to ask you first."

Old Madam Liu creased her forehead and asked, "What is it?"

Zach cleared his throat and continued, "Would you like to have a vacation with Uncle Thom and my mother with us?"

Old Madam Liu was a bit startled by it and asked, "Did you ask Thom and your mom?"

Zach chuckled followed by a nod. "Honestly the two of them asked me the same question. If we already told you and what was your reaction." declared Zach.

"I heard Uncle Thom and my mom had a history before and that they were really good friends way before. To be honest, uncle Thom often visits mom lately and I think they have managed to go back to their good relationship like before." Zach added.

Old Madam Liu had noticed that her son Thom seemed to be cheerful lately unlike before and his face was really bright lately. So that was the reason? His son's burden had been lifted up already, being on good terms with Sheila.

"So, I think both of them will be okay with the idea once it's okay with you. It's like they are waiting for your decision first." Zach straightforwardly indicated.

Old Madam Liu's face softened and looked at her grandson. She knew the couple were trying their best to at least help her to loosen herself and step out from the dark past.

"Let me think about it my grandson… I will tell you my decision soon." She answered, because she was not really sure how she should face Zach's mother or if she was even ready to face her at all.

"Take your time grandma and please don't push yourself too hard… Whatever you decide we will respect it. Ahmm, one more thing grandma. Do you think it will be okay if my mom visits here whenever she can?" Asked Zach.

It was Keira's suggestion, she said that it might be better if both of them would see each other occasionally while staying at Liu Ancestral Mansion, that way they won't be awkward and would be able to familiarize themselves with each other's presence.

"Oh, that's okay grandson. You don't have to ask me about that. She's your mother and it's her right to see you and be with you of course." Old Madam Liu sincerely stated.

Zach gave her a broad and bright smile as he whispered, "Thank you grandma." He was hopeful that everyone could finally be in good terms, especially, his mother and grandmother. Both of them had lost his father and the two should focus on how to be happy in the future without misunderstandings and heavy burdens in their hearts for each other. It was already time to let go of their past grudges.

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