"Let's go..." said Jeru as he grabbed his wife's hand and assisted her to sit inside their car. Thea grabbed their phones and switched them on as soon as they were inside the car.

She received a lot of messages from Keira, confirming they were all alright now just in case they happened to see in the media what had happened. But her eyes rounded on Keira's particular message.

'I'm dead,' she murmured silently while she read Keira's message.

[Grandma knows that Zach knew she was not really sick. A lot had happened but despite everything our family is in good condition, safe and sound. Zach will go back to the military to train for the Field Marshal position. Let's talk about it more once you are back. Don't worry about grandma, I'll take care of her so she will not bully you for letting us know her little act of being sick… hehe have a safe trip back home…]

Thea released a long breath, hoping Keira would manage everything about their grandmother. She paid attention to what had happened while they were away and she buzzed, "oh my God."

She could not believe what she read in the articles.

"Why hon? What's wrong?" Jeru asked as he drove. Before Thea told everything, she assured Jeru that everything was now fine and there was nothing to worry about. Then she put on the volume for the news she was watching so Jeru could hear it while he drove.

Jeru was a bit sad that they were missing in action and absent during those days. But he was very grateful at the same time that all was well now and they surpassed such trials.

Thea decided to tell Jeru also about Old Madam Liu's acting about getting sick and also told that was actually her idea to begin with, making a deal with Jeru's grandmother so she would be accepted at Liu Family without hesitation and without facing any trouble with Old Madam Liu.

"You shouldn't keep such important matters away from me. I'm your husband Thea and I do hope this was the last time you hid something like that from me." Said Jeru before he grasped Thea's hand and gently squeezed it.

"I'm your husband so please put your trust in me. Let's face everything ahead of us together, whatever issues we'll have in the future. I want us to face them all together, as one." Continued Jeru, and his warm words deeply touched Thea's heart. How lovely it was to hear the word 'as one'. She bit her lip trying hard not to cry and kill the good mood.

Jeru pulled her hand and lovingly kissed it. "Hon, why are you quiet… I'm not scolding you but just reminding you," countered Jeru, slightly worried that his wife might misinterpret it.

Thea smiled and turned to look at her handsome husband. "I'm just so touched hon. Having you and our baby are the greatest blessings that happened in my life and I still can't believe I had the opportunity to gain all this." Thea said. She could no longer control the tears that fell from her eyes.

Jeru pulled the car at the side of the road and looked at Thea with concern. "Hon, making you cry is the last thing I want to do in fact I don't ever want to make you cry." Whispered Jeru as he wiped the teardrops on Thea's face with great care.

Thea smiled broadly at her husband and gave him a gentle kiss. "These are tears of joy because I'm deeply touched with how you care for me… Thank you and I will take note to remember what you said." Thea responded.

The couple went back on the road. It was not a long ride and the couple arrived back to the City in the late afternoon. They headed straight to Liu Ancestral Mansion.

Thea gulped seeing the blank expression of her grandmother-in-law when she greeted her on their arrival.

"You both must be tired of the long journey. Go and rest for a while. I will have you called out from your room as soon as dinner is ready. Keira and Zach are both still at their work but they will join us for dinner." Explained Old Madam Liu who was in the living room watching the television.

"Where's dad?" Jeru asked after he looked at the time on his wrist watch because his dad often went home early, usually by this time, late afternoon at most.

Old Madam Liu twitched her mouth and quietly mumbled, "You might end up having a mother soon…"

"Huh?" Jeru heard his grandmother but was not very clear.

"Nothing, my grandson. Lately your dad comes home really late. Maybe you should ask him yourself but I heard he is wooing a woman so…" Old Madam Liu could not even finish the sentence, feeling a chunk was blocking her throat.

She was not sure about it though but staying late at Sheila's house? Riding all the way at Lim's villa back and forth? Surely it was not just pure friendship. She knew her son well and she assumed he rekindled those old flames he had for Sheila.

She was not naive… As a mother, she knew how his second son felt about Sheila and that was also one of the reasons why she could not agree with Charles and Sheila's relationship at that time, nothing was more tragic than brothers falling in love with the same woman. Though this was only a minor reason since the main reason for disagreement was her status

Jeru creased his forehead but his face quickly brightened as he finally.got what his grandmother meant. His grandmother said it herself, so it was definitely not a joke because his grandmother never joked around.

"Oh that's good then grandma. I want dad to have a lovelife too. Well to be honest I hope the same for you too, grandma. We'll go up now," Jeru bluntly said and immediately pulled Thea to go up to their room before he ended up being killed by his grandmother for his last words.

"That brat!!!" Old Madam Liu exclaimed as she watched her grandson run away from her. So much had changed… even her grandson dared to straightforwardly tease her like that but strange because it made her smile like now. Her lips were lifted up as she shook her head.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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