The General Who Hates Me

366 Could Not Ask For More

As months passed by, Old Madam Liu already got used to Sheila hanging at their Ancestral Mansion often. Sheila would always cook food especially now that Thea was always busy with her newborn child. In the end, it was her who decided to let Sheila stay longer and prepare a room for her at Liu's mansion.

Besides, she noticed how happy Zach was whenever he arrived back from work and saw his mom preparing dinner. Surprisingly, it was not only Zach who looked satisfied but her son Thom as well who surely always left his office early to reach home and spend time with Sheila. But what really touched her the most was Jeru's fondness for Sheila. Jeru saw a mother in Sheila, someone he obviously longed for and like Zach and her son Thom, Jeru was also noticeably engrossed with Sheila whenever she stayed in their house.

At first, she felt awkward but seeing her boys' smiles and hearing their laughter took away the awkwardness that Old Madam Liu was feeling towards Sheila.

After the hearty dinner with the family, Old Madam Liu invited Sheila to have a cup of tea in the veranda. "It's been a while since I have had tea at night like this. The night sky has a lot of stars tonight. They are all shining brightly." Old Madam Liu commented with a half smile.

Sheila noticed it and she was glad that Old Madam Liu could finally curve those beautiful lips of hers up unlike before when they were always pursed combined with her eyebrows that were often collided.

Then Sheila followed Old Madam Liu's gaze at the sky and said, "Yes… The stars are really beautiful tonight…"

Old Madam Liu turned her head to look at Sheila and said, "I hope you can stay permanently at our home Sheila and I really mean it."

Sheila looked at Old Madam Liu, totally surprised by the direct words from Old Madam Liu. "I know Thom had already asked for your hand in marriage and it's still unanswered from your side. If it's because of me… that you are hesitating to accept my son's offer of marriage…please don't." she opened up to Sheila.

Sheila remained quiet and hung her head down, so old madam Liu understood that she was right. Sheila did not accept Thom's proposal because of her so she put down the cup of tea in her hands and held Sheila's hands in her own and gently pressed them. "I know we started our relationship with a bad note, but then I hope we can make everything right this time. Particularly me. I want to correct everything that I did wrong and I don't want to make the same mistakes again like before. I am really sorry for what I did before and this time, I do hope we can start anew Sheila." Old Madam Liu started in her gentle tone.

"I'm not getting any younger and I really want everyone to be happy like I'm witnessing now. I want you to stay with us. Protect my family. Make my boys happy like you are doing now Sheila. Please…" Old Madam Liu added with a plea. Sheila saw tears falling from her eyes.

"Please madam don't cry. Yes to be honest I am hesitating not just because of you solely but I feel like I'm already too old for a new start…" Sheila confessed. Thom did offer her marriage but she did not give him an answer, she neither refused nor accepted his proposal .

"Do you love my son?" Old Madam Liu directly asked, looking intently into Sheila's eyes. Sheila turned crimson red as she bashfully nodded.

"Then I believe that sealed it. You two deserve to be happy. Life is short and you should not let opportunities pass you by, especially if it will make you happy and fulfilled." Old Madam Liu advised with a sigh. Sheila blinked her eyes because she could not believe that there will come a time like this where she would hear soft words from Old Madam Liu. She heard Thom's mother did change a lot and it was real and she was glad to witness how a person could change for the better.

The two women chatted a little more while from a distance, Zach and Keira watched them happily. "I hope everything continues to go well… Though I know life will not always be filled with good things but what is important is that we have each other and our families to face everything together and be each other's strengths in times of trial or weakness.  A family that will not fight each other but instead a family that binds with love to keep the relationship strong." Keira murmured as she embraced Zach's arms that were hugging her from behind.

His wife was right and Zach felt blessed for the people around him. He could not ask for more.


The next day, Keira met her closest friends, Lana, May and Drey at their favorite spot at a beautiful hill like they used too.

"So how's the married life? Are you ready to carry a big balloon inside your tummy like Keira?" Lana commented, she was obviously scaring May because of how Keira seemed to have a hard time whenever she would move.

May laughed and said, "Well I don't have a history of twins in my family nor Riley so be rest assured that I will not look as big as Keira."

"Hey you two! I can hear you both! It's okay everything is worth it once I deliver and see my twins. You Lana should get a boyfriend by now. Don't you dare become an old maid! I will really sell you out as soon as I bring out my twins. I will not accept that you stay single forever." exclaimed Keira.

Drey laughed as he walked at the three women and gave each the sandwiches and hot chocolate he made. It was a nice morning, like the four of them used to hangout. Waiting as the sun rose as they had their breakfast.

"It's been a while since we watched the sunrise together like this." Drey commented with a smile as he adored the sun rising  brightly in the sky.

"Yeah… This is nice… Ouchhhhh…" Keira suddenly gasped as she felt the painful contraction of her stomach.

"What is it?" Lana asked, worried.

"Oh God…. Drey go get the car. I think she will deliver soon!" May burst seeing the water flowing on Keira's legs, wetting the bench they sat on and her dress.

"I will call an ambulance!" Lana said and nervously picked up her phone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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