The General Who Hates Me

367 Cayden And Stella

Zach was at the military headquarters early in the morning to discuss an important plan when he received the call from Lana that his wife was rushed to the hospital.

"Keira has gone into labour…" Zach muttered in front of his men. Torin stood up and exclaimed, "What are you waiting for? Go and run now… I will take over here…"

Zach who seemed out of himself for a while immediately ran out of the door. Torin on the other hand quickly called Cobra, who became Zach's trusted assistant and bodyguard and was with him almost 24/7, on his mobile phone, "Prepare the car, Field Marshal is now on his way. Keira has gone into labour…"

"Got it," Cobra, who was near the parking lot and chatting with other cadets answered then quickly ran to the car.

During the road trip, Zach looked so unsettled and murmured, "Can we get any faster than this?"

"My speed is almost as fast as lightning buddy." Cobra answered while keeping his focus on the road.  Zach's mobile phone rang again and he put it on speaker phone.

"Where are you!" He heard Keira screaming. His wife had decided to go for a vaginal birth, since both of the twins were in cephalic position. The doctor said they could do the cesarean section but Keira insisted on giving birth normally, saying that she wanted to feel the pain of the labor and also feel how hard it was to deliver her twins naturally unless of course there would be any complications that may need to do a cesarean on her.

He could hear Keira screaming and cursing him from the other line due to the pain she was probably feeling.

"I'm almost there, my star. You can do it… Keep calm… don't panic …" He tried his best to cheer her up while Cobra entered the car in the premises of the hospital.

As soon as Cobra stopped the car, Zach jumped out of it and ran inside the hospital and reached directly at the labour room.

He was given a quick cleaning and a dress to change in before he was allowed to enter the labour room and there he saw Keira in her position to give birth with her face sweating all over. She bit her lip to tolerate the pain. Zach hurried to her side and held Keira's hand and whispered, "You can do it my star…" he encouraged her and joined the doctors in saying, "Push…" whenever there would be a construction.

"I will kill you Zacharias!" Keira screamed as the pain struck once more. "Yes, you can kill me after this love…" Zach mumbled as he gently pressed Keira's hand and kept kissing her forehead as she pushed hard. After a few more minutes the first twin was out.

"A baby boy," murmured the doctor as he prepared the baby who was now crying out loud.

"One more my star… You can do it…" Zach encouraged not minding the curse his wife was hurling at him because of the pain she was experiencing with each contraction. Meanwhile Lana and May were inside too witnessing what was happening.

"Are you going to curse Riley like that too once you got pregnant and are about to  give birth?" asked Lana with a twitched mouth. She did not know whether to laugh or cry at the beautiful scene as she filmed the delivery as requested by Keira.

"Well it's called the curse of love…" May answered giggling.

Lana's mouth pursed as she witnessed the pain of giving birth. Well Keira chose it anyway when there could be less pain with an operation. She shook her head recalling Keira's words that she would love to experience the essence of being a woman by delivering a child. She still could not get the point of why she chose to suffer when there were more convenient ways.

After about eighteen minutes or more another cry roared inside the room and it was the second twin, a baby girl.

Lana took photos and videos of the cute babies with their parents while Keira was still conscious. Keira was crying hard as she looked and kissed her twins. The pain was all worth it… Tears of bliss and joy continued to fall down her eyes as she whispered, "I love you my falling stars…" Zach was also wiping his tears as he looked lovingly with his contented smile at his wife and newly born twins, grateful that everyone was safe and sound.

Lana smiled seeing the portrait of a fulfilled family. The couple named their twins with foreign words that meant 'falling stars'. "How nice…" she whispered, feeling happy and grateful that her friends were lucky to have good partners and a happy family and it was more than enough for her.

Not everyone was entitled to get their happy endings in life. And she was really grateful that her friends were one of those entitled.


Meanwhile, both the Lim's and Liu's families all headed out to see the twins that were in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at that time but they were able to see them through the transparent glass.

"Oh… Look at those beautiful eyes," Grandma Terry gasped adoringly as she stared at her great grandchildren. "The twins both have the amber cat eyes of their mother. They're bright and liquid warm, sprinkled with light brown specks, framed by beautiful thick lashes." added Grandpa Shen. The two great grandparents were so happy and blessed for at least seeing their great grandchildren at their old age.

Mrs. Chan nodded in agreement. There was power behind those breathtaking eyes of her grandchildren. The power that was as reckless as a tornado and they were definitely the blood of her only daughter, Keira Chan.

"Look…" Sheila gasped as the twins' eyes flashed and for a moment they looked golden with warmth and as careless as hell…"Definitely from your daughter," Mr. Chan declared that made everyone laugh.

"Oh, it's truly a blessing having more babies in the family," Old Madam Liu commented, teary eyed. Who would have thought that she would get blessed like this in her lifetime despite the bad things she had done before. God still rewarded her with so much more and she promised that she would continue to be a better person as long as she lives.

"Cayden and Stella… Such beautiful names…" whispered Old Madam Liu as she read the names of the twins.

The good chatting of the families while staring adoringly at the twins were interrupted by Lana's arrival. "They have already moved Keira from the recovery room. She's in her private room now," muttered Lana and escorted the families to Keira's room.

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