The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1907: Pit cargo

Master Longhushan!

Huang Wu was shocked and asked, "Do you know the fairy master of Longhushan?"

"Of course. I am still good friends with their immortal master." Lu Yi said in his heart, old blind man, laozi is interesting, and call you immortal master in front of outsiders.

"What is the function of this lightning talisman?" Huang Wu asked again.

"Lightning talisman, as the name suggests, after being used, it can be as fast as lightning." Lu Yi pointed to Leiyun and said: "The world martial arts, only fast and not broken, we can use the speed of transcendence to pass it."

"But I can't use my inner strength."

"It doesn't matter. You don't need internal energy to use this talisman, you just need to recite a spell." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he taught Huang Wu and Luluo how to use the talisman, and then handed Luluo a lightning talisman.

Luluo took the Fulu and said with some suspicion, "Master Lu, can we go through the thundercloud with such a piece of paper?"

"Absolutely no problem." Lu Yi made a vow, but in fact he had no idea.

"Okay, I'll try it." Huang Wu said.

"Lord, let me try it!" Luluo stopped Huang Wu and said, "Although my cultivation base is not high, but if you really encounter danger, you should be able to avoid it. You can't use internal energy. Danger, then trouble."

"Master Lu, please take care of the host, I'll try it first," Luluo said.

Lu Yi nodded: "Well, go, be careful."

Luluo took a deep breath, then stabilized her mind, and slowly walked towards Leiyun until she reached Leiyun without encountering danger.

Although Leiyun gave people a very depressive feeling, he did not come down.

Ahead, lightning is dense.

You have to penetrate this piece of lightning to pass.


Suddenly, Luluo gave a soft drink and suddenly used the lightning talisman to rush towards the lightning. In an instant, only a shadow was seen, incredibly fast.

Seeing that the lightning was about to penetrate, Luluo's face showed joy.

"Sure enough, Lord Lu didn't lie to me. After using Lightning Talisman, the speed is many times faster..."


Just when Luluo was overjoyed, the sky suddenly exploded, and when she looked up, she saw a raid rolling down toward her fiercely.

"Ah..." Lu Luo exclaimed.

"Lu Yi--" Huang Wu heard Lu Luo's scream, her face changed, and she hurriedly asked Lu Yi for help.

"It's okay, a thunder can't kill her." Lu Yi said: "Luluo's cultivation is not low, mainly because she has too little experience. She is still a flower in the greenhouse. If she wants to become stronger, she must be tempered."

"But in case..."

"I'm here, she will be fine."


Thunder fell, and it was about to smash on her body. At the moment of the moment, Luluo suddenly turned a direction and avoided Thunder.


Thunder landed where Luluo was just now, blasting a deep hole into the ground.


Luluo gritted her teeth and rushed towards the lightning again.

"Yes, I know how to face difficulties." Lu Yi praised.

"Hmph, if she has any accidents, I will never finish with you." Huang Wu let out a cold voice, so much lightning and thunder, even she felt terrified.


Luluo's speed was extremely fast, but this time, she hadn't touched the lightning, and the sky would be full of thunder.

not good!

Luluo quickly backed away and fled the dangerous area.


"I'm sorry, I didn't get there." Luluo apologized: "And Master Lu, I wasted you giving Lightning Charm."

"How can it be said that it is a waste. You have done a good job just now. I couldn't do that well when you were at your cultivation level." Lu Yi comforted.

"It's not that you are sorry, but the talisman given by someone is useless at all." Huang Wu hummed.

Lu Yi touched his nose. He didn't expect the Lightning Talisman to be so useless, but he didn't want to admit it, pretending to care about Luluo, and said, "Actually, both of you and I know that it is just using Lightning Talisman. I can’t go through it, but let you try it. Do you know why?"

Lulu shook her head.

"You have experienced too little, and you are not tempered enough. We did this to take this opportunity to hone you. The chaos of the realm of cultivation is coming. As long as you become stronger, you will be safer."

Lu Yi said nonsense, his face was not red and his heart beat.


Huang Wu despised in her heart.

Lu Yi pretended not to see anything, and continued: "Luluo, you have to work hard and don't let me and your landlord have worked hard."

Luluo's touched eyes were red, and she was about to cry, she nodded vigorously, "Thank you Master Lu, thank you, the host, I will work hard."

Huang Wu took Luluo's hand and glared at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi twisted the beginning, not looking at her.

"Landlord, Lu Gongzi, what should we do now? How do we get there?" Lu Luo asked.

"At this point, I can only take a risk." Lu Yi said: "I will take you two over."

"You?" Huang Wu was suspicious.


Lu Yi sacrificed Xuanyuan sword and hung it above his head. The golden light from Xuanyuan Sword fell down to protect Lu Yi.


Lu Yi opened the Nine Turns Golden Body Competition again. The bright golden light formed a body-protecting Qi, which superimposed with the light emitted by Xuanyuan Sword to form an aperture and double body-protection.

"You come in." Lu Yi said.

"Aren't you going to resist thunder and lightning?" Huang Wu asked.

Lu Yi did not speak.

"You are crazy! That's thunder and lightning, which represents the will of heaven and earth. The physical body can't resist at all. If you don't have it, your soul will fly away." Huang Wu said solemnly.

She had survived the tribulation and knew the horror of the thunder. Although the thunderclouds here did not have the horror of the tribulation, they could not bear it.

"Yes, Master Lu, it is too dangerous to resist thunder and lightning with a physical body, I can't let you take risks. Let's think of other ways!" Lu Luo also persuaded.

"Isn't there no better way?" Lu Yi smiled: "Do you believe me? Believe me and follow me, nothing will happen."

"Just in case..."

"I promise you, in case of danger, I will come back immediately, how about it?" Lu Yi looked at Huang Wu and said, feeling surprised. He didn't expect this woman to be worried about herself.

"This is what you said, come back immediately if there is a danger."

"Don't worry, I've always listened to my wife." Lu Yi said with a smile on his face.

"When is it all, you still have the mind to make a joke." Huang Wu glanced at Lu Yi, his tone full of complaints.

Hey, this woman is not angry, and she seems to be a little shy from her expression. Isn't she really interesting to me?

Lu Yi wanted to laugh happily.

"You two be careful, in case, I said in case, in case I can't resist, you should quickly retreat and leave me alone." Lu Yi said solemnly.

"Yeah." The two women nodded at the same time, then got into the golden circle, one left and the other right, standing beside Lu Yi.

"Go!" Lu Yi finished speaking, leading the two women, walking calmly towards the thundercloud.

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