The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1908: Resist Thundercloud

Thunderstorms and lightning converge.

The depressive atmosphere made people breathless.

"Master Lu, can you do it?" Luluo was scared.

"Don't worry." Lu Yi looked serious and brought the two women closer to Leiyun.


Before they approached the thundercloud, a thunder fell from the sky.

"Ah!" Luluo was so scared that Huarong was pale.

"It's okay." Lu Yi comforted.


Thunder strikes Xuanyuan Sword, but it is blocked by Xuanyuan Sword.

Only then did Luluo calm down and exclaimed: "Xuanyuanjian is worthy of being the number one magic weapon in the ancient times. It's really amazing."

Lu Yi had no words and continued to move forward.


Thunder fell again, still blocked by Xuanyuanjian.

Xuanyuan Sword floated and sank above Lu Yi's head, exuding a bright golden light, and permeating abundance of righteousness.

Two consecutive thunderstorms did not injure Lu Yi's people. The thundercloud seemed to be irritated and rolled quickly. All the thunderclouds gathered, and then a bolt of lightning pierced the sky.


A bucket of thunder and lightning smashed down, knocked Xuanyuan sword flying, and landed directly on top of Lu Yi's head.


Lu Yi didn't even look at it, even without lifting his eyelids, he knocked the lightning back with a strong punch.

Xuanyuanjian returned to Lu Yi's head again.


Lu Yi's actions made Leiyun completely furious, and countless thunder and lightning fell down here, seeming to destroy the world.


Xuanyuanjian suffered dozens of thunder and lightning, unscathed, always hung above Lu Yi's head, stubbornly resisting the thunder and lightning.

Lu Yi took the two women forward. At this moment, they had reached the middle of the thundercloud. They only needed to walk one hundred meters further to pass through the thundercloud.

Lu Yi looked more serious.

Because he noticed that the power of thunder and lightning was getting stronger and stronger.


A purple thunder and lightning appeared abruptly, hitting Xuanyuan Sword, the powerful force knocked Xuanyuan Sword into the air, and then blasted it towards Lu Yi's head.

"Humph!" Lu Yi snorted coldly, raising his fist and bombarding again.


Although the thunder and lightning were repelled, Lu Yi's entire arm was numb, and it took half a minute for the numbness to disappear.

"Be careful," Huang Wu reminded.

Lu Yi nodded and continued to move forward.


The purple thunder and lightning rolled down again, Xuanyuan sword was flew again, and Lu Yi punched again, but as soon as his fist touched the thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning followed his fist and gathered on his arm. The mushy smell passes into the nostrils.

"Get off!" Lu Yi was furious, and a bright golden light appeared on his arm, completely isolating the thunder and lightning, but his left arm was also scorched.

A piercing pain came.

A cold sweat broke out on Lu Yi's forehead.

"How are you?" Huang Wu asked urgently.

"It's okay." Lu Yi didn't change his face.

"Master Lu, I have a panacea, let me apply it!" Lu Luoqiao's face was full of worry.

"No need to."

Lu Yi didn't care about this little injury. Sure enough, within five seconds, the charred skin on his left arm fell off and new skin grew.

Huang Wu was extremely shocked.

Does he have self-healing methods?

He raised his head and glanced at Lu Yi deeply, but Huang Wu said nothing.

"There are still fifty meters. As long as we pass those fifty meters, we will be safe." Lu Yi reminded: "Everyone be careful."


The three cautiously walked forward.


Just after two steps, thunder and lightning fell in the sky.

Xuanyuanjian was beaten into flight.

Now the power of the lightning was too great, Xuanyuanjian couldn't resist it. After Xuanyuanjian was blown away, the lightning fell on the golden light of the protective body, punching a hole in the golden light of the protective body.

Thunder and lightning fell swiftly.


Lu Yi knocked the lightning back with a punch, and then his body moved.


Lu Yi suddenly flew high into the sky, covering Huang Wu and Luluo with golden light, and shouted, "Go away!"

"Master Lu——"


The two women were moved. Unexpectedly, Lu Yi would physically shake the thunder and lightning and help them block the danger.

"Go!" Huang Wu was very decisive, leading Luluo forward.

Lu Yi was above them, welcoming thunder and lightning with his body.


Hundreds of thunder and lightning rushed out, forming an explosion, surging down, and the world was vast.

This is the most terrifying thunder and lightning ever encountered.


Thunder and lightning are almost destroying human souls. They are vast and vast, like a terrifying tsunami, sweeping across nine heavens and ten earth, and like thousands of planets falling down, very terrifying.

"Master Lu!"

"Lu Yi!"

Huang Wu and Lu Luo looked up at Lu Yi at the same time, panic on their faces.

"Leave me alone, let's go!" Lu Yi shouted, and at the same time, he used the Nine Turns Golden Body Decision to gather the strength of his whole body and raise his combat power to the extreme.


The thunder and lightning fell and exploded the void, and soon flooded Lu Yi into it, and the dazzling lightning filled every inch of space.

As calm as a phoenix dance, tears in his eyes.

She is not a person who is easily moved, but Lu Yi used his body to block Le Thunder for them at this time, which moved her.

The thunder and lightning are surging.


Suddenly, a loud cry sounded, and then, only Lu Yi's figure rushed out of the thunder sea, dressed in white, as if the fairy king was alive.

"Lord, Lord Lu is fine, he is fine..." Lu Luo shouted in surprise.

Huang Wu's tears finally couldn't help but dripped down.


The thundercloud erupted completely, and the thunder was in the air.

This time, Lu Yi did not choose to greet him passively, but with another long roar, he took the initiative to rush towards the thunder and lightning.

His actions stunned Huang Wu and Lu Luo.

"Are Lu and Lu Gongzi crazy?" Lu Luo asked in horror.

Huang Wu's eyes are shining like stars, what a person who does not succumb to the will of heaven and earth!

For some reason, Huang Wu suddenly felt a feeling in her heart that if Lu Yi grew up, maybe he could really get justice for Taiyimen.

Lu Yi was in the thunder sea, his skin was cracked, his body was charred, golden blood was flying, and he was suffering unimaginable pain.

However, Lu Yi's body was not broken.

"Lu Gongzi is too good." Lu Luo exclaimed.

Huang Wu's eyes also shone brightly, and Lu Yi's toughness surprised her.


Hundreds of sky thunders fell again, burying Lu Yi below. I don't know how many thunders hit him, the golden blood splashed, and his bones "clicked" and broke.

Soon, as powerful as Lu Yi, his body began to crack, and there were many wounds on his body, and his bones were exposed, which was terrible.

"Lu Gongzi..."

Luluo held her mouth and cried.

Huang Wu's face was solemn, and she said nothing, but the concern in her eyes was self-evident.

Just when Lu Yi was ready for a greater thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning disappeared unexpectedly.

what's the situation?

Lu Yi was dumbfounded.

The thunder and lightning never fell, and just like that, the three of them finally passed thundercloud.

Passing through the thunderclouds, I haven't seen the exit of the canyon yet, and the dark mist is still thick.


As soon as Huang Wu spoke, Luluo plunged into Lu Yi's arms and said, "Master Lu, I was scared to death just now. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it scared me to death." Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded.

"Who?" Lu Yi turned his head suddenly, and saw a figure standing not far away.

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