The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1925: Shili Peach Blossom

Huang Wu allowed Lu Yi to hold her waist and her face was hot, but she was very moved. Lu Yi gave her the magic medicine, which made her feel that Lu Yi was generous and valued her.

She grew up in the realm of cultivation and knew the importance of magical medicine. Not to mention that she and Lu Yi had known each other for a short time. Even some of the brothers in the realm of cultivation would turn their heads against the magical medicine.

Such examples can often be seen in the cultivation world.

Moreover, the two-life flower is a magical medicine that allows a saint to live out the second life, and it is even more precious. Even if it is a saint, it will not be given away.

But Lu Yi was fine. Without hesitation, he gave it to her, which made her unmoved.

"If she doesn't have a fiancée and there are not so many women, marrying him might be a good choice." Huang Wu suddenly thought in her heart.

"However, many big figures in the cultivation world are also in groups of wives and concubines. It seems to be fine to marry him. Moreover, he is so good, handsome, nice to people, and there are definitely many women who like her."

"If I really marry him, what will Luluo do?"

"Huang Wu, Huang Wu, what's the matter with you, how can you think about it, no, this thing is too ridiculous, you can't think about it anymore."

Huang Wu's face was red and her ears were red, afraid that Lu Yi had discovered her mind, so she quietly raised her head and glanced up, only to see Lu Yi staring ahead, not even noticing her.


Huang Wu sighed secretly.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that Lu Yi's hand that originally held her waist slowly climbed up, only an inch away from her key part.

Huang Wu's heart was tense, and her heart was in chaos.

"What to do? If he assaults me, do I have to resist? He won't be angry? What if he gets angry?"

"But if he doesn't resist, will he think I am a bad woman..."

Huang Wu was very confused.

It turns out that her worries are unnecessary.

Lu Yi's hand did not continue to climb up to grab her key part.

This sea of ​​fire seems to have no boundaries.

Lu Yi hugged Huang Wu and walked for two days and nights, but still hadn't got out of here.

"Are you tired, or should we take a break?" Huang Wu said.

Lu Yi nodded.

The two stopped.

Huang Wu took out his handkerchief and gently helped Lu Yi wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"You said, what if we never get out of here?" Lu Yi asked suddenly.

Huang Wu thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

Lu Yi smiled and said: "If you are really trapped here, it will be fine. Anyway, I will not be lonely if you are with me."

Huang Wu rolled his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Lu Yi asked.

Huang Wu nodded in embarrassment. Although she was a monk, she couldn't exert the slightest inner strength after using the secret method, which was no different from ordinary people.

In the past few days, I have been in danger and have been on the road for a long time.

Lu Yi took out food from the space ring and handed it to Huang Wu.

"What is this?" Huang Wu asked, looking at the food in her hand. She had never seen such a thing.

"This is called a hamburger. Many people in our secular world like to eat it. Try it." Lu Yi said with a smile.

Huang Wu took a bite lightly and asked, "How is it sour?"

"That's yogurt."

Huang Wu took another bite, and then took a big bite.

"It's delicious?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

"good to eat."

"Unfortunately, this kind of food is only delicious if it is freshly baked. Although I have preserved it well and the burger has not deteriorated, the taste is still not fresh." Lu Yi said, "If you want to eat fresh, follow me later. Secular world, I will take you to eat."

"Yeah." Huang Wu said, and continued to eat. Because the speed was too fast, she almost choked and made Huang Wu blush in embarrassment.

"I almost forgot, I still have Sprite, this thing is delicious." Lu Yi took out a bottle of Sprite from the space ring again, opened it and handed it to Huang Wu.

"Is this drinkable?" It was also the first time that Huang Wu saw Sprite. She saw the bubbling in the bottle. She couldn't help but wonder, how could it be like poison?

"Of course I can drink it, and it's been iced. It's so cool and flying." Lu Yi smiled.

Huang Wu took a sip, which seemed to taste good, and then took another sip, which seemed to be better, sweet, and continued drinking.

In the blink of an eye, she drank most of a bottle of Sprite.

Seeing Lu Yi looking at her with straight eyes, Huang Wu stopped, and said embarrassingly: "I have never eaten burgers in the cultivation world, and I have never drunk Coke. I didn't expect that there are so many in the secular world. delicious."

"These are nothing. There are many good things in the secular world, such as Beijing roast duck, Jiangcheng hot dry noodles, Suzhou-Hangzhou lion head, Xiangjiang small fish and shrimp, Zhongyuan stewed noodles, Mapo tofu, husband and wife's lung slices, Zhou black duck, Tira Misu, cappuccino, latte..."

Lu Yi talked about hundreds of delicacies in one breath.

Although I haven't seen it before, just hearing the name makes people drooling. Huang Wu was yearning and said, "I really envy you people in the secular world. You can eat all kinds of delicious food."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "When you have a chance in the future, you will go to the secular world. I will take you to taste the world's delicacies."

"Don't lie to me."

"Do not lie to you."

"A word is a deal."

"A word is a deal."

After resting for an hour, the two continued on their way. I don't know how long they walked, Lu Yi was tired and paralyzed. Just when he was about to be unable to hold on, the flames finally disappeared.

"Look!" Huang Wu said loudly, pointing to the front.

Lu Yi looked up and saw that there was a piece of land in front of him. The two went ashore. Lu Yi took Huang Wu's hand and strolled forward.

Along the way, hills and ridges revolve around, pines and cypresses are everywhere, and during the continuous paddy fields, there is a scenery of Jiangnan.

The breeze came slowly.

I closed my eyes and sniffed, I only felt that the wind was mixed with a strong floral fragrance, and then I walked forward and looked from a distance, I saw lush green, one green, one red, one yellow, one purple, and flowers like flowers. Brocade is full of peach blossoms in full bloom, stretching ten miles.

"So beautiful!"

Huang Wu exclaimed, completely intoxicated by the beauty in front of her.

Lu Yi concealed the dike.

He knows that something that looks more beautiful is often more dangerous. He dared not let his guard down.

"Lu Yi, you come soon." Huang Wu was very excited. At this moment, she didn't look like a sect master at all, but like a young girl who hadn't been involved in the world, leaping towards Taolin.

Baishan was blown away by the wind, and Lu Yi followed behind her and saw a scene that made him almost bleed.

"It's beautiful!" Lu Yi exclaimed.

There is green grass everywhere, like a soft cushion.

Huang Wu is like a little girl, jumping around in the peach forest, very happy.

Lu Yi lay on the grass, looking at Huang Wu, secretly cried out that it was a pity that he knew that he would encounter such a beautiful scenery, and he should bring a camera when he came to the realm of cultivation.

Poor thinking!

Huang Wu is like an elf, tirelessly dancing in the peach forest. Gradually, Lu Yi felt dizzy. When he looked up, he saw Huang Wu's figure turning around in front of him, his vision getting blurred. In the dim, he saw Huang Wu take off his only white shirt...

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