The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1926: Distracted

Lu Yi only felt his head dizzy and swelling, eyelids heavy, and with all his strength, he barely opened a gap, only to see no strands on Huang Wu's body, his skin was soft-soft and delicate, pink and full of luster, gorgeous and moving, it was called the world. The most difficult temptation to resist.

Huang Wuxiu spread his criticism on her shoulders, and she could see her beautiful face in a daze, and a faint radiance flashed across her body. Two blushes exuded a unique fragrance, which made people confused.

A heavy exhaustion came, and Lu Yi closed his eyes and wanted to take a good rest.

At this moment, the rosary on his wrist suddenly radiated a radiance, and Lu Yi suddenly felt a cool air wafting up and down his whole body, instantly waking up.

what happened?

Lu Yi was shocked. At that moment, he almost lost himself. Fortunately, there are no enemies, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The vest was soaked in cold sweat.

Lu Yi looked up and saw Huang Wu still dancing in the peach forest. The clothes on her body did not fade. What I saw just now was nothing but an illusion.

what is the problem?

Lu Yi was puzzled. At the moment just now, he had lost himself unconsciously, which was terrible.

"Huang Wu!" Lu Yi shouted.

"Come here, come here." Huang Wu waved at him.

Is she okay?

Lu Yi was even more puzzled, why Huang Wu was not lost, but he was lost?

This place must be weird.

Lu Yi carefully guarded, and walked slowly to Huang Wu's side.

Huang Wu approached Lu Yi and asked with a smile, "Want to watch me dance?"

Lu Yi nodded.

"I'll show it to you." Huang Wu finished speaking, stepping on the soft grass with both feet, flying through the peach blossom forest, dancing lightly.

She flutters like a fairy, standing proudly, like a fairy descending the earth, her dancing posture can be seen to the extreme, her long hair pouring down, she is beautiful.

The scent of flowers bursts into the nose.

Gradually, Lu Yi fell completely into the dance of Huang Wu.

Huang Wu's waist was like a multi-colored wicker, twisting flexibly, she lightly stretched her sleeves, and her delicate body rotated with it, turning faster and faster, just like fairy Lingbo, indescribably beautiful.

"What a nice view!"

Lu Yi's eyes straightened.

He likes this feeling very much.

Mountains, water, peach blossoms, grassland, and phoenix dance form a harmonious landscape painting, which makes people indulge in it and hard to extricate themselves.

It's so pleasant.

Lu Yi only felt a sense of fatigue coming up, he wanted to sleep here and forget all his worries.

He just wants to sleep now.

Involuntarily, Lu Yi lay on the grass, feeling heavy and exhausted, and he gradually closed his eyelids.

At this moment, Lu Yi felt like he was flying in the clouds, fluttering and ecstatic, and he had never been so relaxed before.

"Get a good night's sleep!"

There was a voice in Lu Yi's heart saying.

Just when Lu Yi was about to fall into a dream completely, suddenly, a biting cold came from his wrist, and Lu Yi suddenly woke up.

The surrounding environment has not changed, Taolin is here, Huang Wu is also there.

what is happening?

Lu Yi was frightened.

Unconsciously, he was able to get lost, even if it was a powerhouse of the gods, he couldn't do it, but he was biased.

The most important thing is that he has no physical discomfort except fatigue. At first, Lu Yi suspected that he was poisoned, but after investigation, it was found that there was no poisoning.


A huge question appeared in Lu Yi's heart.

Subconsciously, he looked at Huang Wu, and suddenly his eyes straightened.

I saw Huang Wu dancing in the peach forest. Slowly, she reached for the button of the white shirt and unbuttoned a button.

A startling glance, a touch of whiteness.

Then, she raised another leg.

Fair, straight and slender.

The white shirt gradually lifted upwards, revealing a breathtaking scenery.

Lu Yi mentioned his throat all over his heart.

What is she going to do? Tempt me?


Lu Yi swallowed.

Then, Huang Wu swung her neck, tearing at her clothes with both hands, grasping the mountain in front of him with one hand, and rubbing it.

Red lips slightly open.

"Guru!" Lu Yi swallowed again. He clearly felt that a certain part of his body was fighting against him, raising his head high.

What the **** is this woman doing?

Lu Yi's body warmed uncontrollably. Since coming to the realm of cultivation, he hasn't touched a woman, and Huang Wu's actions at this moment are undoubtedly teasing her.

I thought she was very conservative, but didn't expect to have this side?

Lu Yi was dumbfounded.

Huang Wu slowly put her clothes under her legs, revealing her fragrant shoulders, and her smooth skin was as dazzling as white porcelain.

"Huang Wu!" Lu Yi couldn't help but shouted.

However, Huang Wu didn't even look at him at all, and continued to take off his clothes.

"not good!"

Lu Yi suddenly felt something was wrong, and Huang Wu seemed to be lost too, and immediately flashed out and hugged Huang Wu's waist.

"What's the matter with you?" Lu Yi just asked, Huang Wu's hands hooked her neck, her body pressed closely to his body.

The softness in front of him was unobstructed, and Huang Wu exhaled like orchids in Lu Yi's ears. Lu Yi who had originally wanted to say something was stunned.

Huang Wu clung to Lu Yi tightly, twisting her waist, and soon the clothes on her body faded completely. Her eyes were watery and blurred, and she whispered in Lu Yi's ear: "Master Lu, give me..."

This sentence was like a fuse, and Lu Yi suddenly exploded.

He hugged Huang Wu tightly.

Moaning softly and confusedly, the two lay on the grass, entangled.

Happiness is like a tide, rushing in one upon another.

Among them, Lu Yi was once sober, but this happy feeling made him rather lost than waking up.

Huang Wu is very proactive and caters to Lu Yi.

On the grass, the jade-body is horizontally braced, a piece of crystal clear, her hair is scattered, delicate and feeble, and there are intermittent groans from her mouth...

As the saying goes, it is the spring to the world. Place the willow waist, gently remove the flower heart, and open the dew drops of peonies.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Yi woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Huang Wu with her back facing him, no strands on her body, she was still asleep.

Me, me and her...

No way?

But the soreness from below, and the bright red on the grass, made Lu Yi thoroughly confirm that he really had a relationship with Huang Wu.

How to do?

"Huang Wu, Huang Wu..." Lu Yi yelled twice.

Huang Wu did not respond.

What should I do?

Lu Yi was worried.

This is not the secular world. If the secular world is happy and has a relationship, this is a normal thing, but there are too many red tapes in the cultivation world. What if Huang Wu wakes up and finds that she has lost her baby for the first time, what should I do?

Just when Lu Yi didn't know what to do, Huang Wu turned over and opened his eyes.

"Huang Wu, right..." As soon as Lu Yi spoke, Huang Wu stretched out two fingers, sealed Lu Yi's mouth, and said softly: "I don't want to hear these three words."

"What is that?" Lu Yi was taken aback.

"Marry me!"

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