The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1929: A series of nine songs, a hundred officials worship

Lu Yi pulled Huang Wu, and the two of them stepped down the steps, twists and turns, not knowing how long they walked, finally, a little light appeared in the front.

The two accelerated their pace.

When they came to the light, they realized that they did not find an exit, but came to a huge underground palace.

The light they saw just now was a permanent light.

There is a ghostly atmosphere here, I don't know how many years no one has come, and it exudes a strong musty smell.

I don’t know how many years the ever-bright lamp has been burning, and the lamp oil has not been exhausted. Looking down, a step leads to the ground. It is pitch black and bottomless.

Huang Wu was a little scared in her heart, and took Lu Yi's arm tightly, and asked, "Isn't this the road to the underworld?"

"Don't be afraid, I am here." Lu Yi said, "There is only such a way in front of us. It seems that we can only go from here."

"Yeah." Huang Wu responded softly, following Lu Yi closely.

The two of them walked down the steps for nearly a thousand steps, and another bright light appeared, and then they walked forward, and almost every time they passed through a period of darkness, a permanent light appeared.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound under my feet.

"What did you step on?" Huang Wu asked.


Lu Yi glowed golden light, and when he lowered his head, he saw that it was a skeleton.

"Ah..." Huang Wu exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid, it's been a long time." Lu Yi glanced roughly. This skeleton should have been dead for hundreds of years.

Because it is a single passage, there is no need to find a way. Lu Yi and Huang Wu have been walking down, walking a full 20,000 steps, and they have not reached the end.

The steps continue to extend underground, as if they really lead to the underworld.

Dark and quiet.

After taking another ten thousand steps, Lu Yi not only took a breath of air-conditioning. They walked a full thirty thousand steps before they even reached the end. What happened?

You know, the general journey to the underground is only three thousand steps at most, but now it has surpassed ten times, and it has not yet reached the end.

"Where is this? Is the Samsara Sword Saint buried underneath?" Lu Yi wondered.

Go deeper.

Occasionally, you will see skeletons.

After another 28,000 steps, I finally reached the end of the passage, and heard the sound of water in my ears.

"Is it a dark river?" Huang Wu asked.

"Yeah." Lu Yi nodded.

Looking forward, I saw a wide, dark river forming a jade belt, flowing in front of him, the river was cold, and a few meters away, I felt cold invading my skin.


Huang Wu shivered from the cold.

Lu Yi quickly emitted a golden light and protected Huang Wu's body, then took out a water-proof charm and handed it to Huang Wu.

"This is the fairy master Fulu again?"

"Well. This symbol is called the water avoidance symbol, and its use is..."

Lu Yi told Huang Wu how to use the water avoidance charm, and then the two jumped into the river and walked along the dark river.

There was a water talisman to protect his body, and he didn't feel the slightest chill. After about ten kilometers, the underground river turned into a curve.

The two turned along the dark river and moved on.

Almost every ten kilometers walked, there will be a turn.

He walked a full ninety kilometers.

At this time, it finally reached the end of the dark river.

Looking ahead, Lu Yi's heart sank, and he saw a huge black hole, as if it was about to swallow him, giving out a frightening breath.

Looking up, I saw a bare sword-shaped mountain standing in front, blocking the way, like a sword, as high as one hundred meters.

And that black hole is at the bottom of the mountain.

Lu Yi looked back and saw that the underground river was in a nine-curve continuous ring, crawling in front of the mountain peak and spreading to the distance.

He was shocked to find that in addition to the dark river, there are countless stone statues standing around the dark river, like a thousand horses, looking towards the mountain.

At this time, the mountain is more like a great man with a million masters in his hand, under one person and above ten thousand people, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger.

"this is……"

Lu Yi finally understood, and his heart was shocked.

"what happened?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, Senior Samsara Juggernaut should be buried here." Lu Yi pointed to the mountain.

"Are you sure?" Huang Wu asked in surprise.

"Uncertain, but at least 80% sure." Lu Yi pointed to the underground river and the stone statue, and said: "With the mountain as the center, the underground river is a chain of nine twists. The stone statues are worshipped by hundreds of officials. The wind is full of air, and the weather is majestic and majestic. It is a rare big Fengshui bureau in the ages."

"This kind of feng shui, if someone in the secular world wins it, future generations will become good looks even if they don’t become the ninth-five gods."

Lu Yi exclaimed: "The Samsara Juggernaut is not only a generation of Juggernaut, but also a master who understands Feng Shui. It just makes me puzzled. He has no descendants. Why build such a huge Feng Shui bureau?"

Huang Wu frowned and said, "I heard from Master that in the early years of the Samsara Sword Sage, he had an affair with a saint of the sect. I heard that the saint was still pregnant."

"Really?" Lu Yi raised his eyebrows: "So he has descendants?"

"I don't know." Huang Wu said, "Anyway, the saint was executed later. As for whether she gave birth to a child, no one knows."

"Executed? Which sect is the saint?" Lu Yi asked.

"Sword Temple."


Lu Yi frowned, how could he have something to do with the Sword God Temple again?

"Forget it, let's go in, no matter whether we can get the inheritance, we have to find a way to get out of here."

So many things happened when he got here. To be honest, Lu Yi was no longer interested in the inheritance of the Samsara Swordmaster. What he wanted now was to go out safely.

He always felt that it was not easy to set up such a huge Feng Shui bureau after the death of the Samsara Sword Saint, and there was no secret in it.

Lu Yi hugged Huang Wu, and then started the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment, protecting the two with golden light, and then offering the Xuanyuan sword out and hanging it above his head before he walked towards the black hole in the mountain area.

When they came to the black hole, a huge swallowing force directly sucked in Lu Yi and Huang Wu, and when they opened their eyes again, they were instantly dumbfounded.

This is the interior of the mountain.

What shocked Lu Yi and Huang Wu was that the entire mountain seemed to have been hollowed out. It was more like a Buddhist temple. From bottom to top, there were layers of ever-bright lights, densely packed, all the way to the peak. top.

Strangely, all the lights went out.

Everything is clean and dust-free. Can't see a cobweb. It's as if someone has always lived here.

There is a faint scent of sandalwood in the air.


Suddenly, a strange voice came, followed by Lu Yi feeling an inexplicable wind above his head.


Lu Yi raised his head and slammed out with a fist.


A sound of flapping wings.

"What?" Huang Wu asked nervously.

"I didn't see clearly..." Lu Yi didn't finish speaking, and a cold wind blew his face. Vaguely, he saw a figure with two huge wings behind him...

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