The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1930: Bronze door

"Ferocious beast?"

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes and punched suddenly.


The golden fist struck out, and the figure suddenly drew away, because he had a pair of huge wings behind him, which was surprisingly fast.

"What is it?" Huang Wu asked.

"It seems to be a fierce beast, but it doesn't look like it." Lu Yi said with a frown.


The sound of the wind screamed, and the figure flew in front of Lu Yi, and disappeared in a flash. Before Lu Yi could make a move, the other party ran away.

"What the **** is it?" Lu Yi frowned even more tightly.

"Be careful." Huang Wu reminded.

The place is dark and bleak, and it feels very oozing.


A scream came, and Lu Yi felt a huge crisis, and Xuanyuanjian cut out with a "clang" sound.


There was a scream in the darkness, and then water dripped.

Huang Wu touched a drop of water on the back of his hand, raised his hand and looked, his face changed, and said, "It's blood."

Lu Yi's face changed slightly, and he shouted into the darkness: "What? Don't pretend to be a fool, you have the ability to come out."


Teeth groaning in the darkness.

"No matter how sneaky you are, don't blame me for being rude to you." Lu Yi held the Xuanyuan sword, with golden sword light flowing on the sword.


Suddenly, a permanent light came on.

Lu Yi was surprised.

Immediately afterwards, one after another of the bright lights came on, and in just ten seconds, all the bright lights were on.

Let alone one hundred thousand lights.

Densely packed.

The scene is photographed like daylight.

Until this time, Lu Yi finally saw the figure clearly.

He is only twenty meters away from Lu Yi.

The height is three meters, the upper body is thick and the lower body is thin, which is extremely uncoordinated. His face is very similar to that of a monkey, with thick hair, and the strangest thing is that he has two horns on his head.

There is also a pair of huge wings growing behind him, which is two to three meters long after spreading out. The hands are more like bear paws, and the backs of the hands are also covered with thick hair.

His eyes were like copper bells, staring at Lu Yi and Huang Wu, his body exuded a cold breath, his teeth grinning, his appearance was ugly.

"He doesn't seem to be a fierce beast." Lu Yi said.

"He is not a fierce beast at all." Huang Wu said with a solemn expression, "He is a foreign race."

"Alien?" Lu Yi was taken aback.

"Aliens are also divided into many types. He must be a certain kind of aliens." Huang Wu finished speaking, and asked the alien: "Why are you here?"

The man did not say.

"He is either dumb, or he can't speak human words..."

Before Lu Yi finished speaking, he heard the alien say: "Despicable humans, you dare to come here and die."

"Hey, do you speak the language of the human race?" Lu Yi came to be interested and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Why do you humans appear here?" the alien asked.

"This is the mausoleum of the Samsara Sword Saint. We are here to find the heritage of the Sword Saint." Lu Yi said.

"Inferior humans also want to obtain the inheritance of the swordsman, really looking for death. If the young master knows about it, they will swallow you alive." After the alien said, he rushed towards Lu Yi.

There was a cold light flashing on his claws, sharp as a knife, and extremely fast, taking Lu Yi's throat straight.


Lu Yi's shot was a punch.


Those claws hit Lu Yi's fists, making the sound of metal collision, sparks splashing everywhere.

"Why are you here? Who is the young master you are talking about?" Lu Yi asked.


The alien did not answer at all, spread his wings, rose up into the sky, and then dived down suddenly. At the same time, the nail on his claw suddenly rose to two feet, like a sharp blade, piercing Lu Yi's chest.

"court death!"

Lu Yi was angry, his right palm opened, and five invisible sword auras shot out, each of which was dazzling like lightning, coming in an instant.

call out!

The sword gas pierced through the two wings of the alien, and saw his body tremble, and with a "boom", he fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Then he got up from the ground, trying to escape.


Lu Yi's figure was like a ghost, and he appeared in front of the alien in an instant, kicked his chest fiercely, and the alien flew out.


The alien hit the ground again, spurting blood from his mouth.

"I ask you again, why are you here? Who is the Young Master that you are talking about?" Lu Yi asked.

"Despicable human race, although I don't know how you came here, but I tell you, you can't get the sword saint inheritance. Because the inheritance belongs to our young master." The alien stared at Lu Yi fiercely.

"Who is the Young Master you talking about?" Lu Yi asked again.

"Hey, the young master is naturally the young master, and the sword saint leaves the inheritance, so that the young master can one day break through the saint and become the emperor."

Lu Yi and Huang Wu exchanged glances, and then asked: "Listen to what you mean, the inheritance of the Samsara Sword Saint is reserved for your Young Master?"

"of course."

"What is the relationship between your Young Master and Samsara Sword Saint?"

"Hey, I can only tell you that Young Master is the closest person to Sword Saint in this world."


Lu Yi and Huang Wu have more doubts in their hearts. Could it be that the young master in this alien's mouth is the heir of the Samsara Sword Saint?

But I haven't heard that the Samsara Sword Saint has descendants!

In order to clarify the relationship between the two, Lu Yi asked again: "Who is your Young Master the Samsara Sword Saint? "

"I have no obligation to tell you this. When the young master becomes a saint, you will naturally know. However, you should have no chance to know, because I am going to kill you."

After the alien finished speaking, he rushed towards Lu Yi again.

Because of the injuries to both wings, his speed was much slower.

"I have no grievances with you, I didn't want to kill you, but since you don't know anything, you can't blame me." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he took out his sword.


A sword swept over, and the alien was beheaded.

The scene returned to silence.

"What do you think?" Lu Yi asked.

"It's hard to say. If the alien did not lie to us just now, it can only mean that Senior Samsara Juggernaut is very likely to be involved with aliens. However, Senior Samsara Juggernaut helped the Human Race resist the alien invasion during his lifetime. He is the great human hero. No Should have something to do with a foreign race?"

Huang Wu frowned and couldn't understand.

"I'm very curious about the true identity of the Young Master in his mouth. If that Young Master is really the heir of the Samsara Sword Master, and has an unusual relationship with another race, then I am afraid that Samsara Sword Saint still has many secrets that we don't know." Lu Yi said .

"After all, so many young people have passed away. We don't know and it's normal," Huang Wu said.

Lu Yi nodded, everyone has a secret, let alone a great figure who became a generation of saints. Swept around and found nothing of value.

"Hey, there seems to be a door over there." Huang Wu said, pointing to the southeast corner.

"Let's take a look." Lu Yi also saw it.

The two of them walked over and saw that it was a door, but this door was a bit unusual, three feet high, three meters wide, cast in bronze, simple and majestic, and extremely heavy.

No mechanism was found, Lu Yi had to gather all his strength, and then slapped the bronze door hard.



The bronze door was slowly pushed open...

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