The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1931: Born emperor

The bronze door opened slowly, and a strong musty smell rushed over his face, and he felt like vomiting. Inside was a passage, which was extremely dark.

Lu Yi turned on the sky and saw a huge ever-bright lamp on the wall.

"call out!"

Lifting his right hand, a sword gas struck it out and hit the wick. With a click, the ever-bright light ignited, instantly illuminating the entire passage.

The passage is cut from unknown stone, very hard, white jade color, silent inside, very quiet.

"Is there no way out here?" Huang Wu asked.

"Go ahead and have a look." Lu Yi was also unsure, leading Huang Wu into the pass, not hurriedly or slowly, and gradually moved forward.

Every tens of meters, a permanent beacon appeared on the wall of the passage. With the light of the permanent beacon, they went deep five or six miles without knowing it.

"Huh, look."

Suddenly, Huang Wu exclaimed.

Lu Yi turned his head and saw a lot of stone carvings on the wall of the passage, because the age was too long and the dust was too thick to see clearly.


As Lu Yi rolled his sleeves, a powerful internal energy swept away, and the dust on the wall was instantly swept away.

The picture is clear.

A very simple pattern, recording a picture of a young man practicing hard. The young man took the sword, day after day, year after year,

His eyes are firm and persistent.

At the beginning, there was only the young man, but in the engraved pictures behind, many corpses appeared, and all of them fell under the young boy's feet, blood flowing into a river.

"If you read it right, this young man with a sword should be the saint of reincarnation. What is recorded here is what happened when he was young." Lu Yi said.

"But why are these things carved here? Do you want to leave something for future generations?" Huang Wu was full of doubts.

The two continued to look down, and the more they looked, the more shocked they became, because they discovered that the young man with the sword had slaughtered a village, not even the woman and the child.

"Is this young man really a Samsara Sword Master? I can hardly imagine that he would be so vicious when he was young." Huang Wu's face was full of shock.

"Although I don't know why he slaughtered a village, it didn't hurt the women and children. It was a bit too much." Lu Yi's eyes were angry.

After slaughtering the entire village, the young man sat alone in the village for three hundred years. He changed from a young man to a middle-aged man.

The cultivation base has also become more powerful.

He changed into a black suit with the word "reincarnation" written on the back, and a few words beside the portrayal: "Once I woke up, I regretted that I hadn't, and since then I walked the world with a wooden sword and asked the sky."

Later, he began to walk between famous mountains and big rivers, visiting masters of various sects, and exchanged ideas. After 1,500 years, he became a saint with the sword.

On the day of becoming a saint, all major forces in the cultivation world came to congratulate.

Among them, there was a person wearing purple clothes. He showed only one back, and then used the sword to refer to the three swords from the Samsara Sword Saint.

The Three Swords do not distinguish the outcome, but the Samsara Sword Saint is full of shock and admiration. It is obvious that the Ziyiren's cultivation in the sword is definitely not weaker than him.

Later, the Samsara Juggernaut and the purple-clothed man became friends, and they often got together to drink and talk about it. It seemed that the two fell in love.

Looking down three more engraved pictures, a girl suddenly appeared in the picture.

The girl was seven or eight years old, also dressed in purple, with big eyes and very aura, helping the two of them to pour wine.

This is a very harmonious picture.

After another ten years, the purple-clothed girl was already slim, like a blooming lotus, with extraordinary temperament.

The Samsara Sword Saint still drank with the purple-clothed man, and the girl still helped them pour the wine, but the girl looked at the Samsara Sword Saint with admiration.

In the next picture, the purple-clothed man is missing, only the Samsara Sword Saint and the girl.

Samsara Sword Saint dances the sword, the girl plays the piano.

Then the two traveled hand in hand.

Decades passed in a hurry, and the two fell in love.

A small sentence appeared on the portrayal: "It's enough to be a confidant in life!"

At this time, the man in purple appeared again.

Still unable to see his face, he and the Samsara Sword Saint had a big quarrel in the picture, not knowing what was said, he forcibly took the girl away.

Next, the Samsara Juggernaut lived with wine and was depressed for a while, and then one day, a huge monster with three eyes appeared and killed nearly a million people in a small town.

Gradually, there were more and more strange monsters, and the realm of cultivation was in chaos, raging was everywhere, and they were attacked everywhere.

Later, the cultivation world called the monster "alien."

The Samsara Sword Saint and the purple-clothed man stood side by side again, and together they resisted the alien invasion and almost killed the alien.

Especially the purple-clothed man, very powerful, stronger than the Samsara Sword Saint, slashed out with one sword, and killed hundreds of thousands of alien races.

Powerful and terrifying.

"Who is it that is so amazing?" Lu Yi took a cold breath.

"In those days, many powerful people took action to resist the invasion of foreign races. I have never seen the man in purple clothes." Huang Wu said.

"He can stand with the Samsara Sword Saint, at least a super powerhouse at the level of a saint." Lu Yi said.

The alien was almost killed. At this time, the girl in purple appeared again. This time, she wore a golden crown, adorned with five phoenixes and hairpins in the morning sun, and wore a luxurious golden silk moiré dress on her body. She looked like a fairy, noble and graceful.

Worshiped by thousands of people.

But the girl was not happy at all, with two rows of teardrops hanging around her eyes.

Standing on the high platform, the person in purple still only showed his back.

The Samsara Juggernaut went to the scene, had a big fight, and quarreled with the purple-clothed man again, and then the two had a fight.

The most frightening thing for Lu Yi was that he was as powerful as the Samsara Sword Saint, and he was stabbed by the purple-clothed man with a finger, as if in front of the purple-clothed man, the Samsara Sword Saint had no resistance.

The Samsara Sword Saint left here, vented all his anger on the aliens, slaughtered and killed millions.

Only, when facing an alien girl, the Samsara Sword Saint did not kill her, but let her go. Because the girl is only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Behind the girl, there is a pair of huge wings.

On a full moon night, the purple-clothed girl found the Reincarnation Sword God, and they finally joined together under the witness of the moon.

Eight thousand years have passed, the Samsara Juggernaut is late, but the purple-clothed girl looks the same, and the girl is pregnant.

The man in purple began to send someone to hunt down the two.

The two hid in Tibet, fleeing for their lives.

After another five hundred years, the girl in purple gave birth to a baby boy. When the baby boy was born, he was surrounded by Rui Cai. Only the word "Emperor" was engraved on her forehead above her brows.

The baby boy opened his mouth and cried, causing the world to shake, thunder and lightning flashes, and the crying tears directly turned into raindrops in the sky, very terrifying.

Huang Wu's face was full of surprise, and he murmured: "I can't believe that the legendary emperor born in heaven is real!"

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